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UI doesn't always load (partially) on area transition.


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This happens to me on all my characters, on occasion. Its always after an area transition with a load screen. Usually changing transition again fixes it, but not always.


Its more often just the targeting 'gumps' that are invisible (player heatlh/portrait, target health/portrait), I just had it happen on a new inquisitor, arrived at Black Talon to find only my map and mission log where visible, everything else was gone. Transitioning did nothing this time, neither did pressing CTRL+U twice. I got the usual 'reload ui' game lag, but nothing but my map and mission log would reappear.


To be clear the gumps are not just invisible, they are in a disabled state. When my chat window won't load I cannot chat, cannot type a message explaining my distress to others. That part of the UI just didn't load.


When its just the targeting gumps that didn't load, I have opened up the interface editor to see they are still 'there', I can see the yellow outline indicating that gump's location, I can even adjust their values, move them around, but they will not show up on screen.


I see this most often when travelling to a flashpoint, when Its happend to my healers I just keep going because I can see health and status effects in the ops window, and its just too much of a pain to either force quit and hope not to be booted, or load back to fleet and then back to the flashpoint, crossing my fingers that this time the UI will actually load.


I took a long time away from the game so I cannot say for sure when this started, but its not a 2.8 issue, this was occurring for me in 2.7 and possibly before.

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