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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Templars (Imp) - join the crusade! Recruiting for ops PvE, PvP, and fun folks!


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Casual/Progressive End Game Guild - Join us on our end game crusade


Welcome! And thank you for your interest in Templars. We are a fun casual/progressive end-game focused empire guild and we are openly recruiting fun, mature, and team focused players for our growing community. The focus of Templars is to succeed at end-game content in a causal but progressive raiding environment and of course have fun along the way.



While I use the term "casual" in our description by no means does this indicate how we approach the end-game. It basically means we are not a hardcore guild. We are currently staffing two ops teams:

  • Ops Team 1 raids: Thursday, and Friday night at 9:30pm east
  • Ops Team 2 raids: Tuesday and Wednesday night at 8:00pm est
  • Guild wide raids on Saturday night at 9:30pm est: Conquest/Event Raids

When we gather up we expect and desire to do well. That means we ask members to study strats before hand, come properly geared, and be ready to perform well in a fun team focused environment . We are currently working on Ravagers and ToS HM


Ops Team 1 is currently recruiting a progression minded tank(s). We are looking for players with experience in HM/NiM content and have good rotation and situational awareness. Fill out an app on our website if interested, feel free to also contact Trantor in-game.




We growing community of dedicated players who PvP. We have been making a big splash in group ranked the past few seasons and we are looking to build on that success. We are looking for more pvp focused players who will participate in a dedicated PvP night.


We are currently recruiting PvP players to join a solid group of players looking to establish a group ranked team. Fill out an app on our website or contact Maulum in-game for more info.


Social & Conquest Events!

Templars has a guild flagship and we will be running content daily as we work as a team to have fun invading planets. If you are a player who enjoys running dailies with friends and working towards a guild goal we could be the right home for you. There are also players out there who just want to be part of a fun community, run FP's, and may on occasion hit a SM operation. Well we would like to get to know you, and have you consider Templars as your home. The great thing about this guild is even the HM ops team members like running HM FP's and other activities. So while HM ops may not be your life blood we would still like to hang out with crafters, altaholics, and others.



Officers and myself work hard to keep our guild free of drama and focused on building our crusade through SWTOR. We are recruiting players who will contribute to our community and help each other while enjoying operations flashpoints and pvp. Most of us are family folks with kids and wives/husbands so we know how to balance this hobby and real life demands.


If you would like to know more about Templars or place an application into our guild please visit our forums here. If you have any further questions feel free to post them here or reach out to me, Trantor, in-game. Thanks again.. and we hope to see you in Templars soon.

Edited by Vallenar
Want to include Conquests
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We have had a lot of interest in our guild recently and I want to welcome all our new recruits.


While we are still holding open recruitment if there are any HM/NiM raiding tanks out there looking for a new home we have a spot for you :)

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Greetings! Templars would like to extend our recruitment focus to include players interested in Group Ranked PvP in addition to our normal recruitment. If you are interested in helping us build our PvP community in game please consider applying to our website or if you have any questions please feel free to contact Inciendo or Trantor in game for any additional information! Thanks
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I have a lvl 55 powertech(pyro spec) and am looking to leave my dead guild( I think we have talked before). And would like to join your guild my powertech is in mostly 156 gear and is about at the limit of what I can do without doing ops. I also have a lvl 41 sniper and a lvl 41 sorc.
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Templars is still on the lookout for players interested in Ranked PvP! If you are interested in Ranked PvP please consider filling out an application to out guild website or feel free to whisper me in game on any of my toons. We are especially interested in Tanks and Healers for Ranked PvP at this time however DPS are also welcomed! :jawa_tongue:
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Just want to congratulate my guild on cracking the top 10 Invasion on Voss. We got started about a day late on the invasion but still managed to get into the top 10. Really proud of our members, had a lot of fun grouping and running content.


Always looking for more folks to help us in our adventures.

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