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Healing assignments for 16 man


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For those healers running 16 man HM content (or even 8 man I guess, but I'm mainly interested in 16), do you coordinate with other healers such that each healer heals a certain group or is responsible for certain raid members? If so, what are the schemes you use? I mainly run 8 mans but occasionally find myself in a 16 man group and I find healing these to be a giant cluster****.
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Regardless of healing assignments, choreography matters far more in 16m than 8m. It's crucial that a 16m take advantage of AOE healing by stacking whenever there isn't a mechanic that penalizes stacking.


In 16m, I recommend designating 1 healer for each tank, preferably a Mercenary|Commando or Operative|Scoundrel. While not neglecting the tanks, the remaining 2 healers have primary responsibility for non-tanks.


A few fights have a lot of cleanses. Below are examples of reasonable cleansing assignments.


  • Nefra -- Each healer is responsible for 4 cleanses (e.g., the 4 players in his row or Group/column in Frames).
  • Draxus -- Each side has 2 healers, one cleansing Grenades from the top and left in Frames, the other cleansing from the bottom and right in Frames.
  • Dread Masters -- If you have 4 or fewer players who can't cleanse themselves once a minute, use the buddy system. That is, assign one healer to each such player.
  • Brontes -- When there's an infrequent, single-target debuff that any class can cleanse, such as Corrupted Nanites from Kephess during Brontes, I recommend assigning a Sorcerer|Sage healer. The Sorcerer|Sage's cleanse costs the least relative to resource pool.



If you have 2 Mercenary|Commando healers in a 16m, I recommend that each manages Kolto Shell|Trauma Probe for 8 players. Each has a tank, who need refreshing most often. Each has himself, as a bellwether for when non-tanks need refreshing. Even if one Mercenary|Commando has greater Bonus Healing, allowing him to Kolto Shell|Trauma Probe everyone may generate too much threat, and refreshing 16 impairs his ability to build Supercharged Gas|Supercharge Cells.

Edited by Orderken
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