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PLEASE FIX bloom/lighting effects on lightsabers


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The title says it all, it would be nice if you could acknowledge that there is an issue with this. This is my 7th post about this. The lighting/bloom was perfect in beta, till it was changed. This needs fixed to ensure the authenticity of lightsabers. Thank you.
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  • 3 years later...
After six years - still not fixed. And judging from how "many" replies in this thread are, players here don't care about authenticity at all.



Authenticity means what exactly when talking about something that's entirely fictional?


And no, I don't really care. They look OK, and if the exact shade of green isn't what you want, find a crystal with a different shade of green. There are several different ones out there.

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First pic from beta (Sep 16, 2011): Doesn't show what color crystal is being displayed. Sure, it's green, but which green?


Second pic was taken Jun 20, 2012. Again, OP doesn't show which color crystal is being displayed. Again, it's green, but which green?


At the time of this posting (05.02.2014 - 2 years after the second screenshot was taken) there were a few different shades of green.


OP should have included location, specific color crystal being displayed and what his video settings are set to, to include screenshot resolution, and what video card is being used.


After six years - still not fixed. And judging from how "many" replies in this thread are, players here don't care about authenticity at all.




Bad necro of a poorly written bug report.


How do you know it hasn't been fixed? Do you know what color crystals, specifically, the OP was displaying? Do you know what the OP's PC set up is / was? There are too many variables left unanswered.


As for authenticity: How can you authenticate pixels in a video game based on sci-fi / fantasy? :rolleyes:

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