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[Spoilers involved] Two questions


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Note: I'm a level 42 Inquisitor.


First; are the Empire and Republic in open war yet? Or do I find out later?

I ask because I've performed several clearly aggressive acts against the Republic as an entire faction. Driving them off Taris just seemed to be one big "Hey, let's go to war" announcement. Yet NPC's still talk of treaties and "Let's annoy the republic a bit".


Secondly; Thanaton knows I'm still alive, right? His last act was to kill the two apprentices which I only saw in all of three cutscenes. (Their generic nature pretty much announced to me that they were going to die any minute). After that, I've yet to hear word. Not even a gloating Holomessage going, "Oh, you're still alive?"

Might be another question I'll find an answer to later in my story. I'm just wondering if he's going to be surprised or not.

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To answer the first question, open war DOES break out at some point. I don't know when exactly, though. The only definite answer I can give is "by the end of chapter 2."


For what is worth and this is obviously my opinion...


The definitive moment, as far as class stories go, is when the Trooper destroys the Gauntlent, which was an Imperial super weapon.


Following its destruction, General Rakton declares absolute war on the Republic.




Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Concerning Taris, it can be assumed that any terms surrounding it were omitted entirely from the Treaty of Coruscant, seeing that its resettlement began to take place supposedly AFTER the Treaty I believe. Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Do I ever get to SEE this treaty? Would be nice to give it a read.


I could be wrong but I believe Bioware never disclosed the full terms of the treaty in its entirety, which is why some of us have been going on a guessing game, concerning the minor - or major, depending on your perception - "skirmishes" on Taris and Balmorra for example.


Gnost-Dural's diary, which came included with the CE for the game, did have a page with some of the terms though.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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First off, regarding the Treaty.


The events of Chapter One for both factions are more or less considered the breaking point. Aspects of the Treaty go along the lines of "If they break the treaty and we disavow their actions, feel free to kill them."


Chapter One is more or less a series of secret skirmishes in which the Republic and the Empire deny involvement openly in.


By Chapter Two, lots of these skirmishes have come to light and tensions are boilng. Both sides are shoring up their defenses in light of events of Chapter One to include purging of internal security breaches and effectively taking back lost territory. This is the logic behind the Balmorra/Taris swap of the Empire and the Republic of Chapter Two and One. One would say that all bets are off at this point but no one has the balls to declare open warfare. They're simply trading shots of "You are on my turf and I want it back" given Balmorra is a core system and Taris is in the far reaches of Imperial Space.


You are correct in that Open War actually kicks off end of Chapter Two to beginning of Chapter Three. However note that the declaration is simply a formality. One could say the War actually started at the beginning of Chapter Two. Chapter Two can be considered a psedo-War state in which conflicts and battles are fought but are considered part of the Cold War rather then the Second Great Galactic War.


As for the second. Thanaton is a Dark Council member meaning he's one of the twelve most powerful Sith alive next to the Emperor. I think he knows if you're alive or dead.

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