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State of the Inquisitor


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Hello all, I'm returning to the game after a long absence and deciding on what I want my main to be. I'm leaning towards one of my Inquisitors but having trouble deciding between my Sorcerer (Madness) or Deception Assassin. So I was wondering what the state of the class is these days in terms of DPS for the ACs, desirability in groups and raids, etc. I know tanks and heals are always wanted and needed but I've never fancied either of those so between the two DPS specs which would people think to be the better at this time? Edited by Wynternight
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I play Madness Sorc in PVP and its damn fun. You are quite squishy in PVP because of the light armor but you dish out the pain like anything. I like to call my Sorc my little glass cannon :p The devs recently upped the Sorc's survivability by buffing the Force Barrier which helped a lot. It can be better but everything can honestly :p
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Deception Assassins are still viable for Ops and great for burst, but sustained damage is much lower than other classes. In similar gear my Mara outdistances my Assassin by around 500-600 DPS. There is a fix coming in 2.8 to make Madness much more desirable for Sins, but Deception will still be lacking and will continue to do so for a while. That said, it's still fun, and still usable even in Nightmare content.
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