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Any GSF-heavy guilds on Jedi Covenant (Rep)?


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Hey folks,


I'm looking for an active guild that does regular GSF on the Jedi Covenant server (Republic side). I'm an active player looking for a place to play (and win) with others. FPs, Ops or other group content is a big bonus, but my main focus is GSF.


Send a PM, or a /w in game to either Decklen or Merkazian.




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There used to be one rep side GSF guild well mostly GSF guild but we all kinda moved on to other games or other servers(Alpha Strike Force). Sorry GSF is mostly dead on the JC. Maybe try the Harbinger usually 2-4 GSF matches going at once. Good luck!
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You are welcome to join my guild Beacon of New Hope, though I'm not quite sure we are heavy enough into GSF. We have 3-4 people who GSF regularly and another 5 or so members you can coax into queing up occasionally. Main focus is more social/casual ops. If you're interested contact me Csylax/Csapla or find Azianie staring at the VIP lounge close to the consular elevator.


As far as other guilds go, based on observations around the PvP terminal the crimson order has a few who play. Not sure if their guild is more hard core opperations or what though. Other then that seems like people are either unguilded or in a random leveling guild.

Either way goidluck in your search for a new home (and I hope you convince Hayward to play more. He is quite good)

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