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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Chirikyat Ascendancy vs Republic Resistance

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On the contrary, you missed my post before making those arguments, forgivable considering I hadn't posted it yet. To give a brief overview of your what you have overlooked:


1. The Ascendancy's force is great at close-range, great. But how exactly is that going to help when wading into an open area at long range? The enemy are going to see them coming long before they get up close, and then it is they who will feel the heat when they stumble in to the various kill zones, mines etc. that the Resistance has set up.


Simply put, in order to effectively employ any one tactic you have put forward, they have to close the gap.


2. Basilisk war droids are countered by aerial fighter support. And as I explained given that space and ground will happen simultaneously, they will no doubt field fighter support before the space battle is lost.


3. I am aware you have Juggernauts, I am the Supreme Arbiter :D, but despite their heavily armourednessness they will far no better when wading into kill zone, I doubt they'd react well to mines blowing up underneath them. Swiftly followed by a barrage of fire from 22 UT-ATs, 22 Tank Droids and 6 Juggernauts, all ready and waiting. Again, we have a siege on our hands here, trying to wade right in to the thick of it is suicide, you'll be attacked from all sides.


4. Hit and run will have no effect on a Juggernaut, these things can't be "whittled down" - only sustained firepower is going to hack it. Not that I'm saying its not possible, but it is far from as easier as you think, especially considering the Sun Guard lack heavy weapons. The Massassi can do jack all with what, spears and claws? They'd be slaughtered. And the Basilisks will have to contend with air support. I think they have a pretty solid strike force here.

1. First, there isn't that much open area between the tree-line and the Great Temple. Perhaps 100 meters, which isn't that far when you consider the top speed of a Juggernaut and the speed of the athletic Massassi. Also, the Juggernaught only needs to draw fire for a very short time before the Massassi are right on top of the RR's forward lines and their vehicles become far more ineffective. The point is to break their line and then swarm them through the break.


Also, how the heck do they have mines? They can't get them from off world...


2. Sel's naval engagement happened quite quickly after the start of the Kaggath. The two sides would hardly reach one another before it was over Beni and the Ascendancy can afford to keep the Basilisks grounded till then. Besides, since the Ascendancy won the space battle then they have the airsupport and thus can presumably blast any exposed UT-AT convoy to pieces. If you're going to allow air support as a result of the naval situation then the Ascendancy has the advantage.


3. Mines again? Seriously, there was never any mention of this anywhere. Regardless, the Juggernauts have (by your own words) "near "impenetrable" thermally superconducting armor". I call BS on that they can't cover 100 meters with that. And the UT-AT's can try to barrage the line (Can Nomi really give that order?), but they'd kill more of their own clones. Not to mention Air support would pick them off in a heartbeat once they fired.


4. Well if the RR gets mines so does the Ascendancy right? So BS to the idea they can't hit and run and slow them down. Plus the UT-AT's that are supposedly clearing the path are much more exposed. and that'd pretty much stop that attack in its tracks.


Again, no air support because the whole battle in space was pretty freakin quick. Maybe a day or so.


Oh, and why can't the Juggernauts breech the Great Temple? I seem to recall

Noting that the Juggernauts can, if focusing on a single area (e.g. your entryway to the temple) can deliver the heat of a nuclear bomb.


Edit: and this diagram that Sel so helpfully pointed out, shows the Great Temple is literally backed up to the forest. In the Jedi Academy books we know Luke was able to leap from a point on the Temple to a nearby tree. From the Young Jedi Knights series we know there wasn't much distance between the trees and the temple.


After the Sun Guard eliminated the lookouts stealthily (which is their specialty). The Juggernauts could roll up to the backside and blow a massive hole in the rear of the temple and rush in unopposed. Just a thought, but an obvious weakness to the RR that it has to defend all sides and therefore not have all its vehicles focused on a single point of defence.


And furthermore. Remember that the Ascendancy is getting resupplied with Basilisk War Droids, Mandalorian soldiers, and Juggernauts this entire time.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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1. First, there isn't that much open area between the tree-line and the Great Temple. Perhaps 100 meters, which isn't that far when you consider the top speed of a Juggernaut and the speed of the athletic Massassi. Also, the Juggernaught only needs to draw fire for a very short time before the Massassi are right on top of the RR's forward lines and their vehicles become far more ineffective. The point is to break their line and then swarm them through the break.


Also, how the heck do they have mines? They can't get them from off world...


2. Sel's naval engagement happened quite quickly after the start of the Kaggath. The two sides would hardly reach one another before it was over Beni and the Ascendancy can afford to keep the Basilisks grounded till then. Besides, since the Ascendancy won the space battle then they have the airsupport and thus can presumably blast any exposed UT-AT convoy to pieces. If you're going to allow air support as a result of the naval situation then the Ascendancy has the advantage.


3. Mines again? Seriously, there was never any mention of this anywhere. Regardless, the Juggernauts have (by your own words) "near "impenetrable" thermally superconducting armor". I call BS on that they can't cover 100 meters with that. And the UT-AT's can try to barrage the line (Can Nomi really give that order?), but they'd kill more of their own clones. Not to mention Air support would pick them off in a heartbeat once they fired.


4. Well if the RR gets mines so does the Ascendancy right? So BS to the idea they can't hit and run and slow them down. Plus the UT-AT's that are supposedly clearing the path are much more exposed. and that'd pretty much stop that attack in its tracks.


Again, no air support because the whole battle in space was pretty freakin quick. Maybe a day or so.

1. Take a look at this image, the open area between the temple and the forest is fairly large, especially when you are being shot at. Anyway that would be the second wave of defense, I have no doubt they will set up a series of defensive perimeters in the immediate forest itself, and while the forest is thick its pretty ease to spot a horde of blood red warriors and tanks bearing down on you - and again they'll be walking right into kill zones with turrets and the works.


They'd also probably have troopers lining the upper level of the temple, raining down heavy fire from above, also note that immediately inside the temple is a giant pair of blast doors, which you'll also have to break through.


Mines were standard armament for heavy weapons specialists of which this regiment comes with.


No clone will be shooting at the Juggernaut, they'll concentrate on the Massassi while the vehicles focus on the tanks, the mines should deal with the rest. And in the end they just aren't enough to blast a hole straight through. Well I say that, the first one of two would probably be destroyed, clearing a path for the rest.


2. Not sure why your talking about Selenial... but on that topic her scenario lasted several hours, as space battles do. Fighter compliments will be deployed within minutes, heck they'll already be there when the ground force itself deploys, they'd be foolish not to provide their ground forces with adequate air support before the fighting starts.


In terms of your fighters, I don't see the Aleph-class or the Kimologia, with their limited maneuverability, being off much use in dogfights. The Resistance would have the advantage in this case, and considering the naval battle was a bloodbath I can't imagine you'll be taken numbers superiority, at least not by a large amount, either.


3. I doubt they are so heavily armored underneath. And these are mines we are talking about. Big boom. And the UT-ATs can shoot above the clones right? You know, at the target? I'm not sure what your implying here. Nor do I feel 22 Basilisk war droids can take out 22 or more UT-ATs "in a heartbeat" when the skies are a battefield of their own.


4. I don't think Massassi warriors had mines. :p Maybe Sun Guard... but yes, that is actually a valid argument, but that's not hit and run, that's planning the enemies trajectory and setting a trap, a tactic, perhaps not a flawless one.


For example, the UT-ATs would trip the mines first, causing one or two to explode while the remaining force would navigate around them. From then on I expect Windu might be able to use the Force to sense more mines.

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Oh, and why can't the Juggernauts breech the Great Temple? I seem to recall


Edit: and this diagram that Sel so helpfully pointed out, shows the Great Temple is literally backed up to the forest. In the Jedi Academy books we know Luke was able to leap from a point on the Temple to a nearby tree. From the Young Jedi Knights series we know there wasn't much distance between the trees and the temple.


After the Sun Guard eliminated the lookouts stealthily (which is their specialty). The Juggernauts could roll up to the backside and blow a massive hole in the rear of the temple and rush in unopposed. Just a thought, but an obvious weakness to the RR that it has to defend all sides and therefore not have all its vehicles focused on a single point of defence.


And furthermore. Remember that the Ascendancy is getting resupplied with Basilisk War Droids, Mandalorian soldiers, and Juggernauts this entire time.

I never made the argument that Juggernauts couldn't breach the Temple...


Anyway, interesting argument, I didn't account for an attack on the back door, though that would be of course heavily armed as well, so taking out sentries isn't an option here. But you'd have the advantage of the trees, though the disadvantage of no aerial support considering you can't get a clear shot through the trees.


But if they attack from all sides they will be spreading themselves just as thin as the enemy, and if they concentrate on one side, the Resistance can move their forces to intercept. Given that I expect they'd send the main force through the front, or rather draw their fire, then send a smaller force to attack from another side.


I expect the tactic will be effective.

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To command what fleet?


I'd just like to make something clear here folks, each faction has naval officers from Ensign to Captain and on ground they have everything from Corporal to Commander in addition to standard leadership. Which means even in the absence of of Generals and Admirals they can still function to a high standard - so lets take that in account.


Agreed, the Ascendancy are the only ones who'd need it, given Nomi's battle meditation.

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One small thing I thought worth mentioning when scanning over the wiki pages again, and it is stated that the helmet that the Sun Guard wore had a magnification mode that could be used for sniping. So, since we are currently on the "sieging the RR" phase, why not set up the sun guard around the temple so that any clone that pokes their head out could be picked off? This would of course combo very well with simply starving out the RR. They would likely strike out before they starved however, and as soon as snipers are known to surround the temple, they likely would begin searching for them. That is why it would be good to have some Massassi warriors hiding in the trees near each sniper position to deal with patrols.


This is their world, they know how to use the forest to their advantage. They likely know how to fade in/out of the foliage for effective ambushes as has previously been discussed, so lying in wait to ensure that the Sun Guard snipers are not killed, would be right up their alley.


Side Note: I understand that Sun Guards are mostly melee orientated, but their gear is already equipped for sniper duty, and I am unsure what ranged weapons they used, so they might have to wait for supplies to arrive to try to lock down the temple.

Edited by Silenceo
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I think we should move our focus to who would actually attack the other's temple first, there's no reason the Republic can't attack Kun's temple.
I think due to the lack of the Acclamators, the Resistance will find itself unable to mount a Blitzkrieg assault, and cut off from resupply will have no choice but to bunker down lest they risk annihilation.


However if the Jedi Strike Force make it to their target, they could well succeed in defeating Kun.

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1. Take a look at this image, the open area between the temple and the forest is fairly large, especially when you are being shot at. Anyway that would be the second wave of defense, I have no doubt they will set up a series of defensive perimeters in the immediate forest itself, and while the forest is thick its pretty ease to spot a horde of blood red warriors and tanks bearing down on you - and again they'll be walking right into kill zones with turrets and the works.


They'd also probably have troopers lining the upper level of the temple, raining down heavy fire from above, also note that immediately inside the temple is a giant pair of blast doors, which you'll also have to break through.


Mines were standard armament for heavy weapons specialists of which this regiment comes with.


No clone will be shooting at the Juggernaut, they'll concentrate on the Massassi while the vehicles focus on the tanks, the mines should deal with the rest. And in the end they just aren't enough to blast a hole straight through. Well I say that, the first one of two would probably be destroyed, clearing a path for the rest.


2. Not sure why your talking about Selenial... but on that topic her scenario lasted several hours, as space battles do. Fighter compliments will be deployed within minutes, heck they'll already be there when the ground force itself deploys, they'd be foolish not to provide their ground forces with adequate air support before the fighting starts.


In terms of your fighters, I don't see the Aleph-class or the Kimologia, with their limited maneuverability, being off much use in dogfights. The Resistance would have the advantage in this case, and considering the naval battle was a bloodbath I can't imagine you'll be taken numbers superiority, at least not by a large amount, either.


3. I doubt they are so heavily armored underneath. And these are mines we are talking about. Big boom. And the UT-ATs can shoot above the clones right? You know, at the target? I'm not sure what your implying here. Nor do I feel 22 Basilisk war droids can take out 22 or more UT-ATs "in a heartbeat" when the skies are a battefield of their own.


4. I don't think Massassi warriors had mines. :p Maybe Sun Guard... but yes, that is actually a valid argument, but that's not hit and run, that's planning the enemies trajectory and setting a trap, a tactic, perhaps not a flawless one.


For example, the UT-ATs would trip the mines first, causing one or two to explode while the remaining force would navigate around them. From then on I expect Windu might be able to use the Force to sense more mines.


First, go back up and look at my edits. Also, look at your own picture. The backside of the temple is right up against the trees.


Now to deal with your arguments.


1. Clones on the temple's walls would be hopelessly exposed. It'd be a bloodbath when the Ascendancy air support and Basilisks showed up.


2. I mentioned Sel because the space battle will only last a few hours. It'd take hours just for either of the two factions to make their way through the thick jungle to get to the other much less engage. The ground battle isn't going to happen in the same timeframe. Between making plans and the defensive position the RR will be placed in as a result of the space battle, there will be no ground engagement before or during the space battle.


Also, Sel mentioned in the start that the Venators' complements of starfighters were annihilated coming out of the ships. They had no fighters to spare, why would they waste their most useful ships on air support when they're desperately fighting for survival in space?


The Defenders would rip apart any fighters that (for some reason) tried to stay planetside. Also the Aleph was fine in atmospheric combat and there are no sources to say it wasn't. "The fighter also had an impressive top speed, comparable to the Eta-5 interceptor, and was quick in atmospheres".


3. And we're not talking about 22 vs. 22. We're discussing 30-40 vs. 22 since Mandalore can quickly supply Yavin IV with new Basilisks. And the skies aren't a battlefield. Defenders and Alephs, btw, would wreck UT-ATs.


4. And since they are making a beeline for Kun's temple (assuming this tactic is even viable) their trajectory shouldn't be hard to determine. Or maybe they just sneak in front and plant them a few hundred meters out. Sun Guard are stealthy remember...


Also, losing the UT-AT's would slow them down incredibly since they need those to clear the path. Also, kinda a waste of UT-AT's isn't it? The Ascendancy can at least replace its Juggernauts and Basilisks. The RR can't.

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One small thing I thought worth mentioning when scanning over the wiki pages again, and it is stated that the helmet that the Sun Guard wore had a magnification mode that could be used for sniping. So, since we are currently on the "sieging the RR" phase, why not set up the sun guard around the temple so that any clone that pokes their head out could be picked off? This would of course combo very well with simply starving out the RR. They would likely strike out before they starved however, and as soon as snipers are known to surround the temple, they likely would begin searching for them. That is why it would be good to have some Massassi warriors hiding in the trees near each sniper position to deal with patrols.


This is their world, they know how to use the forest to their advantage. They likely know how to fade in/out of the foliage for effective ambushes as has previously been discussed, so lying in wait to ensure that the Sun Guard snipers are not killed, would be right up their alley.

An interesting tactic, but I expect what they would instead do is pull back their ground forces then role in the tanks to snuff them out, missiles and all. And against them the snipers won't be very effective.
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An interesting tactic, but I expect what they would instead do is pull back their ground forces then role in the tanks to snuff them out, missiles and all. And against them the snipers won't be very effective.


Well they'd have to find the snipers first. Plus, wasting valuable missiles and ammo on a few SG, that's overkill and the Ascendancy would just wait for them to waste all their ammo on that tactic and move in unopposed.


Well I have to go to work now if someone would like to pick up my argument for me should Beni reply.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Well I have to go to work now if someone would like to pick up my argument for me should Beni reply.


Wish I could, about to head to a wedding myself, and I think Tunewalker said he is out of town for the weekend...On the upside, LK is asleep right now, right?

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First, go back up and look at my edits. Also, look at your own picture. The backside of the temple is right up against the trees.


Now to deal with your arguments.


1. Clones on the temple's walls would be hopelessly exposed. It'd be a bloodbath when the Ascendancy air support and Basilisks showed up.


2. I mentioned Sel because the space battle will only last a few hours. It'd take hours just for either of the two factions to make their way through the thick jungle to get to the other much less engage. The ground battle isn't going to happen in the same timeframe. Between making plans and the defensive position the RR will be placed in as a result of the space battle, there will be no ground engagement before or during the space battle.


Also, Sel mentioned in the start that the Venators' complements of starfighters were annihilated coming out of the ships. They had no fighters to spare, why would they waste their most useful ships on air support when they're desperately fighting for survival in space?


The Defenders would rip apart any fighters that (for some reason) tried to stay planetside. Also the Aleph was fine in atmospheric combat and there are no sources to say it wasn't. "The fighter also had an impressive top speed, comparable to the Eta-5 interceptor, and was quick in atmospheres".


3. And we're not talking about 22 vs. 22. We're discussing 30-40 vs. 22 since Mandalore can quickly supply Yavin IV with new Basilisks. And the skies aren't a battlefield. Defenders and Alephs, btw, would wreck UT-ATs.


4. And since they are making a beeline for Kun's temple (assuming this tactic is even viable) their trajectory shouldn't be hard to determine. Or maybe they just sneak in front and plant them a few hundred meters out. Sun Guard are stealthy remember...


Also, losing the UT-AT's would slow them down incredibly since they need those to clear the path. Also, kinda a waste of UT-AT's isn't it? The Ascendancy can at least replace its Juggernauts and Basilisks. The RR can't.

Already have, I stand by these arguments however in terms of a frontal assault on the main entrance.


1. Just like to point out that only the Basilisks can "bombard" so to speak, fighters/bombers would count as bombing runs and would not be permitted as ultimately the amount of damage they can do is too great.


But a point, better to set up some tanks there which will at the very least be out of range of ground forces.


2. As I said, planning ahead, air support is just something you need to have available. And considering the Great Temple has fighter bays, its see no reason why they would not be fielded along with the rest of the ground forces prior to the naval engagement. This I feel is one of the benefits of having a BoE that can accommodate for them.


The Aleph class as it clearly states on its Wookiee page, was terrible at maneuvering i.e. turning, it a heated dogfight over a small area you are going to need to be able to turn sharply, else all you can do is strafe.


And the TIE/Defender is powerful, but fielded in very small numbers, and matched by the X-83 TwinTail starfighter, some of which may be piloted by a Jedi or too. Altogether I feel it evens out for a prolonged aerial conflict.


3. The Basilik war droids are complex piece of machinery that can't just be pulled out of a hat. I doubt you'd be able to field that many that quickly. Not sure what you mean by skies not being battlefields... they kinda are.


4. There are no roads, they're are literally a dozen different paths they could take so it wouldn't be that simple.


They'd have at least a dozen UT-ATs, lets say they lose a maximum of 2 in each mine trap, they could sustain 6 of those before being in trouble, assuming the Juggernauts will just fall to pieces in forested terrain. And then of course, the Jedi could sense for future traps so its really only going to work once IMO.

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Well they'd have to find the snipers first. Plus, wasting valuable missiles and ammo on a few SG, that's overkill and the Ascendancy would just wait for them to waste all their ammo on that tactic and move in unopposed.


Well I have to go to work now if someone would like to pick up my argument for me should Beni reply.

They could just blast the general area, with the help of some sensors perhaps. And then, after they've blasted the area, just position the tanks in front of the clones, problem solved. I guess that's true concerning armament though.


Yes! Now I can move forward unopposed!


No but really, my final thoughts on this is that the siege will eventually be successfully, but they will have to burn through many lines of defense and will take many casualties, and when is all said and done Nomi won't even be there, she'll be Windu and the strike force heading towards Exar Kun's temple, that ultimately is what is important.


All they are doing is buying time for the Jedi to get to Kun, and put a stop to him.

Edited by Beniboybling
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I think due to the lack of the Acclamators, the Resistance will find itself unable to mount a Blitzkrieg assault, and cut off from resupply will have no choice but to bunker down lest they risk annihilation.


However if the Jedi Strike Force make it to their target, they could well succeed in defeating Kun.


As I've already said, they have Acclamators left.


So they do have the ability to smash through a blockade, deliver supplies, it's just about whether they can escape or defeat the enemy fleet...

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Wish I could, about to head to a wedding myself, and I think Tunewalker said he is out of town for the weekend...On the upside, LK is asleep right now, right?
Ha ha! My enemies are indisposed, now is the time to strike!


Wake up Lady, your victory is at hand! :p

Edited by Beniboybling
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As I've already said, they have Acclamators left.


So they do have the ability to smash through a blockade, deliver supplies, it's just about whether they can escape or defeat the enemy fleet...

Yeah, but they've gotta get through that blockade. At the very least that takes time so before they arrive, if they arrive, time to hunker down. Definitely something worth discussing though, I'll give it some thought.


Could you reminded roughly how many forces they have left? On both sides?


P.S. They're would be no need to escape, once the Acclamator(s) have landed, its a mobile Base of Operations.

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Yeah, but they've gotta get through that blockade. At the very least that takes time so before they arrive, if they arrive, time to hunker down. Definitely something worth discussing though, I'll give it some thought.


Could you reminded roughly how many forces they have left? On both sides?


P.S. They're would be no need to escape, once the Acclamator(s) have landed, its a mobile Base of Operations.


In terms of numbers left, the Ascendancy does just about have more, with the 4 Imps (Including the very wounded Solo) and 4-5 Kyramuds.

However since the Ascendancy was focussing on the Venators weak spots, the disparity is a little different, with 2 Venators and 6-7 Acclamators.


Eh, they still might need a resupply.


But yeh, lot of Acclamators left, however I must say, the Acclamator is a mobile base of operations, but it's a very explodable base...

Edited by Selenial
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Ha ha! My enemies are indisposed, now is the time to strike!


Wake up Lady, your victory is at hand! :p


I'm not gone, quite yet. :jawa_evil:


As for Kun himself, if he is deploying so much of his forces to siege the Jedi's Temple, that makes me wonder...Where are the Terentatek? Its obvious they would not be great for the siege itself, and seeing that if they choose to simply go the attrition route and attempt to starve/trap them inside, they wouldn't need all of these beasts. It is also unlikely Kun would be in the temple completely alone.


If anything, he would at least have a few Terentatek's with him to hold down the HQ, if he wasn't over seeing the Siege himself that is. Windu is good, but is he good enough to solo multiple of these Jedi Killers while Nomi faces off against Kun? What if Maul has returned/hasn't left *due to no defection perhaps* and so is there to face the jedi strike team?


Not to mention that such a potent nexus of dark side power would make both Maul and Kun incredibly amped, and possibly weaken the jedi. *not sure of this last part, just theory*


Side Note: Time for Space Battle of Yavin 4, Round 2? :D

Edited by Silenceo
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In terms of numbers left, the Ascendancy does just about have more, with the 4 Imps (Including the very wounded Solo) and 4-5 Kyramuds.

However since the Ascendancy was focussing on the Venators weak spots, the disparity is a little different, with 2 Venators and 6-7 Acclamators.


Eh, they still might need a resupply.


But yeh, lot of Acclamators left, however I must say, the Acclamator is a mobile base of operations, but it's a very explodable base...

Hmm, if you had PMed it to me first I might have requested more casualties. :jawa_evil:


But I guess this reflects the closeness of the battle. Given this the Resistance could no doubt launch a counteroffensive, a relief mission as such, once they've repaired and built up stock. Oooh I can just picture it now, a explosive battle happening on the surface and weary clone troopers fight on. And then, there in the light of the setting sun, a fleet of Acclamators descend to rescue them, they cheer in triumph... got a little carried away there. :D


Explodable, how so?

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Hmm, if you had PMed it to me first I might have requested more casualties. :jawa_evil:


But I guess this reflects the closeness of the battle. Given this the Resistance could no doubt launch a counteroffensive, a relief mission as such, once they've repaired and built up stock. Oooh I can just picture it now, a explosive battle happening on the surface and weary clone troopers fight on. And then, there in the light of the setting sun, a fleet of Acclamators descend to rescue them, they cheer in triumph... got a little carried away there. :D


Explodable, how so?


So many survived only because the Republic lacks the conviction to finish what they started! :cool: Though, the Solo does have a back up bridge and due to the proximity to Mandalore, they likely could slowly rotate ships there for repairs while the rest maintain the blockade. If the RR return, it is only a few short jumps to the system.


As for "very explodable" I do believe she means if it descends to the planet before the Ascendancy fleet is defeated, it is a very high possibility for the Acclamator that is descending as the sun sets being met with cheering clones and Jedi alike, to be destroyed by bombers/capital ship fire, causing the wreckage to rain down on the Republic survivors, destroying their morale and perhaps crushing a few of them. Ah, I can see the carnage now... :d_evil:

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Hmm, if you had PMed it to me first I might have requested more casualties. :jawa_evil:


But I guess this reflects the closeness of the battle. Given this the Resistance could no doubt launch a counteroffensive, a relief mission as such, once they've repaired and built up stock. Oooh I can just picture it now, a explosive battle happening on the surface and weary clone troopers fight on. And then, there in the light of the setting sun, a fleet of Acclamators descend to rescue them, they cheer in triumph... got a little carried away there. :D


Explodable, how so?


Nek's tactics do involve retreating to save his ships and use them when they're more valuable.


And it'd be the Jedi Tactic, it's still a loss, a major loss, but the ships will have uses.


But yes, as I tried to explain hundreds of times, neither side really lost the Space battle, the Ascendancy just gained an advantage. Also... a line I sent you in the PM


Remaining Republic forces retreat, having pretty much equal forces to the ascendancy, only a little left.


If you want, I can make it 2 ISD's including the Solo, 1 Venator, but that just seems like it'd be a dramatic win for the Ascendancy. I had to find a way to keep the Solo, as I feel it wouldn't be destroyed, but also make sure the Solo wouldn't be a huge turning point should the Resistance try to attack again, and having those amounts of ships survive was the only way.


As for explodable, if the Ascendancy have long range canons, or just any explosive weaponry really, aiming at the engines or the bridge would cause major explosions, and do pretty large damage to the surrounding camp.


Or of course, Maul infiltrating them and starting a self destruct or chain reaction, that's catastrophic damage to the ground troops right there.

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Hmm, if you had PMed it to me first I might have requested more casualties. :jawa_evil:


But I guess this reflects the closeness of the battle. Given this the Resistance could no doubt launch a counteroffensive, a relief mission as such, once they've repaired and built up stock. Oooh I can just picture it now, a explosive battle happening on the surface and weary clone troopers fight on. And then, there in the light of the setting sun, a fleet of Acclamators descend to rescue them, they cheer in triumph... got a little carried away there. :D


Explodable, how so?

In the time it'd take the Acclamators to get fully repaired and remarned the Ascendancy fleet would also be able to repair and rearm. Also, the Ascendancy has the opportunity to repair some of the ships that got knocked out during the space battle, even the RR ones. The Ascendancy could theoretically have an extra few Kyramuds or Acclamators and even another Star Destroyer waiting.


ok, now I'm leaving for work.

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In the time it'd take the Acclamators to get fully repaired and remarned the Ascendancy fleet would also be able to repair and rearm. Also, the Ascendancy has the opportunity to repair some of the ships that got knocked out during the space battle, even the RR ones. The Ascendancy could theoretically have an extra few Kyramuds or Acclamators and even another Star Destroyer waiting.


ok, now I'm leaving for work.


I believe that is part of the "spoils of war" and the fact that the Ascendancy would control the debris field left by the battle, and indeed would have plenty of time while twiddling their thumbs waiting for the ground forces to do their part, to scavenge, repair, and reuse ships from the battle.


Also, how many times has Daala thought to have been dead? :jawa_evil:

Edited by Silenceo
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Nek's tactics do involve retreating to save his ships and use them when they're more valuable.


And it'd be the Jedi Tactic, it's still a loss, a major loss, but the ships will have uses.


But yes, as I tried to explain hundreds of times, neither side really lost the Space battle, the Ascendancy just gained an advantage. Also... a line I sent you in the PM


If you want, I can make it 2 ISD's including the Solo, 1 Venator, but that just seems like it'd be a dramatic win for the Ascendancy. I had to find a way to keep the Solo, as I feel it wouldn't be destroyed, but also make sure the Solo wouldn't be a huge turning point should the Resistance try to attack again, and having those amounts of ships survive was the only way.


As for explodable, if the Ascendancy have long range canons, or just any explosive weaponry really, aiming at the engines or the bridge would cause major explosions, and do pretty large damage to the surrounding camp.


Or of course, Maul infiltrating them and starting a self destruct or chain reaction, that's catastrophic damage to the ground troops right there.

No, no, I think your final decision was fair in the end.


Hmmm, this is reminding me of the Battle of Ryloth, when the Accalamator's couldn't land because of those cannons, but those cannons were heavy I don't think the Ascendancy has that kind of firepower.


Nor do I feel that Maul could infiltrate in time, heck were exactly would he get in?


Altogether I feel that if one managed to get past, it could land safely considering its heavy armor.

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I believe that is part of the "spoils of war" and the fact that the Ascendancy would control the debris field left by the battle, and indeed would have plenty of time while twiddling their thumbs waiting for the ground forces to do their part, to scavenge, repair, and reuse ships from the battle.


Also, how many times has Daala thought to have been dead? :jawa_evil:

Never heard of that happening before... seems a tad daft.


Lol don't you go there, her corpse was well done. :p

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