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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Chirikyat Ascendancy vs Republic Resistance

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It was done during the Battle of Gwori I believe, to jump past a blockade.


Anyway the Venator's surely wouldn't be on their sides for long, only to deploy initial fighters before coming about.


But it takes time to turn in that direction and to turn back, Time those other ship can use to essentially get free shots in and potentially destroy at least 1 of them.



Who pulled it off in that battle.

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Maybe I fell behind, but could someone explain this Anakin Solo strategy for me?


Certainly. My original proposition was that the Anakin Solo (since it is equipped with a cloak and gravity well generators) would move to a position just about on top of the Republic Fleet. Then it'd charge its projectors and the fleet would make a pin-point jump directly onto the Republic forces


The Venators would be unable to deploy most of their fighters, the Ascendancy Fleet would be in a superior firing position with a greater number of ships, their own fighters would have less trouble reaching the Bellator, and Nek's skills would be rendered far less effective since the battle would be thrust upon him in an ambush.


This tactic was used by the New Republic throughout the Vong War: Precision hyperspace jump


And if Daala can't do it in system, all she needs is to have the fleet make one jump out to a better distance before jumping right back to the Solo.

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Certainly. My original proposition was that the Anakin Solo (since it is equipped with a cloak and gravity well generators) would move to a position just about on top of the Republic Fleet. Then it'd charge its projectors and the fleet would make a pin-point jump directly onto the Republic forces


The Venators would be unable to deploy most of their fighters, the Ascendancy Fleet would be in a superior firing position with a greater number of ships, their own fighters would have less trouble reaching the Bellator, and Nek's skills would be rendered far less effective since the battle would be thrust upon him in an ambush.


This tactic was used by the New Republic throughout the Vong War: Precision hyperspace jump


And if Daala can't do it in system, all she needs is to have the fleet make one jump out to a better distance before jumping right back to the Solo.


Well OK then.


Oh, and you don't need to link me to the Precision Hyperspace Jump. I did major research on it as a means to defeat your faction in the last Kaggath series. :p

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Well OK then.


Oh, and you don't need to link me to the Precision Hyperspace Jump. I did major research on it as a means to defeat your faction in the last Kaggath series. :p


I forgot... I must be subconsciously blocking that traumatic event.

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But it takes time to turn in that direction and to turn back, Time those other ship can use to essentially get free shots in and potentially destroy at least 1 of them.


Who pulled it off in that battle.

It will take more time for any ship to maneuver all the way around them.


The guys who invented it, Tiin and Koon, in fighters though.

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Certainly. My original proposition was that the Anakin Solo (since it is equipped with a cloak and gravity well generators) would move to a position just about on top of the Republic Fleet. Then it'd charge its projectors and the fleet would make a pin-point jump directly onto the Republic forces


The Venators would be unable to deploy most of their fighters, the Ascendancy Fleet would be in a superior firing position with a greater number of ships, their own fighters would have less trouble reaching the Bellator, and Nek's skills would be rendered far less effective since the battle would be thrust upon him in an ambush.


This tactic was used by the New Republic throughout the Vong War: Precision hyperspace jump


And if Daala can't do it in system, all she needs is to have the fleet make one jump out to a better distance before jumping right back to the Solo.

The question is, how fast can the Anakin Solo move into position? If by that time the Resistance is right on top of them, navigating would be difficult/pointless.
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It will take more time for any ship to maneuver all the way around them.


The guys who invented it, Tiin and Koon, in fighters though.


Is it even possible in capital ships?


Seeing as Kun and Tiin described it as close to suicide, very hard to pull off due to a planets Gravity, is it even remotely possible in a Star Destroyer?

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It's a shame we never faced off. Still, there's always this series.


Indeed, think about it! You must aid my victory so that we may face one another on the field of battle! It will be glorious!


Besides, you have incentive to help me considering you're DS as well and Rayla's faction was kinda designed to kill the likes of us. ;)

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It will take more time for any ship to maneuver all the way around them.


The guys who invented it, Tiin and Koon, in fighters though.


Ya just read the thing on it, seems possible, but the anakin would have to be in position before the Fighters were deployed.


That could prove difficult, and if they started delpoying before it was in position it might just end up being better off just firing away at the under belly with no repercutions sent their way.



Again I am not talking about flying all the way around to their exposed side with the Imp II's but instead firing at that underbelly nearly completely undettered.


If I were the Republic rather then use the bottom of the Venator's I would just use the Acclamator's they are tough they can take it, and it would take much less time for them to get back into possition to use the Venator's guns. Some Acclamtor's might be lost but thats not a big thing for them honestly.

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Is it even possible in capital ships?


Seeing as Kun and Tiin described it as close to suicide, very hard to pull off due to a planets Gravity, is it even remotely possible in a Star Destroyer?

I don't think they had gravity wells, they were relying on the planet's gravity, which probably made it harder.


But I'm sure capital ships have made micro-jumps in the past, but I admit they may have to jump out and in again.

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Is it even possible in capital ships?


Seeing as Kun and Tiin described it as close to suicide, very hard to pull off due to a planets Gravity, is it even remotely possible in a Star Destroyer?


Thrawn did it, and like Star said, it was used by people like Daala during the Vong war, but I still dont think it was done within the same planets orbit, but I can assure you it was done within the same system.

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I don't think they had gravity wells, they were relying on the planet's gravity, which probably made it harder.


But I'm sure capital ships have made micro-jumps in the past, but I admit they may have to jump out and in again.


Yeh you're right, so really it would only be difficult to do if they were close to the planet as well, seeing as most ships can't even hyperspace jump too close to planets.

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Just wanted to keep these in view so they can be easy to see and refer to. Added my personal opinion on the ships.



Medium double turbolasers (25)

Point-defense medium ion cannons (12)

Heavy concussion missile launchers (10)

80 missiles[1]

Tractor beam projectors (6)


36 fighter compliment




Acclamator II:

Quad turbolaser cannons (12)

Turbolaser (16)

Heavy proton torpedo launchers (2)

60 torpedos


0 Fighter compliment



Edge: Armor considered which they both have as pretty effective, as well as the number of launchers as well as total missiles/torpedos, I would give the edge to the Kyramud, which while it has about the same amount of firepower as an Acclamator, it is quite fast and mobile for a ship of its size.


Imperial MK-II:

Octuple barbette turbolaser or Ion cannons (8)

Heavy turbolaser batteries (50)

Turbolaser batteries (50)

Additional turbolaser batteries (26+)

Heavy ion cannons (20)


72 fighter compliment





DBY-827 heavy dual turbolaser turrets (8)

Medium dual turbolaser cannons (2)

Turbolaser cannons (unknown number; may be a modification)

Point-defense laser cannons (52)

Tractor beam projectors (6)

Heavy proton torpedo tubes (4)

16 torpedoes each


420 fighter compliment


Edge: As we have gone over in other threads, fighters make up aproximately 30-50% of the Venators firepower and it does boast superior armor. However, due to how it is currently portrayed, they might not be able to deploy them all in time due to the superior armaments of the MK-II. Yes yes, the Venator has very good turbo lasers, but those turbo lasers are not superior to the entire armament of a MK-II. Due to all of this, I give the edge to the MK-II in the beginning of the fight, but if they manage to deploy all of their fighters the edge goes to the Venator.


Anakin Solo:

Long-range turbolasers (4)

Standard turbolasers

Baradium missiles

Proton torpedoes

Concussion missiles

Advanced anti-starfighter weaponry


72 fighter compliment





130 heavy turbolaser batteries

60 assault concussion missile launchers

50 point defence batteries

40 ion cannons

20 dual proton torpedo launchers

15 tractor beam projectors

2 gravity well projectors

8 shield generators


560 fighter complement.


Edge: In 1 vs 1 it of course goes to the Bellator, but in a fleet engagement I am not so sure. Unable to really give an edge due to the utility that the Solo can use compared to the firepower that the Bellator has combined with its compliment. Though, if I HAD to give an edge, it would go to the Bellator.


Fighter Class: CF9 Crossfire starfighter

Laser cannons (4)

Aft double laser cannon (1)

Proton torpedo launcher

6 Proton torpedoes




Fighter Classes: Aleph-class starfighter

Quad laser cannon turrets (2)

Proton torpedo launcher (1)

Concussion missile launcher (1)


Edge: Fairly even here, but the Aleph's ability to fire both proton and missiles does give it a versatility advantage. As for the guns themselves, the CF9 gets a slight edge, due to the turrets constant likeliness to get stuck.


Bomber Class: I4 Ionizer starfighter

Laser cannons

Quad medium ion cannons

Disruptor torpedo launcher

2 Disruptor torpedoes




Bomber Class: M12-L Kimogila heavy fighter

Heavy Laser cannons (2)

Concussion missile launcher

12 concussion missiles

Proton torpedo launcher (1)


Edge: While the Disriptor torpedoes are impressive, they do require a followup strike from another craft, and the opening can likely be missed in the chaos of battle. Which is why I give the edge to the Kimogila.


Elite Class: X-83 TwinTail starfighter

Enhanced heavy laser cannons (4)

Proton torpedoes (16)


Elite Class: TIE Defender

SFS L-s9.3 laser cannons (4)

Borstel NK-3 medium ion cannons (2)

SFS M-g-2 general-purpose warhead launchers (2)

Standard load: 4 concussion missiles or proton torpedoes each

Tractor beam projector (1; optional)


Edge: They are essentially the same fighter, but done in two different ways, the Republic way and the Imperial way. I would have to call this one a draw. Due to the X83's shields vs the Defenders heavy arsenal.





The Ascendency is a force meant to follow a standard german tactic used in WWII. German units would send large forces to engage their opponents (be it walking into traps or springing them), then with the enemy pinned they'd have their faster agile forces swing to their opponent's flank and crush them.



Deploy fighter craft and overwhelm the enemy with high quality fighters. *not sure the other parts of the RR plan*


Overall, I would give the edge to the CA actually, due to its combination of heavy fighters, which all 3 of its fighter craft could be classified as, and they all carry protons and missiles. Combine with this the fact that the Anakin Solo can be used to initiate the battle in favor of the CA, it tilts it in their favor a bit more. However, I will say that despite the quality that both sides show, the RR does have a good deal more to use in this battle as well as stronger fighter defenses, which tips this back towards center. It all really depends on the opening blows to see who would win.

Edited by Silenceo
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Is it even possible in capital ships?


Seeing as Kun and Tiin described it as close to suicide, very hard to pull off due to a planets Gravity, is it even remotely possible in a Star Destroyer?


It was attempted in a Venator during the Battle of Boz Pity.

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Ya just read the thing on it, seems possible, but the anakin would have to be in position before the Fighters were deployed.


That could prove difficult, and if they started delpoying before it was in position it might just end up being better off just firing away at the under belly with no repercutions sent their way.



Again I am not talking about flying all the way around to their exposed side with the Imp II's but instead firing at that underbelly nearly completely undettered.


If I were the Republic rather then use the bottom of the Venator's I would just use the Acclamator's they are tough they can take it, and it would take much less time for them to get back into possition to use the Venator's guns. Some Acclamtor's might be lost but thats not a big thing for them honestly.

Well if you consider the issue that they are already outnumbered it kinda is a problem, but I see the point. If the Acclamators can get between the Imp II's and the Venators then the Venators might get their fighter complements off. Problem is, what if the Solo flies *past* the fleet and the Ascendency fleet is suddenly past the Acclamators in right on top of the Venators. Regardless of what direction they tilt, a Imp II will have a field day if they open the main hangers.


This is why I brought this tactic up, the Republic doesn't have much of a way to mitigate the damage potential.

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Ya just read the thing on it, seems possible, but the anakin would have to be in position before the Fighters were deployed.


That could prove difficult, and if they started delpoying before it was in position it might just end up being better off just firing away at the under belly with no repercutions sent their way.



Again I am not talking about flying all the way around to their exposed side with the Imp II's but instead firing at that underbelly nearly completely undettered.


If I were the Republic rather then use the bottom of the Venator's I would just use the Acclamator's they are tough they can take it, and it would take much less time for them to get back into possition to use the Venator's guns. Some Acclamtor's might be lost but thats not a big thing for them honestly.

Why would the Anakin have to be in place before they deployed fighters?


Ah I see, but as I said a while back the underbelly of the Venator is not only shielded, reinforced with neuronium but also lacks any structural weaknesses - remember how Ashoka used it against in the space battle of Ryloth - they held of 6 Munificent-class frigates long enough to deploy bombers and flank them. I don't think the shields even dropped.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Why would the Anakin have to be in place before they deployed fighters?


Ah I see, but as I said a while back the underbelly of the Venator is not only shielded, reinforced with neuronium but also lacks any structural weaknesses - remember how Ashoka used it against in the space battle of Ryloth - they held of 6 Munificent-class frigates long enough to deploy bombers and flank them. I don't think the shields even dropped.


Yeah, but how common a tactic is that?

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Thrawn did it, and like Star said, it was used by people like Daala during the Vong war, but I still dont think it was done within the same planets orbit, but I can assure you it was done within the same system.

Exactly, a single jump out to a safe distance and another right back. Wouldn't take that long and it'd give the Solo time to get into position anyways.

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Silenceo, you realise I have to READ that entire thing right?


I hate y'all and your walls of texts :p


Don't lie, you love them since they tend to be free of hate, or love. They are emotionless numbers. Mostly. :d_evil:

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