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My Companion idea

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Greetings everyone. I have recently been putting some thought to a companion I would love to see added to the game. The more I thought about it, the more I liked it. I have brained stormed the following ideas. First though, the key element to this companion, is player choice, something I find very lacking on the companion department. Also, there is a lot of stuff open to suggestions, this kind of thing isn't one of my strong points.


Acquiring him


I absolutely hated how there was no quest involved with obtaining Treek. But, getting HK for the 6th time can be a real hassle as well. And, Treek made Bioware money. This will be a middle grounds sort of scenario. It involves a quest, (short to medium length) and makes you pay for it. And of course, a horrible story that I thought of.


You can either buy a pass from the same vender we bought Treek from, or buy the pass directly off of the Cartel Market. Once you have that pass, you meet with either some smuggler or pirate. He informs you that he just deserted his crew (most likely pirate) and that they are holding a force user captive. He gives you the coordinates, because he just got a huge heap of credits from you, and off you go. You fly to the ship, board it, kill all the bad guys, and rescue him. I'm really bad with stories, so I have no idea how he ended up in this mess. Either way, you saved him, he now will work with you.


Class role


Since the only class archetype that a companion doesn't fill is the Force Healer, I started my brain storming on the basis that he would be just that, a Force Healer. But as time moved on, and I picked up the theme of player choice, I decided to scratch that, in a way. What if we as the player could choose his role? I was thinking, once we acquire him, and begin mentoring him, we could chose the path that he takes as far as class. We could choose to go for the Warrior/Knight build, and choose the Marauder/Sentinel or the Juggernaut/Guardian class, or have him go the Inquisitor/Counselor build, and choose the Assassin/Shadow or Sorcerer/Sage. Once we have his class selected, we could choose his role, abilities, and maybe even a skill tree system similar to us players. This would literally allow anyone to use this companion without having to choose between roles and character, and would open up a huge range of possibilities for companions in the future, and maybe even some revamps for our current companions.





There isn't one force using companion that is romance-able to female PC's. So, for the sake of equality, I feel this companion should be a male. Since he will be romance-able, he needs to be a near human species. Originally I thought of a Human, plain and simple, but that was boring, and not very player driven. So, what if we got to customize him ourselves? We can choose his race, body type, and even facial features, to the full extent of player characters. We could choose between all the playable races for diversity. This would make each players companion truly unique and their own.


Another completely new feature to this companion, is his romance-ability. Either gender should be allowed to romance him.


This idea is very largely inspired by Jaesa. His personality would be chosen by the player. Upon rescuing him, or shortly after, we could have control if he will be a more Dark Side based companion, or Light Side. This could be chosen from corrupting him or “healing” (couldn't think of a better word) him. Personally, I wouldn't want to see him as an extreme baby eating psycho path, or the goody two shoes cub scout that you can turn Jaesa into though. That's just personal opinion.


There you have it. I know it's not likely to happen. It involves quite a bit of work on Biowares part, with all of the animations, extra coding, and the crazy amount of voice work they have to do. But it could also make some good bank, especially if we were charged for the appearance customization, and maybe role respecs etc. I just wanted to put it out there. I think it would be pretty cool. So, what do you all think of this, would you like to see something like this added? I'm excited to hear your thoughts.

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Before somebody comes in and starts attempting to tell you your idea is awful, I figured I'd tell you that I think it's VERY intriguing.


Might be hard to program correctly, though...


Thanks man.


Yeah, while typing this, I knew it would be very unlikely to ever happen. There would be a very large amount of worked involved on Biowares part, the biggest I see, would be the amount of voice working that would be involved. They would have to essentially have 16 different sets of lines, two unique sets for each class (would respond differently to a Republic Trooper then he would to a Sith Warrior) , one if you decide to corrupt him and the other for the light side. That's also not including the romance lines.


So, while unlikely, it's cool to think about. Companions are a really important part of the game to me, and I would like to see them expanded on a little.

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have to agree with RaptureRocker it may be hard to program him as a baseless like character that we mold.

but i do agree that we should get a male force user comp who is bi, especially as republic characters have no real male on male romance even on Makeb.

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I agree with your suggestion. I have a very similar wish basically identical. The only difference is some details and I have a more involved idea about the romance.


And, I am glad someone else understands the need for a NON-human romance lol. :) Of course, I would prefer a Torguta or Nautolan!!!!


What I am suggesting may be a little bit easier to achieve than a fully convertible Dark-Light thing you are suggesting. Frankly, I never liked the companions like Atton and Jaesa who were designed to swing either way. So, I would rather have them faction-dependent and like Malavai who supports enough Dark and enough Light choices to make the play easy. So, to sum up here is a quote below outlining my earlier ideas - very similar to yours:


I believe that adding a rogue class companion(s) on the Fleet for each faction whose story-line will consist of a few quests (maybe every third planet or so) with some flirting mixed in, and a standard number of friendship dialogue (again, flirt enabled) AND an expanded species companion customization pack (or open to customization the same way the PC is) is doable and will address a number of issues, not only the female/SGR players romantic wasteland, but the Consular's and IA problems with late acquisition of a second companion.

Edited by DomiSotto
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