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Analysis: Sneek Peek.


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It's that same feeling you get when your girlfriend's kept you on the line the whole day looking forward to the night - and then when it finally happens, it's just.. the same stuff, hyped differently. Hey, it feels good and all - it's just not what you thought it'd be. The way she sold it, it was going to be the most adventurous event to date in your relationship, with everything she knew you were looking for. And while there's.. one thing that's going right (Which is that it's happening), it's just not what was promised, considering you were in a mind to try and find what you wanted elsewhere before she sold all that to you.



You're bright and creative, but if you are young you should realize, or if you are older you should have noticed by now, that reality seldom fulfills what we imagine. If your girl cannot quite live up to the fantasy you crewed all day waiting for it, cut her some slack: expectations born of fantasy will almost always be disappointed.


The amazing thing is sometimes reality surpasses fantasy, but it is rare and special.


So SWTOR did not fulfill your fantasy of what it could be. I think almost everyone, including the developers, probably feel that way along with you.


But look at it: it is still pretty darn good.


Sure: they didn't reinvent the wheel, but a triangular wheel would have been a rough ride anyway.

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