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Kaggath Battlegrounds

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Beni, could we get a random list of unit numbers once you're done?

It's hard to request more/less troops if you don't know how many everyone else has...


IE, a list like:

Sith Troopers: *Numbers*

Clone troopers: *Numbers*

Revanchists: *Numbers*

Dark troopers: *Numbers*


So everyone can compare their ground forces to those, same with fleets...

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Beni, could we get a random list of unit numbers once you're done?

It's hard to request more/less troops if you don't know how many everyone else has...


IE, a list like:

Sith Troopers: *Numbers*

Clone troopers: *Numbers*

Revanchists: *Numbers*

Dark troopers: *Numbers*


So everyone can compare their ground forces to those, same with fleets...

Well that's not what quite what I meant, I meant more in terms of providing info on in how many numbers they were deployed etc. i.e. information preferably not influenced by other stuff.
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Well that's not what quite what I meant, I meant more in terms of providing info on in how many numbers they were deployed etc. i.e. information preferably not influenced by other stuff.


I know, I'm just thinking, if you had Sith Warrior, I had PT Jedi, and I found out you had 8x more than me "cause PT > OR" I would dispute that, and the argument would waste like 8 pages of a Kaggath.


Or in a more minor way, someone has 80,000 dark troopers, someone else only gets 60,000 sith troopers despite the firepower/armor difference, they'd want to debate that too,.. So posting a few random examples here would help with comparisons.

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I know, I'm just thinking, if you had Sith Warrior, I had PT Jedi, and I found out you had 8x more than me "cause PT > OR" I would dispute that, and the argument would waste like 8 pages of a Kaggath.


Or in a more minor way, someone has 80,000 dark troopers, someone else only gets 60,000 sith troopers despite the firepower/armor difference, they'd want to debate that too,.. So posting a few random examples here would help with comparisons.

Well sure, but it will be down to me to make sure that its fairly proportioned, to avoid player biased coming into it.
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All right folks, I've revised the naval multiplication table into the following:


Heavy Capital Ship


Star Destroyer: 5


Heavy Cruiser: 20 [x4]


Light Cruiser: 30 [x6]


Light Capital Ship


Heavy Cruiser: 12


Light Cruiser: 18 [x1.5]


Frigate: 24 [x2]


Corvettes: 30 [x2.5]


Basically I gave the Heavy Cruisers a steeper gradient and the Light Cruisers a shallower one, because it wasn't paying off to choose smaller units as heavy cruisers, and I used the Order of Battle of Thrawn's armarda as a guide.

Edited by Beniboybling
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What kinds of boosts are we looking at for not having a Flagship? And does the fool that chose the Invincible (:p) get a bonus to his capital ship pool to compensate for the fact that it's not the freeking Malevolence?
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What kinds of boosts are we looking at for not having a Flagship? And does the fool that chose the Invincible (:p) get a bonus to his capital ship pool to compensate for the fact that it's not the freeking Malevolence?


Agreed, the Malevolence is one of the very few large Battle Ships that fits within the rules to be allowed, meaning all but one maybe two will have vastly inferior flagships. Is there something in place to mitigate this? *or the allowance of Praetor's or upgraded ISD? :p*


Also, if I remember right, the boost for no Flagship is approximately 20%.

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Agreed, the Malevolence is one of the very few large Battle Ships that fits within the rules to be allowed, meaning all but one maybe two will have vastly inferior flagships. Is there something in place to mitigate this? *or the allowance of Praetor's or upgraded ISD? :p*


Also, if I remember right, the boost for no Flagship is approximately 20%.


Well that's the thing, is 20% enough?


Taking 2 random units from the list.


Imperious - This'll be 5.

Acclamator - (Heavy cruiser?) - 12.


So an increase of 20% gives you two Acclamators and 1 Imperious.


Worth a Malevolence? I think not.

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You have a point, I think I'll introduce restrictions and what not depending on class. Given that we have a range of flagships from Star Destroyer to Dreadnaught. I might propose a boost if you choose a Star Destroyer and a deduction if you choose a Dreadnaught - the Malevolence in terms of size, is technically a battlecruiser, but in terms of armament I think I'd class it as a dreadnaught.
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What's the ETA Beni?


Can you finish off the two factions that are facing first and focus on the rest of us as the first battles commence? You promised us we'd get our Kaggath this weekend :p

I promised did I? I don't recall promising.


Anyway after a little deliberation I've decided it would be best to go for the 2-way set up and allow Tunewalker into the tournament. I suggest Tune that you look over the taken units, then re-sumbit your faction to me.

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I promised did I? I don't recall promising.


Anyway after a little deliberation I've decided it would be best to go for the 2-way set up and allow Tunewalker into the tournament. I suggest Tune that you look over the taken units, then re-sumbit your faction to me.


Damnit T.T


I was sure that was going to work.


But yeh, any ETA? :p

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Alright just for your information I've edited the following rule:


#72 If you choose not to opt for a Flagship you will receive a 20% increase to your capital ship pool. If you choose to opt for a flagship that is a Star Destroyer class or lower you will receive a 10% increase to your capital ship pool and if you choose to opt for a flagship that is a Dreadnought class you will receive a 20% negation.


Seem fair to you folks?

Edited by Beniboybling
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Alright just for your information I've edited the following rule:


#72 If you choose not to opt for a Flagship you will receive a 20% increase to your capital ship pool. If you choose to opt for a flagship that is a Star Destroyer class or lower you will receive a 10% increase to your capital ship pool and if you choose to opt for a flagship that is a Dreadnought class you will receive a 20% negation.


Seem fair to you folks?


That seems fair as in my opinion to increase or decrease any of those would be either too beneficial or too harsh.

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Alright just for your information I've edited the following rule:


#72 If you choose not to opt for a Flagship you will receive a 20% increase to your capital ship pool. If you choose to opt for a flagship that is a Star Destroyer class or lower you will receive a 10% increase to your capital ship pool and if you choose to opt for a flagship that is a Dreadnought class you will receive a 20% negation.


Seem fair to you folks?


Okay, Just gonna put this as a fleet and try the numbers out so everyone else doesn't have to.


No Flagship

Harrower - 24

Hammerhead - 22 (3.6... wanting to round up or down?)


With a SD

Harrower - 22

Hammerhead - 20

Chimera - 1


With a Dreadnought

Harrower - 16

Hammerhead - 14

Malevolence - 1


Now the question is:

Are 8 Harrowers and 8 Hammerheads a Match for the Malevolence?

Are 6 harrowers, 6 hammerheads, and 1 Star Destroyer a Match for the Malevolence?


Discuss. I'd say Yes, and Yes, as the Malevolence has a couple major weakpoints, but also the strength of basically being the battering ram in the seige that is space warfare.


The real question for me is, how would these numbers compare to the Vong Flagship?

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Just a question I'd put to everyone concerning the scale of the Kaggath.


As a base line, I was thinking of opting for trooper battalions of 576 men, but I'm wondering if that should be enlarged. Your thoughts? For reference here is the list of trooper (GAR) units above battalion:


Regiment: 2,304 troopers


Brigade/Legion: 9,216 troopers


Corps: 36,864 troopers


Sector Army: 147,456 troopers



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Just a question I'd put to everyone concerning the scale of the Kaggath.


As a base line, I was thinking of opting for trooper battalions of 576 men, but I'm wondering if that should be enlarged. Your thoughts? For reference here is the list of trooper (GAR) units above battalion:


Regiment: 2,304 troopers


Brigade/Legion: 9,216 troopers


Corps: 36,864 troopers


Sector Army: 147,456 troopers




Either that or a regiment, in my opinion.

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Just a question I'd put to everyone concerning the scale of the Kaggath.


As a base line, I was thinking of opting for trooper battalions of 576 men, but I'm wondering if that should be enlarged. Your thoughts? For reference here is the list of trooper (GAR) units above battalion:


Regiment: 2,304 troopers


Brigade/Legion: 9,216 troopers


Corps: 36,864 troopers


Sector Army: 147,456 troopers






What about force using Ground Forces, or elite ones? Are minor forces going to be 576 with Major's 2300? That seems a rather huge gap difference. Lets also note, that say having Spec Ops, vs Jedi. One spec ops is not worth one Jedi, so 576 PT Era Jedi, vs 576 Spec Ops forces isn't going to be a very straight up fight.


Are you factoring that into the equation too?

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