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Republic Engineer


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I have an idea for a new class. The Republic Engineer. A while ago i thought of this, and of a whole storyline, going along the lines of chapter one gathering parts for a superweapon at the command of the superior, chapter two gathering parts to create a new, great droid, which would be companions which you could choose the role of, and chapter three the superior defects to the empire and and you must get the plans, and him, back. An idea for chapter 2 could be something like balmorra you get the chasis from the metal there, quest the venom or energy for the medicine or weapons of the droid, and hoth finding an ancient rakata power core. Then, you gather the components and construct the droid, deciding if it will be damage or healing. Two advanced classes could be one specializing in weapon combat, the other specializing in using special robotic-assist tactics, the first using blaster rifle and shield generator, the second perhaps blaster pistol and generator, or rifle as well. A lot of the details i may not remember, but I just thought this could be a good idea and would like to share it. Thank you.

Edit: I was also thinking of as the first companion, you could choose a battle droid or a probe droid, damage or healer, and the droid in chapter 2 could be the opposite of the first one, or a third companion that could be a tank or something else so the droid in chapter 2 could be any of the three roles, adding lots of design and change for each player.

Edited by Benjymystro
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Sounds quite good to me. I'd play that story.


I'd rather label the Engineer an "support class", though, like Healers, but that doesn't mean that couldn't be an combat-heavy Engineer, too. I guess that he'd use the JM-30 cannons the Commando is able to use. ;)


P.S. : Why didn't you post that in the Suggestions sub-forum ? ;)

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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