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How's the PvP on this server as of currently?


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Yes I know. It's not a PvP server. I've just been on one server for too long and looking for a change. One that has a decent community(Active at least, they all have a few ******es.) I guess what I'd like to know is, the faction balance(Imp vs Pub) and how active you'd rate the server 1/10. I'm not looking for Ranked Pop's 24/7, just regs and a healthy Population.
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Yes I know. It's not a PvP server. I've just been on one server for too long and looking for a change. One that has a decent community(Active at least, they all have a few ******es.) I guess what I'd like to know is, the faction balance(Imp vs Pub) and how active you'd rate the server 1/10. I'm not looking for Ranked Pop's 24/7, just regs and a healthy Population.


Population is about average (Usually shows up as Standard on the server select list). As far as faction balance in PvP, it usually depends on what premades are queueing or which team gets the healer (same story for any server). A lot of good pvp'ers have alts on both factions. Imps have more pvp-oriented guilds though. For PvE, there is usually 16man sm pug runs being put together a lot. Id' rate the server 7/10 on activity. Who knows, the update on Tuesday may help increase activity on all servers, or just give it another month until the Wildstar refugees come back

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Population is about average (Usually shows up as Standard on the server select list). As far as faction balance in PvP, it usually depends on what premades are queueing or which team gets the healer (same story for any server). A lot of good pvp'ers have alts on both factions. Imps have more pvp-oriented guilds though. For PvE, there is usually 16man sm pug runs being put together a lot. Id' rate the server 7/10 on activity. Who knows, the update on Tuesday may help increase activity on all servers, or just give it another month until the Wildstar refugees come back


Well atm TEH is a little bland. I'm tired of playing empire and people just don't play pub as much. They run to imp side when they lose. Balance won't happen like that. The population is high, but the PvP community is small/medium and doesn't like to play Republic. I'm not trying to pick pub b/c I love it, but b/c I want to compete/play with better teams both sides win or loss. Thanks for the reply.

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I believe, in my opinion, that JC is the most balanced server you will find. Whereas the Harbinger runs heavy heavy Pub, and just about every other server imp heavy, JC is pretty balanced slightly skewed to the imp side. But again like Urban said, it depends on what times you're q'ing, who is running premades, etcetera. a lot of good pub players, a lot of good imp players, a lot play both factions. well since LD 50 moved back over here from pot 5 its pretty much death when they're running, but they're not on that often in full 8 man power. I think the community is very welcoming and forgiving, but there are always a few a-holes in every group of human beings. Just my 2 creds.:rolleyes: Edited by Lanzend
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I believe, in my opinion, that JC is the most balanced server you will find. Whereas the Harbinger runs heavy heavy Pub, and just about every other server imp heavy, JC is pretty balanced slightly skewed to the imp side. But again like Urban said, it depends on what times you're q'ing, who is running premades, etcetera. a lot of good pub players, a lot of good imp players, a lot play both factions. well since LD 50 moved back over here from pot 5 its pretty much death when they're running, but they're not on that often in full 8 man power. I think the community is very welcoming and forgiving, but there are always a few a-holes in every group of human beings. Just my 2 creds.:rolleyes:


So making a new Vanguard there I'd win some games at least? I mean winning's not huge, I'm okay with losing. Just don't want to get discouraged from playing it.

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I main on TEH and play here on the side. This is definitely the most balanced faction-wise. Lowbies and Midbies seem terrible here though, don't let that put you off, play it to 55. LD50 will stomp you a couple times on the way, don't let that put you off either.


I think you'll enjoy it, the community doesn't seem poisonous, at least from an 'outsider's' pov.


Just don't expect anything different in terms of players, the same bads exist here that do on TEH.

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I main on TEH and play here on the side. This is definitely the most balanced faction-wise. Lowbies and Midbies seem terrible here though, don't let that put you off, play it to 55. LD50 will stomp you a couple times on the way, don't let that put you off either.


I think you'll enjoy it, the community doesn't seem poisonous, at least from an 'outsider's' pov.


Just don't expect anything different in terms of players, the same bads exist here that do on TEH.


Well, I'll give it a shot. not new to taking a beating and moving on so, here's to high hopes!

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