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Still not seeing buffs on targets

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Was in a match yesterday and saw an opponent pick up damage overcharge. I even read in the chat that he picked up damage overcharge. I targetted him while he was in close range (was in my scout) and saw he had the red glowy glow that happens when you get DO.... But his target never displayed that he had DO.


I've seen similar instances happening where I'm targetting a scout (for example) and I take 5 shots at him (I consider myself pretty darn accurate at clicking a mouse in my GS, tyvm) but all 5 of them miss. In fact, everyone who's firing at that target is missing, but there are no buffs to his evasion appearing under his target. I know for a fact that I'm not mistaken, or targetting someone else, or just missing. The buffs WERE NOT APPEARING, which causes me great angst as this determines who I'm targetting (obviously, don't shoot at the dude who isn't going to be hit, much like you don't look for an invisible man). I realllllllllly hope I'm not the only one who notices this, because on multiple occasions this happens and is very frustrating.


Anyone seen something similar?

Edited by SammyGStatus
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Was in a match yesterday and saw an opponent pick up damage overcharge. I even read in the chat that he picked up damage overcharge. I targetted him while he was in close range (was in my scout) and saw he had the red glowy glow that happens when you get DO.... But his target never displayed that he had DO.


I've seen similar instances happening where I'm targetting a scout (for example) and I take 5 shots at him (I consider myself pretty darn accurate at clicking a mouse in my GS, tyvm) but all 5 of them miss. In fact, everyone who's firing at that target is missing, but there are no buffs to his evasion appearing under his target. I know for a fact that I'm not mistaken, or targetting someone else, or just missing. The buffs WERE NOT APPEARING, which causes me great angst as this determines who I'm targetting (obviously, don't shoot at the dude who isn't going to be hit, much like you don't look for an invisible man). I realllllllllly hope I'm not the only one who notices this, because on multiple occasions this happens and is very frustrating.


Anyone seen something similar?


I've seen this. More recently I've noticed it using my Clarion's thermites, sometimes the debuffs appear, sometimes the only indicator I get that my missile hit was when the DOT starts ticking (either he flew off screen so I couldn't see the initial damage or I broke off to avoid his missile after launching my own and couldn't see whether it hit or not).

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