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*** Attis Station


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I just tried this quest on my shadow and died almost instantly. I helped another shadow do the quest and then we went back in to do mine and now there's no one there at all. Nothing . I can't get off this god-forsaken planet until I do this horrible mission. And Bioware has not responded to multiple requests for assistance.
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I agree this one is tough to do with Qyzen. I did it at around L41 and was surprised at how hard I had to work and that Qyzen Fess died a lot. The good news is that after Athiss, it was smooth sailing on the rest of the planet.
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I was using Tharan since he's a healer, and a not bad one I might add. My partner was using Qyzen for the DPS.


Turns out all I had to do to solve the problem I had with not having any mobs in the instance was to reset the quest. Lol so simple! Originally, though, it didn't have that option. The reset button wasn't clickable until later when someone suggested I reset, then the button was usable. Mission complete, on to Hoth!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yep I had problems too and then I cracked it. Use Tharan, force lift the Sith Sorcerer to keep him out of the game and keep smashing at the other guy. Avoid any AOE attacks. Heal before the other sith drops. It was actually shockingly easy once I got Tharan involved and I did it first go. However, I did spend a shedload buying Tharan some top gear first from GTN. Worth it as this was the only part of the game that has had me swearing out loud!
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Just did Attis the other day on my DPS Shadow.


I did notice that they hit quite hard, and at first it was like "arrruuuughh?" It wasn't too awful bad, but that first fight was a bit of an eye-opener.


Then I realized what the terminals were for, went into CC mode, and it was a breeze. (I've always used Qyzen and don't normally use CCs unless I know it's gonna be a tougher fight... the opposition normally doesn't last too long. It's probably a bad habit, though, as I sometimes forget I have CCs at all!)


Anyhoo, I do like that, every once in a while, you get a bit of a curve ball like Attis tossed at you... keeps you vigilant.



Fade to Black...

Edited by CWBuff
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This one is actually quite a bit harder than it should be, especially for the level they give it to you. No other personal story mission has been this hard up to this point in the consular storyline, and the shock of it can and likely does discourage people from continuing with the story.


For my part, I just zerged it. I tried CC and it didn't work, but I'm not very good at CC, so that's not really the game's fault. I tried it with all my companions, Theran, Qyzen and Zenith, and they always ended up dead, followed by me. So I kept Qyzen out and zerged. I picked one member of the group I was attacking, and burned him down as fast as I could, knowing that I would probably be dead before I beat the other 2. I could usually keep myself and Qyzen alive long enough to kill one strong, and any standards/weaks in the group. Most of the groups were wither 2 strongs and a standard, 3 strongs, or a strong, and elite, and either a standard or another strong. That's more than any one person can handle, unless they are either extremely skilled or extremely lucky. So I simply picked them apart one at a time. I followed a zerg pattern.


Attack - Kill one enemy in the group (maybe 2 if one is standard/weak) - lose companion - die - wait for med probe timer - res - attack the group again - wash - rinse - repeat.


With a couple of the groups, there were 3 strongs. With these I had to endure 2 deaths. I would kill one, then die. Res and kill another, then die. You can see where this goes.


Any quest where you can only win through sheer attrition is horribly overtuned. These are supposed to be solo-friendly story quests. This one requires either a group, an attrition zerg, or a godlike player with over the top gear. I'm sure it is possible to do this solo without the attrition strategy, but the player would have to be so skilled, and his gear so good, that most people will never be able to do it. Your average casual player is going to get slaughtered by this quest, and I guarantee you many will be driven to quit the character, if not the game, after trying this, and I would bet many already have.


I'm not usually one to whine about difficulty. When I run into something I can't handle I either get help or skip it. This one is a bit much. It really needs to be severely tuned down.


Just one man's opinion. Take it for what it is.


Have a nice day.

Edited by Dinoviking
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The truly cheese method on this is to burn one down and run through the green instance curtain, thus dropping aggro on the rest. Saves a bit on repair costs, too.


Haha; saves more than a "bit" on repair costs! I'm coming up on this mission, and I will definitely go into it prepared. Maybe I can hunt down some sucker to tag along with me. :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I finally completed Attis last night. It was pretty intense, but not overwhelming. CWBuff mentioned something about "figuring out what the stations were for." What are they for? I used them and ended up with several little training droid looking things hovering about me after several activations, but couldn't tell what they were supposed to do.


I think, had I been a few levels lower, it would have been more difficult, but I was 40 when I went through here due to the double-XP weekend giving me a two-level boost. The groups of elite+two-strong Sith were a little challenging, but with the elite on CC until the minions were handled, they went down without too much fussing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

To give some background, I am a casual gamer and TOR is my first mmo experience. I tend to do every quest on a planet except the Heroics. When going to Quesh, this meant that I was level 41. All I can say once I entered Attiss Station is wow!, the learning curve sure became steep all of a sudden. I died once and Qyzen died twice.


At that point I decided to reformulate my strategy somewhat. Mind you, I don't encourage anyone to follow it, it's just what worked for me. When it came to the mobs on the ground floor, I decided that it was better to pull out Zenith. Applying Force Armor to us both, I would Force Lift one person from a group and then just attack one of the others with him. Apply heals and Force Armor again to take out the second, and moving on to the third. Also recuperating between fights was a necessity for me.


Impossible? No, but certainly a tad much for casual players just like the Lightspring on Tatooine for the Smuggler. It was a challenge and that was interesting but I'm hoping Hoth will ease up a little on me again. And as a last lesson, don't pay too much heed to people say who roflstomp'ed something.

Edited by ghoul_drool
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For this quest I'd advice that you or your companion is a healer.

Both sage and shadow have a 60 second stun at this point (force lift and mind maze i think, dont know the exact name even though I am a shadow).


Some groups contain a double bladed lightsaber (the weapon of a shadow) and does force lightning stuff. Use your 60 second stun on this guy. He does crazy damage.

Save your relics, medpacks and defensive cooldowns for this guy. First fight the others in the group, heal up a bit, then.fully nuke the last guy.


I did this as a shadow with tharan as companion. I can respec on the spot so I went tank for this quest, but a dps can do it if you keep your and your companion's equipment up to date.


I don't have much experience with sage so I cant think the best spec + companion combo. But i recomend using atleast one healer in your team.

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I don't have much experience with sage so I cant think the best spec + companion combo. But i recomend using atleast one healer in your team.


Healers are always nice to have! I had Tharan with me when I went through there. My character is an Infiltration Shadow, but I always run her in Combat Technique (tank) mode when with Tharan. I think it helped that I had visited this thread and knew to expect a tough fight, but I didn't employ any of the interesting techniques like tossing opponents off ledges, etc., that were suggested.


RoFL-stomp would have been nice (or would it? I prefer challenges!), but it was a manageable challenge and done with no companion deaths or wipes. I was pleased, given the expectation going in! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I just completed this as a lvl 35 Sage. While it was indeed challenging, after the second group or so, I figured out which one of the mobs was a bigger threat and prioritized my targets. I'm spec'd to heal, so I went with Qyzen tanking. For the blue guys, I'd force hold the double-bladed one, while focusing down the other. The hardest group in the building wasn't the Champion (gold star?), or the boss, but in the back of the room I had a spawn with 3 elite/blue mobs. I force held one, and managed to focus another down before I had to heal Qyzen back up.


It helps immensely to not only get the buff from the consoles in the room, but time your shields so that the debuff will wear off by the time you need to re-apply it. So, cast it on yourself and your companion, then wait 15s or so before engaging. Timing, knowing when to fight and when to heal, and managing your companion makes this a much more manageable quest.

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  • 1 month later...
Tried this as a 31 Sage AND GOT OWNED , but after reading this thread and lvl'd to 34 Sage did it pretty easily my companion did die about 4-5 times during the process and I would make it out the door more often than not, But I thank whoever started this thread because I would have not made it if I had not read these posts, and for that I say THANK YOU to the original posters !!! I buffed at tose consoles and used cc, had to turn off Qyzens nades and emp but looking back may just try turning the nades off as I have run into this same problem with him breaking my force lift in tight situations when cc makes the difference between winning and losing but with force lift this at lvl 34 was very doable !!!
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what i do ad FP and most players no that to i hope XD


some FP,s have area's where you can drop down very far :D


use you KB skill to knock them of the edge save alot of pain and time :)


also am sure alot of classes have a 60 sec stun use that on strong mobs

kill weak first and it wil be easy


also a healer must not atack ad all not even 1 shot ore strike he must 100% focus on healing

let the dps kill weak ads fast and the tank hold argo for strong mobs


if all go well it wil be easy


if some dps think they wanne rush true a area kick them there is no room for that

tank must go first easy as that

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what i do ad FP and most players no that to i hope XD


some FP,s have area's where you can drop down very far :D


use you KB skill to knock them of the edge save alot of pain and time :)


also am sure alot of classes have a 60 sec stun use that on strong mobs

kill weak first and it wil be easy


also a healer must not atack ad all not even 1 shot ore strike he must 100% focus on healing

let the dps kill weak ads fast and the tank hold argo for strong mobs


if all go well it wil be easy


if some dps think they wanne rush true a area kick them there is no room for that

tank must go first easy as that


Um.... what?! I think you're referring to Athiss Station (the level 22 flashpoint) rather than Attis Station, which is a class mission on Quesh in the consular story. Otherwise, are you expecting that the class player goes into this with a player group? :confused:

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I confess, this is the mission that kicked my first toon's butt. My Sage was my primary until I got to Quesh. At level 37, this one completely put me off playing that character. Finally after playing a bunch of alts and trying a stealthy Inquisitor, I rerolled as a Shadow, which is more my preferred playing style anyway, I made it up to level 38 before encountering this mission again, and it still took me a while to get through it.


I used Tharan as companion, Mind Maze on the highest level in the crowd, and just plugged away. I never figured out what those medical stations did--good to know! Then when I got to the 3 silver dudes on the balcony, it was bedtime and I had to work in the morning, so I quit. I'm so thankful that when I came in the next night, it had saved my progress. And yes, I felt a little stupid to find out they were the last 3 enemies I had to fight. But after that room full of golds and silvers, I didn't know what to expect next.


Anyway, glad I'm not the only one who had trouble with it.

Edited by Propecius
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