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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Parsed Companion DPS


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Again the point of a tank companion is to tank. You don't care about dps when you want a tank. They live far longer with tank gear than without.

I'd like to see some hard numbers that show that companions live "far longer" with tank gear than without. I haven't found it so. When I'm running a dps toon, my primary method of survival is to kill the mobs as fast as possible. It's worked so far.

In order to do that with normal dps companions you have to turn off their aoe abilities which drastically lowers their dps.

See, it's statements like the above that are what prompted me to actually run the parses and start this thread.


People make statements like "which drastically lowers their dps" and don't back it up with testing. What you're saying is logical, and it might even be true, but consider this test I did here.


Aric Jorgan's single target dps dropped by a mere 1.2% by turning off his AOE attacks.


So do me a favor. Instead of making authoritative pronouncements like you're some sort of expert, do some gorram testing and post the results.

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