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I can do Revan and Surik, been researching them for a totally unknown and secret reason :p


And I'd be totally unbiased, because I need to make them both look good for.... Totally unknown and secret reasons :p

Of course. :D


I mean, I have no idea what your talking about!

Edited by Beniboybling
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Ehh, I suppose I'll dig up whatever I can for the HoT regarding Control/Sense/Alter, most likely with the assistance of S_W_LeGenD.


Well I can already say his physical resistance and speed with saber are a example of control abilities in action.


Mental Barriers I am almost possitive is control. Beyond that I am not sure honestly. I know h has waved based TK fairly well mastered so thats alter.

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...you questioned my credibility and essentially called me an outright liar.

Are you serious? Why wouldn't he? I have never seen a larger collection of fake quotes.

Your entire credibility on these boards, as well as other boards, has just diminished into nothing.

No, I am not being hostile. I am saving members from believing and using fake quotes. :mad:


Having read more about Sunrider I am getting the feeling she is the most powerful Jedi of the entire era.


"As the Grand Master of the order she would spend her days not deliberating in chambers or meditating on the power of theForce but instead hunting down the remains of the Sith, the cults and brptherhoods that formed after Kun's imprisonment, she knew that left unchecked yet another Dark Lord would rise in their place.


Eventually towards the end of her life after decades of no contact to the order, she returned to only her daughter Vima and warned her of a dark wheel turning, a vast blackness hiding behind the ruins of the Old Sith Empire, she felt in her gut that many wars would follow and so she created the council and the three paths and much more, hoping that an organised Jedi Order could survive the chaos to come." - Tales of the Jedi companion

This quote doesn't exist. I have the companion, many people do in fact.

You can easily get a pdf online, it isn't that hard to see what you just wrote is fanfiction.


"Darkly he proclaimed 'I am Sion, Lord of Pain and Lord of the Sith and you cannot kill me.' instead of exchanging words with the abomination before her, she simply attempted to cut the beast off from the Force but she realised this monster had become the Dark Side and such techniques would not work. Ziost was their battleground, time and again she would cut him down and once more he would rise anew. Aided by his minions the fight lasted three nights, despite the freezing temperatures and the well of darkness swirling through the collapsing fortresses, she would cut down more and more Dark Jedi until finally when Sion realised this engagement was one he could not win, he fled and no matter how much she chased him he would not be found again." - Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide Collector's Edition

Quote doesn't exist either. Like seriously? This is one of the worst fanfictions I have read. :(

The entire layout of that post is completely different in how the text is layered in the actual guide. In fact, I have the scans for Sion's article, here it is (Nomi doesn't even have a section in that guide):




"Sunrider became a legendary name among the Order, her connection to the Cosmic Force was vast and wide, she would often speak of how she felt the stars burning in her mind, how she felt the trillions in her heart but one planet in all the skies haunted her till her last breath, a planet under a massive burning and raging sun, one man above all concerned her most, her only true equal amongst the Sith Lords, Exar Kun." - Tionne

Do you care to provide a better source then just the name of the character? Like perhaps the actual book it was stated in so people can check? Thanks.



"Among all the Jedi it would be Grand Master Sunrider whom left her mark on the galaxy, she was a beacon of light holding back the Darkness, a vast darkness to consume the galaxy, when finally she passed away, the light went out clouded in darkness, the galaxy had changed." - KotOR CG

Quote doesn't exist either. I have the book, they barely have many mentions of Sunrider to begin with. Especially nothing on this scale of praise. I double checked this with 3 other members of my forum who have the sourcdebook as well, and they also confirm it doesn't exist. Sorry. :(



"Dozens of groups began to embrace the Dark Side, remnants of Kun's Sith Brotherhood spawned yet more Sith groups it was not until the Mandalorian Wars broke out that the Sith were put to the side to deal with the much larger threat to the galaxy, once Darth Revan assumed the mantle of Dark Lord, all the remnants of the Brotherhood flocked to the Dark Lord's side and the teachings of sorcery and alchemy became common amongst his Sith Empire, many of the leaders of these groups became Sith Masters, instructing the Dark Jedi in the true Sith arts."


"The art of Battle Meditation never came so naturally to a Jedi as it did to Nomi Sunrider, just as many techniques did, in her presence Jedi would fight in cohesion without the need for words, becoming a small army in of themselves perfectly complementing one another."


"Once she had attained the rank of Grand Master, Sunrider understood the ebb and flow of the galaxy, did not question it's events and began to simply accept the role of a Jedi, to maintain the peace and finally let go of her daughter, she knew that no attachments could remain if she was to do her duty, to fulfill the role the Force had designed her to be in, to reconstruct the Order and instate the code that Odan-Urr had written so long ago.


She knew why her husband died, she knew why she had a change of heart, she knew what life her daughter would live and accepted that life and death were merely larger tests in a grander design, she had let go of everything and welcomed her physical death the day it had come, though darkness would fall she had seen what lay past it."


"As she charged across the plains of Onderon, a laser from one of the fortresses many heavy turbolaser defenses approached her and her Jedi companions, time slowed around her and almost accepting her death she dropped her blade and stretched out her arms, as time returned to her she saw nothing, her Jedi companions in awe, then she felt energy crackling through her veins, she had absorbed the energy but her body felt like it would implode, her arms ached, her legs buckled, muscles tightening, her chest ached and her skin was smoking, as if she had somehow understood what she had done, she channelled all the energy into her palms and sent out a thundering energy wave completely annihilating one of the Naddists' siege barges.


With this she collapsed, feeling so numbed by the pain that she felt nearly paralysed, she began sweating profusely, beads rolled down her chest, dripped off her forehead and showered her back, but somehow this display had awoken in her an understanding a comprehension of the power inside her, she knew the pain did not really exist, it was all in her mind, so she shut it out grasped the hilt of her blade with the Force and caught up with her contemporaries."


"Tatooine drew her attention as she felt a dark presence on the planet, it was not powerful but was nonetheless there. Eventually she found her way to a cave where this presence was, she found no living beings only an astrogation chart, at first she wondered what this incomplete map led to but something told her this was not a journey she was meant to take, she had intruded however, intruded on a Krayt Dragon's lair, the creature was clearly drawn to the power here and by the skeletons and decomposing remains of other beasts that lay here, so were many others.


But putting her attention back to the living one, she found herself cornered in the outcropping the Dragon let out a deafening roar a clear sign of attack, as it came lumbering in to devour her, she gripped the beast with the Force, lifting it and then slamming it into the wall, not wishing to kill the injured beast the Grand Master leaped out of the cave to it's opening, at first she considered to heal the beast of it's broken leg but realised slightly too late that it's tail was following her, she felt her ribs, arm and hip crack as it whipped her right side.


Clearly believing it's prey to be dead, it lumbered over to her, it's tongue ready to envelop her, at this moment she stretched her right arm out and removed the beast from the ground beneath, she threw the gargantuan beast into it's cave, sensing the presence of many others closing in, she departed the area rather than cause more harm to the inhabitants of the world.


No Sith or Dark Acolytes were here and so this planet had nothing for her."


Do you care to provide sources for these? I showed these to my forum, some who have been debating for *many* years now, and none of them even seen anything *remotely* similar to this. Hell, not *one* person in the entire internet besides you have ever seen these quotes, and based on your "credibility", it's safe to say these don't exist either. Yes, this is a direct challenge. Prove me wrong. I request the book, page number, and scan for all of these. Thank you. :rolleyes:

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Do you just like to call people out at random or what oh and unless you have forgotten, their are two editions of TotJ one from 1996 and one from 2004 meant as a supplement to the KotOR CG, it was not its own book and infact is detailed under "adventures of Nomi Sunrider" oh by the way that KotOR CG has FOUR editions; the standard which is easy to find, the deluxe hardback, the Limited gloss print with foreward from Chris Avellone and the Limited Collector's Edition which has over a hundred extra pages dedicated to setting, it was only released in Canada and the U.K because thry failed to realease the Limited Edition in anywhere but the U.S.A.


Demand all you like I am not going to spend my entire afternoon going back and forth with you when I have a Kaggath to debate, if you want to ask about my legitimacy then you need only ask all the regulars here.


Well done on coming on into a discussion section with a post directed at me, infact do the same with any regulars here and watch as your wild accusations and outright disrespect comes right around.


Now I swear I have seen your name on theForce.net or maybe comicvine, aren't you one of those fabled 'ultimate revan respect thread' designers that berates and belittles anyone who makes a solid argument against him? I'm fairly certain I saw you claim all this when someone made the valid argument of Vader > Revan using correct quotes and you insisted none of these quotes existed.


If you are not said person then I apologise but still lack of sources on your part does not mean my own don't exist.


Also to bring up a point, anyone who has GM'd SW RPG games like I have (since 1998) would know they never make a fuss over revised copies of the same companion or CG and hell PotJ has had 5 but no one seems to know that either, they all have little changes and are only made so Wizards can avoid legal battles over copyrights.


Even then they do not print them in vast quantities and usually restrict them to Canada and U.K publishing because it's dirt cheap, anyone who was around during the Wizards transition can remember the laughable moment NJO's cg and comps got three revisions in the space of 14 months.l, as soon as a new revised copy was released that was it off the shelves for any edition prior, the recalls cost them boatloads.


If you would have asked nicely I might have even guided you through the changes that went on for so long and killed the rpg because of the amount of money they spent revising stuff but you couldn't be civil could you.


I understand people being skeptical about it but it's hardly my fault that Wizards destroyed any notice they might have had about releasing new books by revising so many.

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Do you just like to call people out at random or what oh and unless you have forgotten, their are two editions of TotJ one from 1996 and one from 2004 meant as a supplement to the KotOR CG, it was not its own book and infact is detailed under "adventures of Nomi Sunrider" oh by the way that KotOR CG has FOUR editions; the standard which is easy to find, the deluxe hardback, the Limited gloss print with foreward from Chris Avellone and the Limited Collector's Edition which has over a hundred extra pages dedicated to setting, it was only released in Canada and the U.K because thry failed to realease the Limited Edition in anywhere but the U.S.A.


Demand all you like I am not going to spend my entire afternoon going back and forth with you when I have a Kaggath to debate, if you want to ask about my legitimacy then you need only ask all the regulars here.


Also to bring up a point, anyone who has GM'd SW RPG games like I have (since 1998) would know they never make a fuss over revised copies of the same companion or CG and hell PotJ has had 5 but no one seems to know that either, they all have little changes and are only made so Wizards can avoid legal battles over copyrights.


Even then they do not print them in vast quantities and usually restrict them to Canada and U.K publishing because it's dirt cheap, anyone who was around during the Wizards transition can remember the laughable moment NJO's cg and comps got three revisions in the space of 14 months.l, as soon as a new revised copy was released that was it off the shelves for any edition prior, the recalls cost them boatloads.


If you would have asked nicely I might have even guided you through the changes that went on for so long and killed the rpg because of the amount of money they spent revising stuff but you couldn't be civil could you.


I understand people being skeptical about it but it's hardly my fault that Wizards destroyed any notice they might have had about releasing new books by revising so many.

Perhaps you don't understand the word "edition." It is not a synonym to "completely changing everything about the book." The fact you will not supply me with at least *one* scan proves you have no credibility. I don't understand the point of typing several sentences to just mask the ultimate truth. Quite sad to see the official Star Wars The Old Republic site has members releasing fake information. I encourage members here to double-check information before believing it.


Now I swear I have seen your name on theForce.net or maybe comicvine, aren't you one of those fabled 'ultimate revan respect thread' designers that berates and belittles anyone who makes a solid argument against him? I'm fairly certain I saw you claim all this when someone made the valid argument of Vader > Revan using correct quotes and you insisted none of these quotes existed.

I have never engaged in a ComicVine debate, so you are completely mixing me with the wrong person. My username there is also not really even remotely the same as here. I don't even have a "theForce.net" account, didn't even know they do versus. I only debate on KillerMovies forums, and have a good reputation. I cannot say the same about you, sadly. :(

Edited by MarcheseAMM
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Perhaps you don't understand the word "edition." It is not a synonym to "completely changing everything about the book." The fact you will not supply me with at least *one* scan proves you have no credibility. I don't understand the point of typing several sentences to just mask the ultimate truth. Quite sad to see the official Star Wars The Old Republic site has members releasing fake information. I encourage members here to double-check information before believing it.



I have never engaged in a ComicVine debate, so I believe you are mixing me with the wrong person. My username there is also not really even remotely the same as here. I don't even have a "theForce.net" account, didn't even know they do versus. I only debate on KillerMovies forums, and have a good reputation. I cannot say the same about you, sadly. :(


Or you know it could be the fact I am using a phone and grabbing scans is nigh impossible with this thing, replying to you is a difficult enough chore as is.


Oh and nothing changed, they only added 1.a supplement describing the Great Sith War and major participants, and 2.an extra hundred pages dedicated to setting and lore of the era, nice try but just stop making accusations instead of simply asking next time.


If you are not said person then I apologise however you make exactly the same claims as he and/or she did.


But I need not defend my credibility against a complete stranger to this section when this is the first post any of us have seen you make, if you want to question the authenticity of my sources feel free to but do so in a far more civilised manner, others here can back up my claims such as Selenial and if you want to question my personal legitimacy feel free to ask the other regulars here, whom i have spent years debating with and chatting with right here, I am an '08 round here and have debated the subject of Star Wars here using the same sources with many others and only very recently have newbies come here and demanded that 'x' does not exist.


Again next time actually bring credibility of your own (of which you have none here) and instead of assuming you and your friends know everything simply ask in a kind and constructive manner abd dont belittle these entire forums whilst you are at it.


Good day.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Oh and nothing changed, they only added 1.a supplement describing the Great Sith War and major participants, and 2.an extra hundred pages dedicated to setting and lore of the era, nice try but just stop making accusations imdtead of simply asking next time.

This "limited collectors edition" you speak of has...never been heard of before on any part of the Internet before you mentioned it. I will personally email Mr. Avellone then, I emailed him not so late again concerning another member creating a fake quote on Darth Nihilus.

If you are not said person then I apologise however you make exactly the same claims as he and/or she did.

Erm...what? I don't think you ever seen me in a debate. How can you possible make the judgment I dismiss Vader's accolades? Like seriously?


But I need not defend my credibility against a complete stranger to this section when this is the first post any of us have seen you make, if you want to question the authenticity of my sources feel free to but do so in a far more civilised manner, others here can back up my claims such as Selenial and if you want to question my personal legitimacy feel free to ask the other regulars here, whom i have spent years debating with and chatting with right here, I am an '08 round here and have debated the subject of Star Wars here using the same sources with many others and only very recently have newbies come here and demanded that 'x' does not exist.


Again next time actually bring credibility of your own (of which you have none here) and instead of assuming you and your friends know everything simply ask in a kind and constructive manner.


Good day.

I come here because I *have* made a Nomi Sunrider Respect Thread, yet another member brought it to my attention about your quotes. We had a little discussion, etc etc:


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I've been on here for some two years now, and not once has Rayla fabricated any information to my knowledge (which is vast, to say the least). In fact, I have made sure to double-check my sources whenever she makes a claim that I doubt or believe to be false, but this is rare, and certainly not the case here. She is by far the most intelligent and knowledgeable person currently on these forums, and I have absolute faith in her credibility. She's almost always right about pretty much everything (I say almost because, well, I'm sure I can find something to disagree with her on).


Next time, ask her for her sources nicely. Don't be aggressive, and certainly don't attempt to slander her reputation. It's not that difficult a thing to do. I'm sure she would have indulged your curiosity if you had only asked nicely. She has done the same for myself and others.


So, no, her credibility has not been diminished in my eyes.

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AGITATED STATEMENT: While LK and I often disagree on certain topics, and I would likely only be labeled as a *newb regular* due to the fact that while I post and participate often, before a several months ago I had only been lurking from launch. I have seen a great deal of what the regulars here have posted and how they do things, and I find your assault on LK's authenticity quite frankly to be obscene.


STATEMENT: Asking for confirmation of quotes you have not yet seen before is common, and often they are verified, but out right demanding them when they have already told you they are not at home or some such so they can not give them to you at the moment, but can later? That is just beyond insulting. If you would have simply requested in a respectful manner I am sure LK would have gotten the quotes' source and print to you, but after all of this? I sure as hell wouldn't, after the second or third post of outrageous accusations that would be about enough.


PRAISE: LK has been an outstanding and contributing member of these forums for quite some time, and many have come to love her, despite her view on Venators vs Imperial-class :d_smile:.


RESPECTFUL REQUEST: I ask you again, please either cease your accusations or at the very least, take a step back and breath. No one wants to do ANYTHING for someone that is behaving as you are currently.


STATEMENT: LK, regarding the ten questions you asked in the Kaggath match of CA vs the RR, I will have to think more than my initial thoughts, though I have a feeling in my circuits you have a plan once people respond to them. I will prepare.


SARCASTIC STATEMENT: Aurbere, you might be the Historian, but that does not mean you know everything. If it did, it would mean you would have responded to the request for a detailed analysis concerning Force Destruction in the Convention vs. Exotic thread. Not to mention my faction is still on standby awaiting review.


SORROWFUL RESIGNATION: Even droids can not last forever, Mr. Historian...

Edited by Silenceo
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Very well, I apologize for hostility, though she was no kinder when another member respectfully asked her.

If Mr. Avellone can confirm, then this issue is settled. If not, then I see a notable issue.

As far as I'm aware, Chris Avellone had no involvement in the creation of any editions of the KOTOR campaign guide. So I'm not sure what information you expect to get out of him.
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SARCASTIC STATEMENT: Aurbere, you might be the Historian, but that does not mean you know everything. If it did, it would mean you would have responded to the request for a detailed analysis concerning Force Destruction in the Convention vs. Exotic thread. Not to mention my faction is still on standby awaiting review.


SORROWFUL RESIGNATION: Even droids can not last forever, Mr. Historian...


Busy, busy, busy. But to make it quick. The Kaggath has already started, and I (probably) agree with Tune on Force Destruction.

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I can also vouch for Lady's credibility, not so much for yours.

Well, then let us wait for her reply. :) According to her, Mr. Avellone created one of the sourcebooks. Though, I do respect members here standing up for others. Then again...sometimes they just don't know when they are wrong. ;) I'll get back to everyone once he replies. Normally it should only take a couple days. Then I'll leave back to my boards (which I am all sure you just can't *wait* to happen :rolleyes:).

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You keep shooting yourself in the foot by the way; the more personal you attempt to make this the less and less people are going to believe you are doing anything more than personally attacking me for no reason but bridge dwelling, unlike you however I prefer to walk over the bridge rather than demean myself by going under it.


Now let's wait and see you fabricate something to 'support' this little crusade you got going here, want to know why i am so sure of that? 1.He is incredibly busy and barely ever allows even interviews. 2.hardly ever replies on the official obsidian forums and 3.lacks a solid email address he genuinely advertises.

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Your hostility is cute. If you care to know, Mr. Avellone has responded to all my emails.

One I sent on May 29th, he replied on the 30th. Another I sent on May 30th, he replied on June 9th.

Do you require scans of the emails are proof? I have nothing to hide, unlike someone... :rolleyes:

Also, his email is cavellone@obsidian.net. He replies quicker then Mr. Drew by far.

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