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PVP Stat Distribution


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I'm currently working on min-maxing my Carnage Mara and just wanted to be sure I have the correct info on what stats to be getting, as I am getting conflicting information when just surfing through the forums and fan sites.


My understanding is that I need 95% / 105% accuracy in order to bypass the base 5% defense that most classes have and land all my attacks (assuming I am not debuffed etc.). As such, I don't need to itemize for it as I get 3% from Ataru, 1% from companion affection, and 1% from the skill tree. I read that the 95% only applies to basic attacks and the 105% applies to every other skill. It is not intuitive to me that basic attacks have their own accuracy rating; is this correct?


Aside from reaching the required accuracy, I understand that I should dump the rest of my secondary stat pool into surge. Right now I am sitting around 72-73%, though I have a bit too much accuracy and so expect this to go up a bit. What is the soft cap for surge? I commonly see 75% touted as the cap but again I just want to be sure.


Thanks maras!


TL;DR: Is 95% / 105% accuracy and 75% surge the goal for min-max mara pvp?

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I'm currently working on min-maxing my Carnage Mara and just wanted to be sure I have the correct info on what stats to be getting, as I am getting conflicting information when just surfing through the forums and fan sites.


My understanding is that I need 95% / 105% accuracy in order to bypass the base 5% defense that most classes have and land all my attacks (assuming I am not debuffed etc.). As such, I don't need to itemize for it as I get 3% from Ataru, 1% from companion affection, and 1% from the skill tree. I read that the 95% only applies to basic attacks and the 105% applies to every other skill. It is not intuitive to me that basic attacks have their own accuracy rating; is this correct?

That's all correct. Anything besides your Assault counts as a 'Special Attack' and if you mouse over your Melee Accuracy bar in your character sheet you will see that.


And yeah, power/surge. If you do that you'll hit about 77% Surge, which is overkilling it a bit with the DR but you do have an auto crit in Force Scream so it isn't bad. When I run Carnage I use 2 alacrity pieces (Implants) and when I run Anni I use 2 crit pieces (also Implants.) The alacrity isn't necessary and it doesn't benefit you a whole lot. It just makes Carnage feel much smoother IMO, and allows better Ravage clipping.

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