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55 Sith Assassin LFG!


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I haven't been playing too long maybe 3 weeks. I am a level 55 Deception Assassin but I think I wanna start going into Tanking. I plan to run HMs to get geared up and learn how to tank with Sith Assassin. I am a new to SWTOR will have lots of questions as time goes by.


I am looking for a guild that has some life in it. RP(I am not too big into this so it's not that important to me if ya do it cool MAYBE I can get into it.) PvE (Something I am interested in doing to see that aspect of the game end content and so forth. I will DPs or Tank) I am decently geared up DPS I need gear as a Tank. PvP(I am also very interested in doing this as well in SWTOR mainly as a deception Assassin)


I want a guild who really offers adventure as well as great experience in this game. Be it RP/PvP/PvE. I want to have fun, I want to be active. I am off on Tues and Weds or Weds and Thurs as it changes from time to time. I mostly work in the morning and get off in the afternoon (MOST of the time off by 5pm Central time) I do play late on days I am off unless I have plans.


I am a serious player who is looking for a pretty serious guild to learn from and in the long run give back to. My in game name is Xeroragnos If you would like to send me a in game message. I hope to hear from some good people in the near future.

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