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Ion Missles FOTM

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I really like GSF and have been going at it pretty strong since I got into it. Ion missiles/weapons are coming to a point where I feel you had something good and figured a way to ruin it like you do with most PVP. let me explain.


there were maybe some minor tweaks and changes that needed done, but the Ion missile just is bad as it has become. I don't mind a missile that is heavy on shield damage, or one that eats booster or even if it had something that eats at a certain ability like say cap drain or what have you, but the drain of all systems, killing of the engine as well as draining boost. . .I guess I wouldn't mind this so much if there was a way to look externally, ie look around to see where it comes from, as is when hit to a dead stop you are stuck. It's too easy to get a guy to a dead stop and then stop behind him. . I can move he can't. he can't even see where they are coming from . . If you hit a mine layer he can't use his only defense which is shield boost, it's pretty lame. Do I use it? yeah but if you don't you are stupid and will die. While I am sure people will disagree. . it is a forum, I am saying as some one who does use this because it is the FOTM please scale it back a bit bringing opponents to a dead stop and roasting them when they have no way of stopping you is . . .well lame.

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Wait, you're complaining that ion missile is OP?


What I think you are experiencing is a combination of slows from two of the following sources:



  1. Ion railgun
  2. Interdiction missile
  3. Interdiction drone
  4. Interdiction mine
  5. Concussion missile



The other notable components with slows, ion missile and interdiction drive, are pretty garbage and aren't used that often.


The slows from these stack, so if you get hit by two different once you can get up to 100% speed/maneuvering loss i.e. fully rooted.


Or are you talking about sabotage probe, which afaik hasn't been touched since launch?


Anyway, the stacking of slows is absolutely going to get removed because it's ridiculous. It is frankly worse than the ion lovetap at launch. I haven't been hit by it (except maybe once?) but I have used it and felt dirty afterwards.

Edited by Kuciwalker
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Anyway, the stacking of slows is absolutely going to get removed because it's ridiculous. It is frankly worse than the ion lovetap at launch.


There was nothing broken about love taps, and the stacking of slows only makes sense towards designing a top notch and competitive game without OP components... /sarcasm

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Admittedly I play a scout, but i really wonder how people even get hit with missilesmost of the time. You can evade the lockons (and are given an alarm to tell you when people are trying) with LOSing or erratic movement (they have to track you for the lock on duration after all.) and you can evade the missiles after they've fired fairly easily unless they're really close or you have multiple people staggering missile locks.


As a scout, the ion rail gun is far more irritating, quick players can fire off a half charged shot to insta break my shield and them burst laser me in the face at close range for an insta death. I can't even flip the directional shields in time, and if I'm not within attack range of said gunship then an ion railgun shot is usuallly a death scentance because it kills my ability to evade any follow up attacks from anything.

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