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Class Mission "Darth Zhorrid Arrives"


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The class mission named "Darth Zhorrid Arrives" for Imperial Agent is a problem for me. I am having an issue after meeting with Darth Zhorrid in Korraban. The mission says Use your ship's holoterminal, So I go to my ship click the holoterminal, it starts the cutscene and nothing. I am standing there with watcher 2 looking at me. I have tried clicking esc and re clicking the holoterminal, logging out and back in, restarting the mission, all have the same outcome. Even traveling to Balmorra and Nar Shaddaa start this cutscene only for it to stop at the same point. How do I get this cutscene to work properly? I don't plan on deleting the character and starting again since I have put a lot into this character already gearing him up and such. I have filled out 2 tickets already still waiting for a response but any advice would be helpful.
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