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Is it just me or is Seethe (inquisitor rest) bugged?


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When I see other people use Seethe, they don't really walk back and forth. When I use it (and on their end when they use it) they see it just fine, but it seems like when you see others use it, it never "synchronizes" right. You just kind of see them do the animation without moving, and they kind of pop back and forth with zero transition. IE they don't actually pace side to side, they just kind of do an animation and "lag".


This is starting to bug me because sometimes I use it because it seems like a cool time to use it while waiting on an elevator or something, but if other people are just seeing me bug out, it takes away from coolness.

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my peeve though with seethe is that it is so far the only one that 'Can Not' turn around during and to cancel you have to hit esc, forward or back or use a skill/buff. I say turn as in the other classes you can hit your left/right key and look around you as you regen or wait for colldowns to go away and yet the inquis you can't. I can say that on you original question though that had one person ask me if i was seeing them glitch out doing seethe and I was seeing them normally and a few occasions just standing there a dark red and their bars going up but not moving, or having to do it multiple times on flat ground as apparently the game thinks they are meeting a uneven standing.
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my peeve though with seethe is that it is so far the only one that 'Can Not' turn around

No problem here turning around to look at the surroundings while Seething, just use the Left or Right mouse button

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The only problem I have with seethe is that if I am on an uneven surface or near an object it will cancel it sometimes by "bumping" into the object or going from high to low or low to high on uneven surfaces like ramps or hills, or even if there is a bump in an otherwise level surface.
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The uneven terrain is annoying, but I'm just wondering if this is a game bug, or just me. I never see anyone seethe normally. They just kind of pop/"lag" around rather than pace back and forth in a smooth animation. I'm tempted to take video and put it on youtube if folks don't know what I'm talking about.
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The uneven terrain is annoying, but I'm just wondering if this is a game bug, or just me. I never see anyone seethe normally. They just kind of pop/"lag" around rather than pace back and forth in a smooth animation. I'm tempted to take video and put it on youtube if folks don't know what I'm talking about.


Have never seen it happen, but then I really do not pay much attention to other players unless they are affecting my game play either positively or negatively. ;)

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:D hehe, I had to see this for myself but it sure is funny. I invited another inquisitor in my hangar and we both tried it out, each of us got to see the animation and the other one turning red and walking... but haha :D there's a lag between the turning and the walking direction, making your character appearing to do the Moonwalk :D Edited by LeJarC
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Here's a video of the bug. Kind of immersion breaking in a small but still frustrating sense.



I don't get that on my machine: the Seethe animation of others shows them walking around perfectly.


It might be due to the facts that you are on low settings, are on fleet (which takes more processing and network power to render than most places,) and probably have a lower end computer.

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Does it show *others* doing it perfectly, or *you* doing it perfectly? I know you said others but I guess I want to make sure and be presumptuous since you did a bit of the same :p


I run TOR pretty much on the highest settings available because I can. My computer can handle it easily.


I'm actually on a very high end machine - though I never do this, in a stress test, I ran GW2, EQ2, and SWTOR all at the same time just to see if I could. I did, no lag or framerate problems though it made my video card run hot. Was on mostly high settings.


I *would* say it's possible that it's just my connection, because admittedly my internet connection is garbage, but the thing is, I started asking other people if they have this problem.


They do.


I am on extraordinarily, unique, horrible poopy internet, and I doubt of all the people I've asked about this and confirmed they see it, they all have internet as bad as mine.


(I'm on Frontier, and if you check speedtest.net they rank at 1/5 stars.)


But again, I would actually have assumed it's just my poop internet, but other people have confirmed they see it the same way - here in this thread, too, heh. I'm moving to civilization in a few weeks. Guess we'll see if internet that is powered by something other than ***** will make a difference.


To re-clarify, too, during the first year the game was out, I didn't see this bug at all. I was on a machine about half as powerful as this one, but with pretty much the highest internet speeds around :p

Edited by E-Zekiel
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Does it show *others* doing it perfectly, or *you* doing it perfectly? I know you said others but I guess I want to make sure and be presumptuous since you did a bit of the same :p


Others. I actually don't have an Inquisitor yet (see signature.)


I also do not run the game on very high settings: mostly at medium settings with a few improvements. That might be causing the desync issue too.


The gist is that it is not happening for everybody. If we can give better details of when this happens (only on very high settings, only on very fast / slow computers, only on crappy internet, etc.,) BioWare may be able to tell when this happens and fix it.


(I also mistook the very low DPI of video on YouTube for low settings in the game.)

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Yeah, I record at low DPI to minimize filesize. It's possible quality might be doing this.


But it happens every time I see someone other than me Seethe. My Seethe works just fine and looks normal, but I am yet to see anyone else use it and look normal since returning. I do think it *may* be related to my internet connection - it's a possibility, but despite having an extremely low upload and download speed, my ping tends to be "stable", although it's higher on TOR than it is in most games (83-100 as opposed to my average 50-60). I'm hoping maybe after I move in a few weeks I do come to find out it was due to my poopy internet.

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