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A way to keep me around for a long, long time.


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I started playing this game at launch. I made level cap, did some end game stuff and got bored, fast. I quit and didn't play for at least a year and a half. I came back a couple of months ago, the addition of GSF was cool, plus the extra 5 levels and the single player planets like Oricon were awesome. I have since gotten two other characters to 55.


I would play this game for the rest of my days if you added one thing....


PVE freeroam space.


Kind of like SWG had....only with the graphics of GSF. Where either my buddies can hop in my ship and help me assault some of the opposing faction, or they can get in their own ships and assist in a group setting. It's called Star Wars...yet the only thing we're offered is some rails space combat or PVP. Please look into this idea, as I think you'll find a great many of people would appreciate it.

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I think to see this as worth the design investment it needs a lot more depth. It is of value to a star wars title, but really just as something to fly around, PVP, and assault standing structures, it is doing no more than what is poorly covered by GSF and the on rails shooter.


What about a 'system world' such as the space around Hoth which is navigated by your class ship which can have other player or bot controlled turrets. The layout is large and includes many asteroid fields. Missions in the area include assaulting space stations and satellites, assaulting enemy supply ships, protecting enemy assault ships, scanning ships of cargo looking for X, scanning asteroid fields and gas/dust nebula for wreckage and stuff. An option should be included for boarding these ships and space stations for in character combat.


The asteroid fields should be nearly too tight for the main ship but can be navigated by the GSF fighters you can launch from your class ship to actually reach and salvage valuable wreckage from lost warships or board them.


A nice trick might be to make the small space stations are on the supply ship routes and must be navigated for smuggling missions, which has options for bypassing such as hiding on larger cargo ships, a long cool down stealth systems against scans, smoky and the bandit style GSF strike on the customs vessel to drag attention from your ship, or by dragging the cargo by GSF through asteroids, or cruising slowly LONG way around them. Blasting your way through could be an option but sets a value on your character/legacy which increases the agro trigger range of patrol ships as like a negative reputation which goes down over time. These missions might have a triggered event based on the cargo, such as having to drop it and run from patrols like a being caught in a police sting, or being attached to another ship and fighting off boarders after the holocron you are smuggling, etc.


That stuff is off the top of my head, so there is obviously huge amounts that can be done here but the coding on it, especially for 3d space, views from turrets on moving ships, slipping between in character to outside ship view to GSF, and programing asteroid fields and 3d capable mob units, etc, all inside the current engine seems a lot of work. To make it truly feel like it should, is like attaching another game into the SWTOR game.

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Best way to keep me in hte game, is obviously by not disappointing me with the game...


A great way for Bioware to get me to look at their competition for my enterteinment bucks is to set an environment were I develop unreasonable expectations in future offerings by giving one liner, vague descriptions of what the offering would actually be, and after months of communal day-dreaming we get something that would naturally fall quite short of expectations. Take for instance the teaser titled: "Legacy Storage" I can read post after post of individual wishing of what it should or not be, yet BIOWARE has not had the professional courtesy to give us detail, despite that the software requirements of what it should do had been already defined for the software programers to implement.


If the effective benefit of the Legacy Storage is limited for legacy storage items, and maybe crafting materials so it can be shared among alts without having to mail them, would be in my mind a very great let-down and a reason to start looking at other games that are handled in a more serious and respectful manner, which eventually will result with my departure. Will I miss the Star Wars theme world, of course I will, no doubt about it, but I will to find other game themes I would find to my liking as well, such is the benefit of competition and free market.


This next, delayed, upgrade for the game is being taunted a lot of BIOWARE yet without any specifics, for example so there are multiple planets with housing, good! Is there a direct teleport from wherever I am to my house, can I go from my house to fleet? or my starship? Can queue for FPs and PvP from my house? Where is the detail?



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My intent isn't to be an apologist, but managing expectations is something that fans should be mindful of for all Starwars as an IP and all Triple A MMOs. I can recall people who felt RotJ was a let down with Ewoks and such, let alone how the prequels ended up. The issue is there will always be people who think that something should be more without considering the ramifications of what that would mean.


The Dev's announce a legacy bank. They didn't announce anything suggesting this feature would be some work around the binding system. So for me this legacy bank has sounded like it will be limited to unbound and BoL gear, and to think it would be more is not a reasonable expectation on currently released information.


People already have to use some etiquette to not pick Need on stuff for companions already, but if everything is unbound to legacy because of this single feature, then who wouldn't consider Need for all on every alt and future alt.


Why you would consider this a 'very great let down' and what would exceed your expectations on this feature is beyond my comprehension.


As for Strongholds details, the Devs have detailed several of your questions such as transit to and from including a return to last location option. They haven't as far as I have heard stated GF queues will be disabled in the Strongholds...

Edited by odonoghuet
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