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The Great Je'daii Order is Offering in game interviews.


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Hello Begeren Colony!


The Great Je'daii Order a 490 member casual yet active guild that welcomes Dark and Light side players is interviewing in game.


We have 35-40 members on during prime time and rarely drop below 15. We have 10 slots open. There are squads to help people, Active, but optional Role Playing (with a separate Channel) as well as PVE, & some PvP. We have scheduled Events, a Guild Bank , a Web Site and the most structure you will find.


In game You can whisper Almar, Almor, Alm'ar, or Jen'daii. If they are not logged on, send an in game mail to Almar with your usual play time and every attempt will be made to reach you for an interview.


The Website is: http://www.thegreatjedaiiorder.enjin.com/


Thank you and we look forward to talking to you soon!


Grand Master, Almar Deschain

Edited by Almar_
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  • 2 weeks later...
Well that's awfully (in the awful sense) vague there KE. Who were before you left because your needs weren't being met? I ask this seriously because there are some legit reasons to leave but many more that say more about the leaver than the leaving if you catch my drift. TGJO is a friendly guild with lots of fun events in my experience.
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