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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Chirikyat Ascendancy vs Republic Resistance

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Even so, the jump requires, as Mace Windu said, 'perfect' timing. Granted this was concerning a planet, but it can still be said for interdiction fields.


Eh, not as much. It certainly required some precision, but no more than an average fleet can manage. Average fleets from the Imperial, New Republic, and Imperial Remnant have all done it successfully.

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Well I think that's sufficient proof.


Anyway, I was trying to gauge the speed of the Anakin Solo and I found something a little strange.


Here are the speed stats for the IMP-II:


Maximum acceleration: >2,300 g

MGLT: 60

Maximum speed (atmosphere): 975 km/h


And here, for comparison, are the speed stats for the Corellian corvette:


Maximum acceleration: 2,100 G

MGLT: 60

Maximum speed (atmosphere): 950 km/h


This would seem to suggest the IMP-II can move as fast as a corvette, designed to outrun ISDs...


P.S. My reasons for doing this being that I wanted to see how fast the Anakin Solo could get to the enemy fleet, speed is of the imperative else the Ascendancy's remaining forces may be unable to make the jump(s).

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Eh, not as much. It certainly required some precision, but no more than an average fleet can manage. Average fleets from the Imperial, New Republic, and Imperial Remnant have all done it successfully.


Well fine then. I still have some questions about it, but I'll post them when I get the right wording.

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1.The Venator-class does not need to go all the way to it's side, it can still be pointed toward the enemy fleet only in a more vertical position giving away shots on it's dorsal half, as soon as fighters are deployed they shut the doors re-angle themselves and attack back.


2.Why are we instantaneously assuming that the fleets start off so directly close to one another? They could start off a significant distance from another which Nek would likely want to go for.


3.The Venators have much longer range weapons than the standard Mk-IIs do, their DBYs have a long range mode with tracking systems allowing range and accuracy so in theory the Venators should be able to pound the enemy ships, preferably concentrating the Solo and destroy it before the enemy can get in range.


4.The Bellator has gravity well projectors the long range kind if I am not mistakened and that could stop the enrmy fleet's movements altogether.


5.The Bellator could actually act as a shield for the Venators, being a kind of tip of the spear formation right from the start, once fighters are launched the Acclamators come around first shielding the Venators as they close their doors and then with all fighters deployed and the Venators using their long range tracking mode, the pressure is on the Ascendency fleet because now the advantage they might have used was never there in the first place.


6.If the Mk-IIs do bullrush in, the Acclamators could simultaneously fire two torpedos each at a single Mk-II and theoretically either largely cripple the vessel or perhaps even destroy it, a ship would be an easy target if it headed right at you.


7.The Starfighters once deployed would essentially spell doom for the Ascendency, not only do they lack fighter defenses but the fighters they do have would be swarmed over with essentially equal quality starfighters, once dominance is assured, the Ionizers and TwinTails go in for the kill on the enemy Mk-IIs and with nothing to defend themselves, they will fall under trench run disease and that doesn't even count the fire from my own capital ships.


8.The Bellator's firepower is more than a match for 3 Mk-IIs not to mention how damn strong it's shielding is, you can't just go concentrating the bridge, as the vessel has 8 Shield Generators not to mention most of the Point Defense batteries seem concentrated around the bridge. The vessel is very powerful and if Daala isn't careful the Bellator could simply concentrate each Mk-II to death over the course of the battle.


9.Anti-stealth equipment, we should explore the possibility of the RR procuring equipment that could counter stealth.


10.Battle Meditation, Nomi Sunrider is listed as the most natural user of this technique and displays unprecedented advancement in it, I think she could certainly bring the edge onto the RR's side here.


The points that come to mind right now, I would like analysis from everyone if possible.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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1.The Venator-class does not need to go all the way to it's side, it can still be pointed toward the enemy fleet only in a more vertical position giving away shots on it's dorsal half, as soon as fighters are deployed they shut the doors re-angle themselves and attack back.

Well if the Ascendancy fleet comes in on top it won't make a difference. Assuming a standard attack, yeah you make a good point.

2.Why are we instantaneously assuming that the fleets start off so directly close to one another? They could start off a significant distance from another which Nek would likely want to go for.

Good point I don't think Beni ever said an exact distance. However, further would be better for the Ascendancy fleet since it'd be able to set up for a jump onto the RR fleet more easily. Nek would certainly prefer it from a tactical standpoint, but as far as how I think it will play out I think it'll hurt the RR more.


3.The Venators have much longer range weapons than the standard Mk-IIs do, their DBYs have a long range mode with tracking systems allowing range and accuracy so in theory the Venators should be able to pound the enemy ships, preferably concentrating the Solo and destroy it before the enemy can get in range.


4.The Bellator has gravity well projectors the long range kind if I am not mistakened and that could stop the enrmy fleet's movements altogether.


5.The Bellator could actually act as a shield for the Venators, being a kind of tip of the spear formation right from the start, once fighters are launched the Acclamators come around first shielding the Venators as they close their doors and then with all fighters deployed and the Venators using their long range tracking mode, the pressure is on the Ascendency fleet because now the advantage they might have used was never there in the first place.

The Bellator has gravity well projectors? I don't see that on its Wookieepedia page. Is there a place with the full specs on it so I know what I'm facing better?


Even so, I don't recall there ever being gravity well projectors that could hold ships across planet lengths. I may be wrong but I'm skeptical.


Good point on the Bellator being used as cover, but I think that whatever formation Nek uses will be one set to anticipate an attack from a longer range. He won't expect Daala to use the Thrawn Pincer, there is no reason to suspect it. And if he does set up with the Bellator at the point of a spear, who's to say they don't drop the fleet out a bit past the Bellator and the Acclamators and focus the Venators in the rear? The whole point of the Thrawn Pincer in this engagement is to get to the Venators as fast as possible. And between the tactic and Impstar's speed, they can do it imo.


That's my argument to those points.


6.If the Mk-IIs do bullrush in, the Acclamators could simultaneously fire two torpedos each at a single Mk-II and theoretically either largely cripple the vessel or perhaps even destroy it, a ship would be an easy target if it headed right at you.

The points that come to mind right now, I would like analysis from everyone if possible.

Well if the Impstar II's charged from a point the Acclamators could get a shot at, they'd have the Kyramuds in the way. Plus, if they focus 1-2 ships they might get them, but then they'd have the rest of the fleet (that would still outnumber them) on top pounding them to dust. I just don't know how effective that would be, but it is a threat to be sure.


Also consider the opposite, what happens if the Kyramud's each launch 10 missiles (thats 130 missiles for those counting at home) each slightly less powerful as the torpedoes (see Tune and Silenceo's analysis), at your Bellator. It'd suffer serious damage, likely lose its gravity well generators, and be way less effective. And something that big is quite an easy target.


That is too much of a wall of text as is, so I'll stop here for this post.

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Wall of texts make you strong! The longer they are, the more likely they are to crit! Use them to decimate the opposition!


Side Note: Just make sure not to repeat yourself otherwise the wall is made of sand. :d_grin:

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Wall of texts make you strong! The longer they are, the more likely they are to crit! Use them to decimate the opposition!


Side Note: Just make sure not to repeat yourself otherwise the wall is made of sand. :d_grin:


Yeah I noticed that. This last one was smaller than I thought.


Ha, the American education system has always been more about quantity over quality in most of the research papers I've done in my life. Kinda sad, but I know how to restate the same position in 20 different ways if I have to :D

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Yeah I noticed that. This last one was smaller than I thought.


Ha, the American education system has always been more about quantity over quality in most of the research papers I've done in my life. Kinda sad, but I know how to restate the same position in 20 different ways if I have to :D





HOW DARE YOU REVEAL OUR SECRET! Now, to write a vulgar essay that is 100 pages long, and it all saying what a terrible person you are for revealing our secret! :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes::d_rolls_eyes:


Side Note: That last one was more like a fence of text, and not really even a wall. I tend to not count the quotes.

Edited by Silenceo
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To focus on this Thrawn pincer movement you have come up with, as soon as the Anakin Solo comes out of hyperspace you realise how quickly it can be destroyed? and sorry but when has anything ever said turbolasers cannot point upwards? If your flagship comes up on top of the RR fleet it would be targeted by an entire fleet and it would be dust within minutes.


Do remember that Nek has a flawless record against the Thrawn Simulator and considering the Thrawn Pincer Movement was the Grand Admiral's favourite tactic, Bwua'tu most likely knows precisely how you counter it.


This also assumes Nek sits around and does nothing, he is one of the best tacticians of all time, he has plenty of tricks up his sleeve and has a much more adventurous mind than Daala ever did.


He may very well have his fighters drop out of hyperspace instead of launching them from the Venator post arrival, such as the Alliance did at the battle of Endor.


All of his starfighters have hyperspace capability and the TwinTail could use it's ten jump nav system (networked and planned by the extremely advanced Astromech Droids) to have them appear right on the Ascendency's doorstep, the fighters launched from the Mk-IIs would be decimated in droves as the RR would be right on top of them and then my actual fleet jumps in and cleans up.


This tactic would completely eliminate the main vulnerability of the Venators and they could assume dominance of the space battle instantaneously with the fighter superiority.


Also I put what was not on the Bellator's Wookieepedia page in post #8 I believe.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Also I would like to request Mace Windu's personal Eta-2*Actis-class light interceptor, Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor and TX-130*Saber-class Fighter Tank. Also Nomi Sunrider's courier and Cody's personal LAAT Gunship.


Every little helps right?

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Also I would like to request Mace Windu's personal Eta-2*Actis-class light interceptor, Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor and TX-130*Saber-class Fighter Tank. Also Nomi Sunrider's courier and Cody's personal LAAT Gunship.


Every little helps right?

Personal vehicles are allowed, but not every vehicle they ever used, so I don't know about that fighter tank. :p
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The Bellator has gravity well projectors the long range kind if I am not mistaken and that could stop the enemy fleet's movements altogether.


If the Mk-IIs do bullrush in, the Acclamators could simultaneously fire two torpedos each at a single Mk-II and theoretically either largely cripple the vessel or perhaps even destroy it, a ship would be an easy target if it headed right at you.


Anti-stealth equipment, we should explore the possibility of the RR procuring equipment that could counter stealth.


10.Battle Meditation, Nomi Sunrider is listed as the most natural user of this technique and displays unprecedented advancement in it, I think she could certainly bring the edge onto the RR's side here.

1. That could work to their disadvantage however, the Thrawn Pincer was actually designed to use enemy gravity well projectors against them. At the very least, they'd land right on top of the Bellator.


2. I'm not sure I understand this tactic, could someone please explain to me exactly how this is possible?


3. Something that would take time, time they likely would not have.


4. But as far as I can tell she can't apply it to full scale warfare correct?

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1. That could work to their disadvantage however, the Thrawn Pincer was actually designed to use enemy gravity well projectors against them. At the very least, they'd land right on top of the Bellator.


2. I'm not sure I understand this tactic, could someone please explain to me exactly how this is possible?


3. Something that would take time, time they likely would not have.


4. But as far as I can tell she can't apply it to full scale warfare correct?


Nek beat that tactic numerous times presumably as the Thrawn simulator is something he has beaten upon every occasion and considering that this was one of Thrawn's favourite ways to attack the NR it is perfectly logical to assume Nek knows full well how to defend and counter said movement.


Not really a tactic more of a you go head on in you're going to get hurt and bad.


True I still think it is worth the attempt.


She applied it to the population of Coruscant, to stop mass rioting planet wide, clearly her 'range' is vast.


But please analyse my other post as I feel it is very important to the space battle, if Nek is smart which is an understatement for him, he would do exactly as I stated and it is something well within his comfort zone, he was a... flashy admiral to say the least.

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To focus on this Thrawn pincer movement you have come up with, as soon as the Anakin Solo comes out of hyperspace you realise how quickly it can be destroyed? and sorry but when has anything ever said turbolasers cannot point upwards? If your flagship comes up on top of the RR fleet it would be targeted by an entire fleet and it would be dust within minutes.


Do remember that Nek has a flawless record against the Thrawn Simulator and considering the Thrawn Pincer Movement was the Grand Admiral's favourite tactic, Bwua'tu most likely knows precisely how you counter it.


This also assumes Nek sits around and does nothing, he is one of the best tacticians of all time, he has plenty of tricks up his sleeve and has a much more adventurous mind than Daala ever did.


He may very well have his fighters drop out of hyperspace instead of launching them from the Venator post arrival, such as the Alliance did at the battle of Endor.


All of his starfighters have hyperspace capability and the TwinTail could use it's ten jump nav system (networked and planned by the extremely advanced Astromech Droids) to have them appear right on the Ascendency's doorstep, the fighters launched from the Mk-IIs would be decimated in droves as the RR would be right on top of them and then my actual fleet jumps in and cleans up.


This tactic would completely eliminate the main vulnerability of the Venators and they could assume dominance of the space battle instantaneously with the fighter superiority.


Also I put what was not on the Bellator's Wookieepedia page in post #8 I believe.

1. The Anakin Solo is an upgraded IMP-II, which means it likely has even stronger deflector shields and hull integrity than this dedicated warship, if it can't hold out against a Bellator in doesn't deserve the title Star Destroyer.


In terms of turbolasers, we have every reason to believe they will be limited.


As far as I can tell, the heavy turbolaser turrets on the Imperial-class can swivel vertically. Standard turbolasers did however seem to have that function, yet clearly during the

the Venators are pinned down.


Given that'd I assume if they dropped out at a similar angle to that battle (but with their sides angled towards the enemy, as opposed to the prow - or the prow but angled downwards) the Venator's at least would be unable to bring their full firepower to bear, and perhaps the Bellator as well if it has similar armament to the IMP-I.


And then of course we have the Kyramuds, all 13 of them, which being designed for orbital bombardment can shoot at vertically, so unless the Venator's and Bellators can shoot straight up (which I highly doubt) they'd be invulnerable. At the very least combined they'd have a strategic advantage, with vulnerable areas angled away.


They could also potentially drop Basillik war droids to tear open those hangar bays, on top of that the Anakin Solo could drop Baradium missiles (a blast from one could take out a capital ship) which would do some damage. I also presume that heavy concussion missiles at close range would deal some considerable damage too.


2. Good point about the Thrawn Simulator though, I expect Nek would have a counter.


3. If that happened take into account that the Kyramud's all have a dozen point defense ion cannons, and the Anakin Solo is equipped with advanced anti-fighter weaponary. The Kyramud's are also heavily armoured and tighly packed, invulnerable to trench run tactics. Given that they could have the IMP-IIs retreat under their cover, and then deploy fighters, if the enemy fighters tried to pursue they'd only leave their rears exposed to fire.

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Nek beat that tactic numerous times presumably as the Thrawn simulator is something he has beaten upon every occasion and considering that this was one of Thrawn's favourite ways to attack the NR it is perfectly logical to assume Nek knows full well how to defend and counter said movement.
I suppose I agree, I'm just trying to think of a counter-tactic myself, that's the one issue with these battles, we are not military geniuses so its difficult to envision what these masterminds would do! :p


That said, for a lack of a scenario I'd say that Daala's own abilities would somewhat negate Nek's successes, what I mean to say is that comparing the skills of the commanders statically we could say it would be partially successful.


But considering Nek's abilities, I guess we can't claim it a game changer.

Edited by Beniboybling
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1. The Anakin Solo is an upgraded IMP-II, which means it likely has even stronger deflector shields and hull integrity than this dedicated warship, if it can't hold out against a Bellator in doesn't deserve the title Star Destroyer.


In terms of turbolasers, we have every reason to believe they will be limited.


As far as I can tell, the heavy turbolaser turrets on the Imperial-class can swivel vertically. Standard turbolasers did however seem to have that function, yet clearly during the

the Venators are pinned down.


Given that'd I assume if they dropped out at a similar angle to that battle (but with their sides angled towards the enemy, as opposed to the prow - or the prow but angled downwards) the Venator's at least would be unable to bring their full firepower to bear, and perhaps the Bellator as well if it has similar armament to the IMP-I.


And then of course we have the Kyramuds, all 13 of them, which being designed for orbital bombardment can shoot at vertically, so unless the Venator's and Bellators can shoot straight up (which I highly doubt) they'd be invulnerable. At the very least combined they'd have a strategic advantage, with vulnerable areas angled away.


They could also potentially drop Basillik war droids to tear open those hangar bays, on top of that the Anakin Solo could drop Baradium missiles (a blast from one could take out a capital ship) which would do some damage. I also presume that heavy concussion missiles at close range would deal some considerable damage too.


2. Good point about the Thrawn Simulator though, I expect Nek would have a counter.


3. If that happened take into account that the Kyramud's all have a dozen point defense ion cannons, and the Anakin Solo is equipped with advanced anti-fighter weaponary. The Kyramud's are also heavily armoured and tighly packed, invulnerable to trench run tactics. Given that they could have the IMP-IIs retreat under their cover, and then deploy fighters, if the enemy fighters tried to pursue they'd only leave their rears exposed to fire.


It wouldn't just be faced with the firepower of the Bellator but the entire RR fleet, an Executor couldn't survive a similar barrage I see no reason to assume the Anakin Solo regardless of how advanced it was could last longer or as long whatsoever.


The battle of Coruscant was described as a multi-tiered battle that the Venators won because their batteries could fire at anything in their half circle range... essentially if you are at an equal or vertical to angle the Venator can shoot you and at a very long yet precise range as well, the only blindspot the Venators had was it's bottom half, hence why Anakin advised placing SPHAs into the Ventral hangar, so they would be protected at all angle.


Indeed, if he didn't that flawless record would presumably not exist.


This is still not sufficient defense against over 2,000 fighters and the great thing about the TwinTail was that it could take the same damage as a freighter as it's shields and hull armour were very very strong matching shuttles/freighters/corvettes and were normally placed at the front of a swarm to cover the weaker fighters behind them, a common tactic used with these ships, which will significantly decrease the damage done overall and will allow the Ionizers to do their job of crippling enemy capital ships, leaving them fully exposed and defenseless meanwhile the Crossfires and TwinTails engage the enemy fighter force and take full control with sheer weight of numbers and likely the effects of Battle Meditation.


That is when my capital ships take advantage and overwhelm, the enemy fleet will be hard pressed to fight back when they are being temporarily left dead in the water.

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I suppose I agree, I'm just trying to think of a counter-tactic myself, that's the one issue with these battles, we are not military geniuses so its difficult to envision what these masterminds would do! :p


That said, for a lack of a scenario I'd say that Daala's own abilities would somewhat negate Nek's successes, what I mean to say is that comparing the skills of the commanders statically we could say it would be partially successful.


But considering Nek's abilities, I guess we can't claim it a game changer.


Thrawn's tactics were far beyond Daala's, she is a great tactician but Thrawn is simply on another level and Nek has a flawless record against the very tactics the Grand Admiral used, I don't see how Daala can make a difference here, she is no Thrawn and whilst yes the simulator is not the man himself it did simulate his exact battle tactics.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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9.Anti-stealth equipment, we should explore the possibility of the RR procuring equipment that could counter stealth.


10.Battle Meditation, Nomi Sunrider is listed as the most natural user of this technique and displays unprecedented advancement in it, I think she could certainly bring the edge onto the RR's side here.


The points that come to mind right now, I would like analysis from everyone if possible.


9. But from where exactly?


10. I see no reason why she can't use her Battle Meditation to affect the space battle. It will certainly have an impact, likely allowing the RR to gain victory, especially if we're talking the outright mind control that her Battle Meditation seemed to possess in the comics.


Edit: I'm not one for space battles, so I don't have much to say about the rest of your points.

Edited by Aurbere
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It wouldn't just be faced with the firepower of the Bellator but the entire RR fleet, an Executor couldn't survive a similar barrage I see no reason to assume the Anakin Solo regardless of how advanced it was could last longer or as long whatsoever.


The battle of Coruscant was described as a multi-tiered battle that the Venators won because their batteries could fire at anything in their half circle range... essentially if you are at an equal or vertical to angle the Venator can shoot you and at a very long yet precise range as well, the only blindspot the Venators had was it's bottom half, hence why Anakin advised placing SPHAs into the Ventral hangar, so they would be protected at all angle.


Indeed, if he didn't that flawless record would presumably not exist.


This is still not sufficient defense against over 2,000 fighters and the great thing about the TwinTail was that it could take the same damage as a freighter as it's shields and hull armour were very very strong matching shuttles/freighters/corvettes and were normally placed at the front of a swarm to cover the weaker fighters behind them, a common tactic used with these ships, which will significantly decrease the damage done overall and will allow the Ionizers to do their job of crippling enemy capital ships, leaving them fully exposed and defenseless meanwhile the Crossfires and TwinTails engage the enemy fighter force and take full control with sheer weight of numbers and likely the effects of Battle Meditation.


That is when my capital ships take advantage and overwhelm, the enemy fleet will be hard pressed to fight back when they are being temporarily left dead in the water.

If the Anakin Solo was alone, but I expect it will activate its gravity wells and disable its cloaking device simultaneously, so the Republic fleet won't have time to fire before reinforcements arrive.


2. I believe your right there. However I can say with absolute certainty that the Venator-class would be unable to fire on a vessel directly above it. The DBY-827 heavy dual turbolaser turrets I'd say can only fire at a maximum 60 degree angle approx. if we look at their vertical swivel mechanisms. And the rest of its turbolasers are situated on the sides.


Given that, if the Kyramud were to drop right on top of the Venators at a 90 degree angle they'd be unable to fight back, at all. I guess the same cannot be said for the ISD-II if they went at a lower angle. I can't imagine they'd be capable of firing at anything higher than 60 degrees - but they still have the strategic advantage either way.


3. I have to doubt that they'd be capable of fielding all 2,000 fighters simultaneously, we rarely if ever see that amount of fighters fielded to attack that amount of ships, likely because they'd collide with one another.


And then of course, account for the fact that they probably have beskar reinforcements.


I think, considering the ISDs won't have to move to far to field their fighters, they can hold out long enough without taking too much damage, I've never heard of fighters taking down battleships of that size that quickly.


EDIT: On top of that, the Aleph class is very very touch, and the Defender designed for space superiority i.e. the sort of task force you'd need when wading straight into the think of a starfighter battle without being blown up.

Edited by Beniboybling
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9. But from where exactly?


10. I see no reason why she can't use her Battle Meditation to affect the space battle. It will certainly have an impact, likely allowing the RR to gain victory, especially if we're talking the outright mind control that her Battle Meditation seemed to possess in the comics.


Edit: I'm not one for space battles, so I don't have much to say about the rest of your points.

But how will that effect the ground battle, with Nomi not present? Nor the Acclamator(s)?


I guess I could answer that myself and say that the ground forces can tank up in the Great Temple and just hold the line, and if they win the space battle reinforcements can move in and push for a victory.

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But how will that effect the ground battle, with Nomi not present? Nor the Acclamator(s)?


I guess I could answer that myself and say that the ground forces can tank up in the Great Temple and just hold the line, and if they win the space battle reinforcements can move in and push for a victory.


You are assuming she has to choose between battles this is one large battle she can effect on the whole she just sits in the Great Temple which can channel her energies(iirc).

Edited by LadyKulvax
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But how will that effect the ground battle, with Nomi not present? Nor the Acclamator(s)?


I guess I could answer that myself and say that the ground forces can tank up in the Great Temple and just hold the line, and if they win the space battle reinforcements can move in and push for a victory.


I'm sure the tacticians Windu and Cody could hold the ground.

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You are assuming she has to choose between battles this is one large battle she can effect on the whole she just sits in the Great Temple which can channel her energies(iirc).
Is her reach really that great though?


As far as I can tell, the Great Temple and other Sith architecture was designed to channel to dark, not the light side.

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If the Anakin Solo was alone, but I expect it will activate its gravity wells and disable its cloaking device simultaneously, so the Republic fleet won't have time to fire before reinforcements arrive.


2. I believe your right there. However I can say with absolute certainty that the Venator-class would be unable to fire on a vessel directly above it. The DBY-827 heavy dual turbolaser turrets I'd say can only fire at a maximum 60 degree angle approx. if we look at their vertical swivel mechanisms. And the rest of its turbolasers are situated on the sides.


Given that, if the Kyramud were to drop right on top of the Venators at a 90 degree angle they'd be unable to fight back, at all. I guess the same cannot be said for the ISD-II if they went at a lower angle. I can't imagine they'd be capable of firing at anything higher than 60 degrees - but they still have the strategic advantage either way.


3. I have to doubt that they'd be capable of fielding all 2,000 fighters simultaneously, we rarely if ever see that amount of fighters fielded to attack that amount of ships, likely because they'd collide with one another.


And then of course, account for the fact that they probably have beskar reinforcements.


I think, considering the ISDs won't have to move to far to field their fighters, they can hold out long enough without taking too much damage, I've never heard of fighters taking down battleships of that size that quickly.


EDIT: On top of that, the Aleph class is very very touch, and the Defender designed for space superiority i.e. the sort of task force you'd need when wading straight into the think of a starfighter battle without being blown up.


I don't think it would be all that fast actually and again this really is not the kind of thing Daala typically does in a space battle she may do anything to win but she values her ships and is certainly conservative, this really doesn't seem anything like what I've seen her pull out in battle but again Nek has defeated this tactic before, a lot of evidence and logical assumption points toward this.


You may be correct here but the Venators could quite simply fire at the ships above one another, essentially just shooting at each other's attacking ship.


We have seen mass starfighter jumps before they are just difficult to plan, but considering how extremely advanced the Astromech Droids are on these starfighters, together they could definitely network with each other and make up the flight plans themselves, the ten jump nav system they carry would be extremely valuable in this case and as Star pointed out the precision jump is definitely viable here, even so wave after wave of fighters dropping out mere moments after the other would garner the same result.


Oh and they don't need to take them down very quickly they can just immobilize them leaving them very much defenseless for when the RR capital ships go in and with the Venators being so long range yet accurate this could be devastating at maximum power batteries.


And yes we agreed that the Ascendency fighters are of slightly superior quality but not nearly enough that they close the number gap.


Essentially the Ascendency just doesn't have enough to defend itself with, it will last awhile but they lose the moment the RR's fighters dominate.

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