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NiM Grobthok Bugs


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Encountered a couple "new and interesting twists" to this fight the last couple nights.


-Sometimes, the magnet will just randomly stop pathing, messing up our timing and wiping us.

-Sometimes, while Grob has the pipe in hand, the magnet will just randomly pass over him without stunning him.

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I highly doubt that those are bugs; I know that the magnet is very unforgiving, where one meter off can cause a wipe. That being said, it is always the fault of the tanks, and sometimes a little bit of RNG, when you are wiping on the magnet, but don't be disappointed and blame it on a bug.


A few notes about the magnet:

  • Every time the magnet is in the center of the long lane, it will do a short pause before moving forward. Make sure that you always start the fight when the magnet is in the same spot; that way, your tanks can more easily remember on which positions he gets his pipe, so they can always kite him to the same spot.
  • Like all voids, the magnet has a certain tick rate. Every fraction of a second, it checks if the boss is underneath it. Usually, the boss and the magnet should be slow enough that this is always registered. However, if you don't pull him square center under the magnet or too fast, the magnet may not register the boss.
  • When the tank is out of range, the boss will sometimes jump toward him. To the tanks in my group, it initially appeared as if the magnet would not register then; your tanks may have the same issue. Note that whenever the boss is jumping, his body will immediately jump, but his red target circle is moving normally and it takes roughly 1-2 seconds before the boss is there. Therefore, when the boss jumps, make sure to always look at the red circle on the ground, and not at the body of the boss. If you follow the advice in the first bullet point, your tanks can already kite the boss to the correct position before the pipe appears and the boss does not need to jump.
  • You can create a timer in Parsec so that you know whenever the next Pipe Smash will start. This gives your tanks ~10 seconds of warning so that they can move the boss ahead of time. Here are the settings I use for the timer:
    Name: Pipe Smash warning
    Trigger: You Receive Damage
    Ability: Pipe Smash
    Duration Seconds: 45
    Repeat Count: 0
    Multi Timer Mode: Ignore Repeat Timers
    Sound Effect: It's A Trap

Edited by Jerba
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