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Game over


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Believe me, as a former History professor and frequenter of numerous websites devoted thereto I understand your fervor. And I do hope you're not questioning my integrity -- as I've said numerous times in other threads here, being perceived 'right' on any Internet forum is of little consequence to me. :)


Last I checked, I never questioned anyone's integrity, which is why...


(...) Let us please not try to rewrite history as it was, even if unintentionally.


(...) I just find it pointless to rewrite history, even if unintentionally. To each his own concerning "integrity" on an Internet forum. :rolleyes:


I said that and repeated it.


I merely question one's memory on the subject, which is fairly different thing altogether. Accusing someone of questioning one's integrity over the internet is both laughable and silly.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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You know, I capped out my main on Ultimate Commendation gear a very, very long time ago.


Yet here I am, still playing, still enjoying the game, still carrying on.


I guess I missed the memo that concluded the game's run. :cool:

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And I do know the game mechanic allows for more than 100 Planetary Commendations because one of my older and higher level alts currently has 124 Planetary Commendations.


That was due to "grandfathering" (up to 2x the cap I believe) when they patched in the change to planetary (and other) comms are earned and used.


And as someone stated earlier..... caps are there for a purpose -----> to throttle the 7/24 players from fully gearing out in a couple of days and then flooding the forum with "there is nothing to do" threads.

Edited by Andryah
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Last I checked, I never questioned anyone's integrity,


Perhaps the perception that you were doing so came from this:

I'm going to call a gigantic BS on whoever said that 200 planetary comms or more on a single character was remotely possible.

(emphasis added).

I can see how "calling gigantic BS," could be seen as impugning integrity, as opposed to just saying they were mistaken. "BS" in this context carries a connotation of deceptive intent, don't you think?

Edited by BuriDogshin
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30 Ultimate commendation and 10 ultimate for Flashpoints. People with 2 operation reaching to commendation cap then no one join ops. Dear bioware what will i do? Should i subscribe again for nothing.:mad:


Interesting turn for the thread, talking about people complaining about the comm cap. Seems to me the OP was sad that there are fewer PUG ops happening on his fleet due to the increased rewards with the 2.8 groupfinder. Nothing to do with planetary comms... good job last three pages of genius.

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problem is i tried several time create and raid and everyone i ask said i reached cap, this is not problem for me i have HM ops team and a lot of alt, but there is a lot of ppl waiting for ops in my guild i have friends play at weekend for them finding ops "or a raid can complete story operations" not easy now.In chat channel i seen a lot of "LFG any ops" this is interesting this is not like that before. if this is go like that half of servers will get nothing also a lot of ppl not experienced about ops and if u enter via gf, there is big chance wipe before get 30 daily reward and lockout so:(. i get mad because i'm worry about also my friends and ppl who has limited time for achieve something only end of week this will effect social structure. we will start to feel this problem more severe when people start to gearing alts.
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You can have as many planetary comms as you care to collect. Its very easy to go way, ridiculously over the limit. All you have to do is buy a few of those 36 comm artifact boxes and rotate them out as their timer gets low.


Same thing with warzone comms. It is a great way to completely avoid the entire "grind" period in pvp where everyone totally out gears you. The second you hit 55, you can go buy a full set. Depending on how many comms you saved, you can be basically done gearing 15 or 20 minutes after you level (time for swapping out mods and finalising your "look," etc.).

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