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How to run SWTOR better [Low-end PC Guide]

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My name is MGU, and I'm going to show you how to run Star Wars: The Old Republic more easily.

I'm not a mod or something, I'm just a player like you- I love this game and I can help you guys with

few little ideas. Please read everything below and do correctly, no less, no more.


This is a guide for low-end PCs.




We all know Nvidia GPUs are expensive but best, so MMOs like this requires alot of graphic

settings to run everything perfectly. But some settings is really unnecessary and if you have

low-end PC, u can apply these settings.


Follow this path: Right click on desktop > "NVIDIA Control Panel" > "Manage 3D settings" >

"Program settings" > Select "SWTOR.exe" from drop line menu(if you dont see game exe in list

then click "Add" and "Browse" and find your game directory and then select your game exe.


Click "Add Selected Programs"


Now SWTOR.exe added to nvidia game list, now you can edit basic graphic options. But be

adviced this part can be tricky, so please pay attention.


Ambient Occlusion - Click "off" in list.

Anistropic filtering - Click "off".

Gamma Correction - Click "off".

Anti-Aliasing - Now: if you have card like GTX500-400 its ok to put "2x" or 4x" settings. If you have

lower cards then close entirely. Click off.

AA(Transparency) - Click "off".

Texture Filtering (Quality) - Put "Quality" if you need normal visual, otherwise put "Performance"

Texture Filtering (Antistropic Sample Option) - Put "On" for higher performance.

Texture Filtering (Negative LOD Bias) - Put "Allow" for higher performance

Texture Filtering (Triliniar Opt.) - Put "On" for higher performance

Vsync - this option also available in-game, but you can choose "on" here too.(reduce heat)


Dont change other settings.


Thats it, now first of all: I'm not a GPU expert- all these settings belongs to my personal 15 years

of gaming experience. Remember, "Higher Performance" means you will lose visual quality but

you will gain less heat, and less fan noise. Keep that in mind. As for ATI/AMD users, sorry I'm not

using these cards so you have to find out with yourself.


Also, please remember: every piece inside your PC counts for everything. For a example:

you have GTX Titan but Core 2 Duo as a CPU, then you cant expect max performance/quality

for your games. What I trying to say here, PC Hardware counts for every piece, depends for every






Windows Search is a process/task and biggest garbage from Microsoft, this service created for

better searching results in windows, and of course low searching time..but instead making our

PCs more slower and didnt change searching time at all. So I'm going to show how to close

permanently. Windows Search eating 15K bytes for nothing, and we need every extra byte

to cover our safe/smooth play. If you ran out physical memory, you will always get Blue Screen.

Because Windows left no free space to work.


This steps is highly recommended for 4 GB Ram users.


Follow this path Start > Control Panel > View by "Large Icons" > Administrative tools >

Services > Find service called "Windows Search" in list(Go very down) > Right click - Stop and then

click Properties: Startup Type: Disabled - Click Apply and OK.


Please keep this mind, "Services" window is very important and serious business, its provides

vital process for Windows Tasks, so do NOT change other things.


You can also do same steps for Adobe Acrobat Update Service IF you dont use Adobe Acrobat.





If you are person like "no problem I can install anything by clicking next>next etc during install"

then you have big problems. Many Installers can install unwanted junk during installation other

programs. These programs entirely unwanted, and can do damage to your privacy.


Download CCleaner from here: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner click "Download" and then click

"download from priform.com" at below of page. CCleaner is a very useful and safe program

and millions using(including me) to delete junks from your system, so dont worry.

WARNING: CCleaner also offers junk programs during his installation(strong irony)

click "Ignore,Deny,Decline" any extra programs if he offers. Install only ccleaner.


Open CCleaner, program will ask you something first: Click "NO"


Now CCleaner opened, you have many tabs at left etc etc, dont worry. Click "Cleaner" tab first.

There's two tabs inside the Cleaner tab: "Windows" and "Apps" Select windows first:


Now this is very tricky part, read carefully please- if you do something wrong that I didnt say

I will not be responsible.


Select these: "Internet Explorer" - everything.(if you dont use) "System" Empty recycle bin, Clipboard

and Temporary Files. Thats it, dont touch others.


Go "APPS" tab.


If you using Firefox, select only cookies,download history,Internet cache. Thats it on App tab.

If you want to delete other program's crap too, then select it. but be careful what u selecting.

and dont touch Windows section at very below.


Now everything is ready to clean, click "Run Cleaner" and CCleaner will remove everything that

you selected. You can also use Registry cleaner, but use it without selecting "windows services"






I dont know what you using as Anti-Virus, but if you using Norton 360- then start norton by clicking

icon, go "scanner" and select "Norton Power Eraser" this tool is very aggressive, so double check

what u deleting. NPE is an tool to delete strong trojan horses/rootkits etc, provided by Symantec.


If you dont using Norton then download here NPE: https://security.symantec.com/nbrt/npe.aspx


Open NPE, Ignore startup warning and you will get main menu. Before start scanning, go right corner

click "settings" and un-check every little box in there. We dont need rootkit scan assuming your PC is

not zombie. so un-click and click apply ok. (If these boxes already selected then un-select them)

Now go back to main menu and click "SCAN FOR RISKS"


It wil took many minutes, when scan is done you will see a result menu. If your PC is ok then you will

see "No Risks Found" with an green icon. If you see some list of items, then do NOT click delete.

Like I said NPE can detect any programs that isnt malware, so if you seeing RED COLOR in items

ONLY select red items and only delete them. Make sure you selected "do system-backup point"


NPE will ask you restart computer, to delete infections correctly. Save everything and restart. When

restart is done, NPE will ask your permission to launch himself, click "yes" and NPE will show

you list of items deleted successfully. Your done.


(You can also run a "unwanted app" scan in "Advanced Settings" on NPE main menu)






-Download Malwarebytes-Anti Malware for extra protection and scan.

-Put your PC to near your room window, open window and let cold weather come inside your PC.

-Put a house fan near your PC, to reduce GPU heat.(highly recommended I do myself)

-Minimize background tasks by closing them on task bar.

-Clean your fans every 2 week.

-Do not download anything that you didnt trust.

-Dont download torrent games.

-Dont visit adult web sites.




Thats it people, these steps is very easy and very simple. But I'm sure you will get at least

some little performance. I'm just trying to help you, dunno mods going appreciate this post

or not, but its always good to help each other right?


Feel free to leave a comment, I will reply you as soon as possible. If you stuck somewhere

please dont do anything until I reply you.


Thanks for reading.

Long live the Empire!

Edited by ShieldProtection
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Not bad at all. I'd not recommend using Norton/ Symantec products, though, but that's probably just me. Norton was well- known to be a system hog, but that may have changed.




I concur, SYSTEM HOG. Especially if you have Vista, and Vista is bad enough.

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Otherwise, I agree absolutely on the importance of using Ccleaner now and then. You'll be surprised how much trash it will remove. I'd also go to Options-> Advanced and remove the tick for "Only delete temp files older than 24 hours".

I will be sure to check out the suggestions for the graphics.



Edited by Berntk
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Not bad at all. I'd not recommend using Norton/ Symantec products, though, but that's probably just me. Norton was well- known to be a system hog, but that may have changed.




I'm using Norton products since 2010, no any system hog or something. No offense but

people always blaming to Symantec because of simply bad memories in past. This is

not fair, Norton is currently best security software and that confirmed by many reviews.


As for Vista users, you people using vista and blaming Symantec? lol


Thanks for reading my guide tho, its took me 1,5 hours to type everything correctly

because my english is terrible so typos etc.


Glad I can help.


PS: If you got some problems at graphic settings, u can type me here- I can provide further

help in my experience. thanks

Edited by ShieldProtection
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I'll add some settings for the client_settings file for low end systems in the spoiler as a starting point

•Press the [Windows] Key + [R] at the same time.

•Copy the following in to the text box and press ok: %localappdata%\swtor\swtor\settings

•Open the client_settings.ini





D3DFullScreen = true

EnableBloom = false

RefreshRate = 60

TextureQuality = 0

UseMinSpecShaders = true

VerticalSyncState = false

WindowX = 0

WindowY = 0

AllowDepthOfField = true

doShadows = false

doBlobShadows = false

PlantDensity = 0

SpeedTreeDistanceScale = 0.75

FullScreen = true

FarClipScale = 0.1371195

AntiAliasingLevel = 0

enableadvenvirolighting = false

DebugAdvEnviroLighting = false

TextureAnisotropy = 0

MeshLODQuality = 0

DynamicLightsLimit = 0



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I'm using Norton products since 2010, no any system hog or something. No offense but

people always blaming to Symantec because of simply bad memories in past. This is

not fair, Norton is currently best security software and that confirmed by many reviews.


As for Vista users, you people using vista and blaming Symantec? lol


Thanks for reading my guide tho, its took me 1,5 hours to type everything correctly

because my english is terrible so typos etc.


Glad I can help.


PS: If you got some problems at graphic settings, u can type me here- I can provide further

help in my experience. thanks


Hehe, I agree about the Vista thing, and as you really recommended a special malware-removing tool from Norton, and not necessarliy the entire Anti-Virus suite, I applaud your recommendation.

The effort is really appreciated; English isn't my first language either :)

I find your guide very valuable, and will try the graphics tweaks.



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