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Static Barrier Issue


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I am on Ilum and every time I pull more then 2 mobs my static barrier breaks on my comp, everytime. Is this normal or some kind of bug or glitch???


Static Barrier absorbs a certain amount of damage and then is gone - for my 180/186 geared Sorc in heal spec with the +10% talent from the skill tree, thats around 6500 points of damage, computed after mitigation. You can only re-apply SB after the de-buff it applies (Deionize?) goes away (18 sec. I think) and the de-buff sticks around even if the SB has been used up -- otherwise SB would be way overpowered.


So probably, when you pull two mobs your companion is being attacked and SB is working as it should.

Many Sorcs don't use SB enough, BTW. Good to see you using it. :)

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Static Barrier even with the skill tree upgrade I've found it to be less useful the higher you get in lvls to the point it breaks in 10 seconds or less if you are fighting anything above a silver.

Why is it bad that it "breaks?" That just means that it delivered its benefits (damage absorption) in full. SB is not like an Operative personal shield that reduces damage by a percentage for its entire duration: SB absorbs every point of damage that makes it past the toon's mitigation, until the SB's damage absorption is exhausted. An SB that expires because the 30 sec duration expired is an SB that wasn't providing it's full benefits. It's also an SB that was cast on a toon that did not wind up needing it.


SB provides quite a lot of points of damage reduction (about 6500 points for the ones my 180-geared Sorc heal casts) for a mere 25 force and a single GCD. It effectively gives the bubbled target 6500 extra Health. That's pretty good "healing" for the force and time used. Plus a Sorc can cast it on the run because it is instant, and can cast it in advance of expected incoming damage because it lasts 30 seconds.


Whenever a Sorc healer can be reasonably certain that someone will take non-trivial damage in the next 30 seconds, they should pop an SB on them. This includes tanks, agro whores, and sometimes, in fights with raid-wide AoE damage, everyone else. Heavy use of bubbling gets in the way of generating and Consuming stacks of Force Surge, so you need to manage your Force carefully when doing so, but it is still useful.


Also, because SB is instant, it is great for "stabilizing" a near-dead toon before hitting him/her with another heal. None of a Sorc's other heals (other the rather awesome self-heal Unnatural Preservation) can instantly do as much effective "healing" to a single target* as Static Barrier.


Unfortunately, some if not all parse programs do not report the benefits of SB in healing done, which may be why it does not get used as much as perhaps it should.


*Overload, if talented to heal as it should be for a healer, can do more if you can catch enough people in it. And it is not only instant, it is free!

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Your forgetting the ionization effect from using static barrier on yourself or another so if you place static barrier on someone and it breaks in 10 seconds you can't put it back on them until the ionization expires so until that happens they are taking all that damage that could have been avoided if the barrier itself was stronger and didn't break so easily.
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Your forgetting the ionization effect from using static barrier on yourself or another so if you place static barrier on someone and it breaks in 10 seconds you can't put it back on them until the ionization expires so until that happens they are taking all that damage that could have been avoided if the barrier itself was stronger and didn't break so easily.

I am not sure I understand you correctly, but yes, I am well aware of that de-buff, I am even considering grinding PvP to get the PvP 2-peice set bonus that reduces it's duration.


That debuff, which limits SB to being applied to each target no more often than once every 18 seconds, is there because of how powerful SB is. I don't see how it can be a reason not to use SB, it just means you cannot use it as often as you would like, and have to be ready with regular heals as well. Especially, it isn't a reason to not bubble people before a fight, since a Sorc will regen the Force used pretty quickly. Bubble your tank 15 seconds before he jumps in, and 3 seconds after the fight starts you will be able to (and probably will want to) bubble that tank again.

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