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Do Jedi / Sith need hazardous-environment gear?


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Like... how far does magical Force uberness extend?


If we take a toxic environment like Quesh, or a plagued environment like Taris, or an extreme freezing environment like Hoth:

  • The "mundanes" like soldiers, officers, civilians, pirates, etc. have special gear on: respirators, heavy cloaks, etc.
  • The trooper/front-lines soldier types have powered combat suits and helmets already, by default.
  • Droids are droids.


In the same places, usually Jedi & Sith are just kind of frolicking around in their normal robes & exposed faces.


I'm curious if this is just artistic license (to make the Force-users stand out instantly from the non-Force users), or if this is because Force-adepts like Jedi & Sith actually require less protection in hazardous environments.

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Any sufficiently trained Force-user can control and manipulate their own bodies. Enhanced strength and speed are the most obvious displays, but they can also last longer without food, water, or even breathable air. There are instances of Jedi Masters sating themselves solely through the Force by meditating, surviving for days/weeks/months without proper nourishment. Jedi and Sith can control the amount of pain they feel, and have greater control of their body temperatures than non-Force-sensitives.


The limits of their abilities are likely tied to skill and how strenuous the surrounding activities are. If forced to work in hazardous environments for a long period of time, or perform actions that break their focus, Jedi and Sith would likely still succumb to negative effects. And extreme hazards would likely take more effort to counteract than simply wearing protection.


So they require less protection, but it'd probably still be a good idea to wear some anyway. In-game though, it's like a mix of this and not wanting to have to create as many unique models.

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Well from the Phantom Menace



Having stowed away on Trade Federation invasion craft, the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi befriended Jar Jar Binks, a Gungan native to Naboo. The gangly amphibian led them to his home city of Otoh Gunga, which lay hidden deep beneath a swamp lake. To follow the aquatic creature through his native environment, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan reached into their utility belts and pulled out compact breathing devices for the underwater journey. A small breather that fits snugly into a Jedi Knight's utility belt, the A99 aquata breather is a compact mouthpiece designed to supply its wearer with a breathable gas. The A99 has advanced filters to allow it to function underwater, in a vacuum, and in certain poisonous environments. The A99 has a number of variants to accommodate a variety of alien physiologies. The Jedi Master Plo Koon wears a more ornate, specialized version of a breather, which supplies him with gases vital to his Kel Dor physiology. The A99's miniature compressed air tanks can supply two hours of oxygen.




So with reading that it sounds like they do have certain equipment in a utility belt in case they need it.

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Like... how far does magical Force uberness extend?


If we take a toxic environment like Quesh, or a plagued environment like Taris, or an extreme freezing environment like Hoth:

  • The "mundanes" like soldiers, officers, civilians, pirates, etc. have special gear on: respirators, heavy cloaks, etc.
  • The trooper/front-lines soldier types have powered combat suits and helmets already, by default.
  • Droids are droids.


In the same places, usually Jedi & Sith are just kind of frolicking around in their normal robes & exposed faces.


I'm curious if this is just artistic license (to make the Force-users stand out instantly from the non-Force users), or if this is because Force-adepts like Jedi & Sith actually require less protection in hazardous environments.


Well is it really magical? After the Phantom Menace reveals that the force is a thing called "Midi-chlorians".


But Mystical, is the way i like to perceive the Force. Not renaming Molecules to Midi-chlorians and making it a form of a advance supernatural entity.

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Like... how far does magical Force uberness extend?


If we take a toxic environment like Quesh, or a plagued environment like Taris, or an extreme freezing environment like Hoth:

  • The "mundanes" like soldiers, officers, civilians, pirates, etc. have special gear on: respirators, heavy cloaks, etc.
  • The trooper/front-lines soldier types have powered combat suits and helmets already, by default.
  • Droids are droids.


In the same places, usually Jedi & Sith are just kind of frolicking around in their normal robes & exposed faces.


I'm curious if this is just artistic license (to make the Force-users stand out instantly from the non-Force users), or if this is because Force-adepts like Jedi & Sith actually require less protection in hazardous environments.


There's some handwaving with injections against the toxicity of quesh before you go down tto he planet, and you're given cold weather gear on Hoth. From what I remember, most of the jedi you run into on Hoth are either indoors, or appropriately bundled up. Anyone on Quesh who isn't wearing special gear is apparently benefitting from the same magical never wearing off injection that you are (actually, technically I think that you're told to revisit medical droids periodically so it can be reapplied). While Taris has infection, it's not airborne, and most civilians aren't wearing face masks or anything either.


I think it's less artistic license and more suspension of disbelief in the case of player characters to make the game more fun/avoid people whining about their characters not showing their customized outfits for huge planets at a time, with some hand waving explanations for the more rp inclined.

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There's some handwaving with injections against the toxicity of quesh before you go down tto he planet, and you're given cold weather gear on Hoth.
Yeah I know these are the devs' handwaving to justify not changing your outfit, and I'm sympathetic to that, but I still think it's Lame™.


Also, I am insane.


So I always change my characters' (and companions') outfits when I'm doing the story missions on 'extreme' planets like this so that they look more plausible given the environment. eg, putting my Smuggler in a big bundled-up Thermal Retention parka and Trailblazer mask.... etc.


I didn't do anything with my Trooper, though, because the whole crew was already in powersuits and fully-enclosed helmets so it felt like there was nothing "safer" to put them in.


Am not sure how to handle Jedi, though... like I said, they dress in very exposed ways, but are also Magical™.


While Taris has infection, it's not airborne, and most civilians aren't wearing face masks or anything either.
Also on this, it's kind of personal artistic license. THORN and the old Pandemic containment crews are deliberately depicted with heavy respirators / facial protection, so I interpret that to suggest Rakghoul-infested areas justify a lot more protection than Taris NPCs depict.


Also Taris is just a giant carcinogenic nightmare crater on the best day, so even if there were no rakghouls, it's still probably not a good place to get a lungful of the air, especially far from the rare 'cleaned up' outpost like Olaris.


But again... with my 'mundanes' (Smuggler / Agent) it was no question. Slap those suckers into a respirator. And with Trooper/BH it's simple: "Put on helmet. ???. Profit!"


Jedi it's like... can they breathe toxic air? I'm never sure what the limits of their magical unicorn powers are.

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In KOTOR 2, your jedi character learns to withstand a toxic atmosphere using the force alone to infiltrate an alien bar that has poisonous air. So the series has already established that this is a trait expected of the jedi.
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So I always change my characters' (and companions') outfits when I'm doing the story missions on 'extreme' planets like this so that they look more plausible given the environment. eg, putting my Smuggler in a big bundled-up Thermal Retention parka and Trailblazer mask.... etc.


I think it's left up to the player. Obviously, there are players on these forums that would complain to no end if you were required to change gear from planet to planet. Pulling out item mod's can be rather expensive at higher levels. Players more fixed on Role-Playing and creating an immersive environment, may find it worthwhile to do such.


If your post is in relation to the NPC's on said planets, I believe the others above have covered that pretty well. On say Hoth....I'd say it's part to maintain the iconic look of the Jedi, and part relying on the fact they can augment their immediate surroundings to make them livable.

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Jedi it's like... can they breathe toxic air? I'm never sure what the limits of their magical unicorn powers are.


Ah, okay, I think I understand your question better.


From my understanding, the answer is that jedi/sith on average would need some sort of breathing apparatus to help them out in hostile environments. (Jedi that have trouble with oxygen still need respirators, there's examples in the clone wars and the movies of the jedi using breathing apparatus, particularly underwater, but also in toxic/virus infested situations as well)


An average force user would probably last longer than an average normal in adverse environmental conditions. If they were able to focus on maintaining a bubble of pure air, or purging the toxins from their body constantly, they could probably last indefinitely. You could make the argument that a sage keeping herself force armoured on Quesh could be totally fine, and periodically cleansing herself of anything that gets through the bubble.


An individual jedi, or an individual sith, could conceivably learn how to withstand particular extreme scenarios, or master some force power that let them be impervious to cold (you sort of learn one on empire characters, I think) or a particular poison. There are sith who use the dark side of the force to thrive in environments that would otherwise be toxic to them/use the pain to fuel their power sort of thing.

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Multiple times in quest lines it is mentioned that the Jedi's can survive in hostile environments and situations that non-force users need special gear to survive. On hostile worlds I tend to turn on my head display which is one of the masks. I like the change of pace.


FYI - I put my vanguard in cyborg gear so he looks almost completely robotic. I do nothing for him in hostile environments as he is already more machine than man.

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I think it's left up to the player. Obviously, there are players on these forums that would complain to no end if you were required to change gear from planet to planet. Pulling out item mod's can be rather expensive at higher levels.


You think what it cost now is Expensive?, It use to be 3 times what it is now. Back then it took 10s of Thousands of credits to pull just 1 mod out imagine all 3 in one piece of gear, now imagine the grinding one had to do for a whole set.

It was Ludicrous.


I'm thankful for what it is now, you should be too.

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