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Species Analysis: Abyssin

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JH's Padawan: "<You are Abyssin?>"

Qawohl: "<You know our language?>"

Padawan: "<Yes, and you speak in the dialect of the warrior clans. I am honored brave one.>"

-Jerbhen Hulis's Padawan speaking to Qawohl in Abyssin



A long lived species, the Abyssins are violent and often primitive. They are found on the planet Byss in the Outer Rim. (Not to be confused with the core world of the same name) Over time they have spread through the galaxy in extremely small numbers with specimens on Tatooine, Korriban, Dromund Kas, and even Coruscant itself.


Abyssins make excellent henchmen for criminals and even some Sith. They are a simple people, only a few are known to have be proficient with any kind of technology. However, occasionally some have risen above their people's primitiveness, becoming Jedi, Scouts, or servants of Sith Lords.




"My injuries were no trick, Master. A human would have died and even so, I dragged many of the enemy with me!"

-Qawohl (Maggot) to Teneb Kel (Darth Thanaton)


The Abyssins stand a towering 1.7-2.1 meters tall. As tall as they are, they have a distinctive hunch in their backs and long limbs. The most striking feature is their single, large eye. They also possess a three fingered hand and typically green or tan skin. (accounts of a five fingered Abyssin has also been recorded)


Once one moves past the startling appearance of the Abyssins, some of their most useful features become evident. They are a very strong species, appearing to be very well muscled and they possess incredible regenerative properties. An Abyssin could regenerate almost any body part and heal from wounds incredibly quickly. Even their internal organs were specialized, having only one organ for everywhere human's would typically have two. Their regenerative abilities provided them with a long life of approximately 300 years. This did mean, however, that their species also had a longer adolescence with 1-30 being a child, 31-65 being a young adult, 66-150 being middle aged, and 221-300 being Elderly.




Violent is perhaps the absolute best depiction of the Abyssins. Some can be good natured and undyingly loyal, but even they will smash one's head in if provoked even slightly. Their society on Byss is tribal and backwards, with little interaction with the outside galaxy. They have no stable government on their planet and thus typically have little respect for law in other parts of the galaxy.


On Byss the most unique part of their culture was the Blooding in which one tribe annihilated another's warriors. Survivors of a Blooding were permitted to join the winning side, as they had proved their strength.

The Byss spoke a unique language using grunts, growls, and hieroglyphs for the written form. Many Abyssins in the galaxy spoke Basic, but often with an accent or poor grammar. Few ever learned more than the Abyssin language and Basic.


Abyssins in the Galaxy


"Now we will play cards. Yes?"

-Qawohl as he shoved an alien's face into a table.


The Abyssins, thanks to their violent nature, are often tied to the underworld as slaves or hired guns. However at least one held force potential and was trained as a jedi, yet even he fell to the Darkside eventually. Their strength and regenerative abilities made them prized as servants to Sith and other warrior groups as well as the criminals they were typically in league with. Not common in the galaxy, they could still be found in quite a variety of places.


As always, enjoy. I'd be happy to answer any questions I can and if anyone would like to add I'd be more than happy to incorporate their additions.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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