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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Chirikyat Ascendancy vs Republic Resistance

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Silenceo.... Dude.... I already bassically did that.....



Posts 53-55 was a complete analysis of exactly what you just did there.


With posts 80 and 82 being updates.


If you didnt like that analysis we should argue that.

I did it the way I did it, because I felt it was the most accurate way to tell ships apart. Full Compliments vs Full Compliments



Then Cap ship offenses/ defenses vs Cap Ship Offenses/ Defenses


Then Fighter Defenses vs Fighter offenses of both ships.


Post # 90 also did fighter analysis already.


Man if you didnt like the analysis say something and we can argue it lol.

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Silenceo.... Dude.... I already bassically did that.....



Posts 53-55 was a complete analysis of exactly what you just did there.


With posts 80 and 82 being updates.


If you didnt like that analysis we should argue that.

I did it the way I did it, because I felt it was the most accurate way to tell ships apart. Full Compliments vs Full Compliments



Then Cap ship offenses/ defenses vs Cap Ship Offenses/ Defenses


Then Fighter Defenses vs Fighter offenses of both ships.


Post # 90 also did fighter analysis already.


Man if you didnt like the analysis say something and we can argue it lol.


At the time I was in full agreement, this is merely an updated version. Mostly I brought that post up using the numbers we know for the ships merely to keep them in peoples minds, and most of the edges are very similar to what you yourself gave. Though, I felt that the star fighter armaments needed to be stated exactly somewhere.


Side Note: You have seen in past matches that I am involved in I post updates to the fleet data periodically to keep it up to date, it was not meant to be an insult to your work. Merely maintenance to it, if you will.

Edited by Silenceo
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Yeh you're right, so really it would only be difficult to do if they were close to the planet as well, seeing as most ships can't even hyperspace jump too close to planets.
As long as they collide with the gravity well projector, they should be fine, assuming it has a stronger gravitational pull in close proximity to it. I can't imagine them being pulled away by the planet if they reach it first. Edited by Beniboybling
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At the time I was in full agreement, this is merely an updated version. Mostly I brought that post up using the numbers we know for the ships merely to keep them in peoples minds, and most of the edges are very similar to what you yourself gave. Though, I felt that the star fighter armaments needed to be stated exactly somewhere.


They were lol I linked wookie for each one of them in post 90 lol.


For me all I am doing is point back to those previous points and going.... but the chart says.



Edit: bassically http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7513871&postcount=52 http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7513970&postcount=53







Edited by tunewalker
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They were lol I linked wookie for each one of them in post 90 lol.


For me all I am doing is point back to those previous points and going.... but the chart says.


*Hands Tune a blaster pistol* If you wish to mimic the video...:jawa_evil:

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Indeed. If they jump too close, they'll be sucked into the Anakin and the Ascendancy fleet will go bye bye,
It worked in the Vong war (apparently) when gravity well projectors were involved.


As far as I can tell, we are not in control of the jump, the interdiction field is.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Why would the Anakin have to be in place before they deployed fighters?


Ah I see, but as I said a while back the underbelly of the Venator is not only shielded, reinforced with neuronium but also lacks any structural weaknesses - remember how Ashoka used it against in the space battle of Ryloth - they held of 6 Munificent-class frigates long enough to deploy bombers and flank them. I don't think the shields even dropped.


6 Munificents probably only have the firepower of maybe 1 or 2 Imp II's. Yes this tactic worked here but it wasnt the standard because it had its own risks. Imagine if that had been 6 Providence classes it they probably would have been screwed with that tactic.

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It worked in the Vong war (apparently) when gravity well projectors were involved.


As far as I can tell, we are not in control of the jump, the interdiction field is.


Interdiction fields often caused invading fleets to just backlash and hit each other though.


But yeh, if anyone could scan or point me to a source/novel for the Vong War.


I don't doubt you, I just have a lot of NJO stuff I haven't read because I hate the era.

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But the chart says....:( check my edit.


Yes, though the comparison is slightly different in that it is more condensed and doesn't go into the individual pieces, but instead compares them to the ship in the same class in a 1 vs 1 basis. Your own comparison was for the entire fleet or groups of the fleet. Now, what happens when they do not have a chart...? :jawa_angel:

Edited by Silenceo
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Yes, though the comparison is slightly different in that it is more condensed and doesn't go into the individual pieces, but instead compares them to the ship in the same class in a 1 vs 1 basis. Your own comparison was for the entire fleet or groups of the fleet. Now, what happens when they do not have a chart...? :jawa_angel:


So my charts more accurate? :p. We arent in a 1v1 situation. Comparing fleet to fleet is the prefered way isnt it?

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6 Munificents probably only have the firepower of maybe 1 or 2 Imp II's. Yes this tactic worked here but it wasnt the standard because it had its own risks. Imagine if that had been 6 Providence classes it they probably would have been screwed with that tactic.
True. But then, only the Anakin Solo can fire intially, the other ISDs will have to move into position. And I feel the successes of the Venator in the past prove that it can deploy fighters before you standard capital ship can reach it. Edited by Beniboybling
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Interdiction fields often caused invading fleets to just backlash and hit each other though.


But yeh, if anyone could scan or point me to a source/novel for the Vong War.


I don't doubt you, I just have a lot of NJO stuff I haven't read because I hate the era.

Perhaps Star can provide some answers, I'm just theorizing at this point.
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So my charts more accurate? :p. We arent in a 1v1 situation. Comparing fleet to fleet is the prefered way isnt it?


Correct, hence part of the reason I compared a ship-ship comparison in 1 vs 1 to show the little differences that can be used, instead of the overarching fleet uses such as you did. Small variance, but due to the numbers differences I felt it would help to see specific comparisons when numbers are equal. The smaller scale may not be able to show the larger picture, but it does, at least to me, help highlight the possibilities of each ship individually rather than lumping them all at once.

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True. But then, only the Anakin Solo can fire intially, the other ISDs will have to move into position. And I feel the successes of the Venator in the past prove that it can deploy fighters before you standard capital ship can reach it.


Maybe.... Then we have to talk about the Kyr's with their Assault Concs which are a bit faster then the Imperial II's


also we have yes they deploy but how many are hurt by the time they turn back around as well. That is an issue still.


I feel they could close just as quickly if not more so then the Venator could go on its side. Remember Large ships can be pretty quick, they have faster Light speed drives then the Falcon had what they lack is maneuverability this includes the likes of the Venators.

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Correct, hence part of the reason I compared a ship-ship comparison in 1 vs 1 to show the little differences that can be used, instead of the overarching fleet uses such as you did. Small variance, but due to the numbers differences I felt it would help to see specific comparisons when numbers are equal. The smaller scale may not be able to show the larger picture, but it does, at least to me, help highlight the possibilities of each ship individually rather than lumping them all at once.


Fair enough.

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It worked in the Vong war (apparently) when gravity well projectors were involved.


As far as I can tell, we are not in control of the jump, the interdiction field is.


Even so, the jump requires, as Mace Windu said, 'perfect' timing. Granted this was concerning a planet, but it can still be said for interdiction fields.

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Perhaps Star can provide some answers, I'm just theorizing at this point.


I know for a fact Thrawn did it multiple times including his attack on Coruscant. It was used by Wedge during the Battle of Borealis in the Vong War. I'm not sure but it might have been used at the battle of Fondor. Also Akbar was the inventor of the "Thrawn Pincer" as it was called, and it was used during the Battle of Ciutric against Delak Krennel.


As far as the chance of it failing and causing the ships to blow up, that to me is countered by Thrawns use of interdictors to pull the New Republic fleet out of hyperspace early in the battle of Bilbringi. Had he been able to force them into a single cruiser and then they all go BOOM, he'd have done that don't you think?


No interdictor fields don't work that way, rather they mess with the safeties on the Hyperdrives to force them out. I'm not saying that their fields aren't powerful, just not enough to tear the ships apart as they came out of hyperspace but rather hold them in place.


Also, since it was Akbar's technique originally it was widely known and used by the time of the Vong War.


You hear about it in the Thrawn Trilogy first and the X-wing series (two of my favorites) and Final Prophesy of the New Jedi Order series. I can go look up page numbers if you really need them.

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