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Has SWTOR gotten any better?

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Yes. But the problem for him is that he said PvP was very important to him. PvP has has Open World removed, 8x8 removed, and only 3 new maps added since launch almost 3 years ago. So if PvP is very important to him... then well... lolz
Knowing where he's coming from, because I was playing the same game before returning to SWTOR, I doubt any of what you listed is much of a concern.


OWPvP was always a joke in this game; the planets just aren't well designed to support it. As for large scale factional PvP (ie RvR), it's always a joke unless it's delivered on as massive a scale as DAoC's.


Newly returning player probably has little interest atm in ranked 8s, which is what I assume you were referring to.


3 new maps....I mean, they should definitely put out more, but that's hardly gamebreaking.


You missed the part where he said he came from FFXIV, which only has a gimpy arena system for PvP (no OWPvP at all).


However, the players do feel coerced to spend IRL money on CC and that they have to spend CC to play the game because if you're not subscribed you're stressed with multiple F2P cartel coin pop ups in game that you can't use a certain feature/mechanic unless you subscribe or spend CC.
As a subscriber, I don't feel compelled to spend cartel coins on anything. Well, I did feel a little compelled to get certain legacy and character perk unlocks, but with those out of the way there's nothing else I want to spend CC on, even if there are a few cartel items I would buy off the CC if they were available but will instead get from the GTN.


Honestly, I would look into Wild Star, I have been Beta testing it and this is one game that the company has actually gotten right.
I've heard this about too many previous games to be swayed by it. Every developer seems to be awesome and attentive to beta testers, and always does the right thing...right up until launch, when every developer suddenly starts behaving like every other developer I've already been burned by.


I hate to say it but this game was doomed the moment it hit F2P. They will use the Cartel Market to get as much cash as they can before it is completely dead.
It was doomed before that, and you'd be surprised at the second life a cash shop can give to an MMO, but you're probably right that they won't renew the license (I'm sure the cost will be exorbitant). Edited by Ansultares
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If you're so down on this game that you're referring others to imaginary games that haven't released yet, what exactly is it about this game that draws you in, compelling you to continue subscribing and posting to its forums?


apparently cause its "star wars", its what he said in that other thread. We all know what he is trying to do, but its best to not say a word about it.

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Improving the appalling state of the PvP community of the only Star Wars MMO out there, which objectively has lost more content than gained.


You have an odd way of doing that, based on your post history. Hasn't anyone ever told you that you attract more bees with honey than with vinegar?

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Why would I attract the bees? Accurately as seen in this particular forum, all they'll do is sting if you don't conform.


hey, we stop insulting you if you stop insulting us, calling people "drones" and "apologists" or whatever else is in your head, and stop being so rude with your posts and rude to posts that make logical points against your arguments (and I mean real logic not your "logic")

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Improving the appalling state of the PvP community of the only Star Wars MMO out there, which objectively has lost more content than gained.


by repeatedly insulting the game, its players, dismissing anyone who even remotely likes current state of the game and offering NO constructive feedback? (in case you are wondering - saying that something is suck and fail and dying and patting other people who say the same and promoting another game is NOT constructive feedback)

riiiight >_>


your personal preferences do not make for an objective assessment.

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Why would I attract the bees? Accurately as seen in this particular forum, all they'll do is sting if you don't conform.


The bees in this case would be the developers, who you want to listen to you if you're honest in your desire for improvements to PvP, right?

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Yes..if your a girly man who Loves Fashion..then your gonna go crazy, the cartel market has tons of new appearal..for the modern on the go, Sith, Jedi, Bounty Hunter..your gonna have a good ol time..


Also if you enjoy steamrolling thru endgame fp's, ops, then you are back at a perfect time...comm gear is "nearly" up to par stats with the best hm/nim gear around..ez pz....

Tactical fp's catered to the deaf, dumb and blind, simply click your basic attack and run..dont worry you will get awarded...


Pvp well., as you may know by now, Bioware has all of their resources on this mini game so...:rolleyes:


All in all, no its still the same game, with more bigger band aids and more useless glitter to shiny up the corpse..lol

Edited by Scyphon_
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