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How many other servers have afk people in their warzone every match


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How many other servers are haveing problems with afkers in the warzones. It is plain stupid they are doing nothing about it i have been in atleast 30 warzones with the same guy afking atleast 45 of us have reported him and they do nothing he has been on for 16 hrs now and just sits there in a corner afk it is really hard to compete short a guy all the time. Hope they stop this problem soon before we end up with 4 afkers in every game
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Yeah it boots you out pretty quick if your afk in the starter area. ATM my pc is an old piece of **** so half the time by the time I load up and can move the game is warning me I must leave the safe zone.


Only problem is that often the fkn barrier is still up coz I missed the first extremely short time its open for while I was running (hutball) and now I CAN'T leave the safe zone for another 10-20 secs... too bad you obviously don't want to pvp we're booting you now.


I completely and wholy support the short afk timer before you get booted but srsly once it gets to "warning time" you should get some kinda buff that lets you run through the damn barriers.

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And the bot witch-hunt begins...


This quote right here makes it laugh, the players who say "Oh he's not botting." are usually the people who support bots. I know, I used to bot in WoW till they get banned. Players who bot are very easy to spot if you know what you are looking for, such as the players in WoW who used Glider.


The very sad part is that there are actually players who are AFK botting in this game and we're not even past the first month of this game. That takes a lot of stupidity to pay for a game that has JUST been released and then let a program play it for you.

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