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BUGS? Mine detonation oddities


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Going to keep this real concise:


Bug 1: Mines that are destroyed by being shot still do their damage to all enemies in the detonation radius

This has been confirmed by multiple sources with screenshot evidence. Is this intended? This basically means that if you are close range, there is no reason to even bother trying to shoot mines. It also means that if you are far away from mines but an ally is within the detonation range, then if you shoot the mine you could end up killing them. This seems to reduce the incentive for skillful play.


Bug 2: Mines that are destroyed when the parent Bomber dies still do their damage to all enemies in the detonation radius

Is this intended? Chris seemed surprised when it came up in the stream a few weeks back. Combined with Bug 1, this pretty much says that no one can be remotely near a Minelayer while it is under attack. Otherwise, even if they are playing smart and avoiding triggering the Minelayer's mines, they are going to get hit when an ally destroys a mine or an ally destroys the Minelayer itself.


Bug 3: Mine detonation radius passes through satellite to other side

Regardless of whether this is intended or not, or whether it is due to a limitation of the engine or not, it's worth calling it out. The fact the Minelayer can just place a mine close to the center of the satellite and know that it will damage anyone who comes near, regardless of whether that person is above or below or on the other side of the satellite, is (in my and others' opinions) not good. If a Bomber had to worry about line-of-effect for its mines, it would make minelaying a much more active and thoughtful activity. Plus it seems fair (and feasible to implement), considering anyone who wants to shoot the mine has to have line of sight on it. The mine should have to follow the same rules for any ship it "wants" to damage.

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#1 could show the importance of communicating, but in the middle of a battle we're not going to type "Hey guys. I'm thinking about blowing up that there mine over by B. Can you guys, at your convenience, back off for a second before you cap? I'll clear it out first and then you guys can come on in." If this is intended (as I believe it is and should be), we should definitely emphasize the importance of a VoIP which would allow someone to press their PTT button and yell "**** of B", followed by a two-three second wait, which is ultimately ended in a brilliant display of explosions. Currently, the game doesn't allow for much maneuverability in those situations
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#1 could show the importance of communicating


But it doesn't -- it simply emphasizes bomber dominance over the pilots behind him. Consider when anyone other than a gunship attacks a bomber, especially around a satellite: he is always at risk of getting hit by mines. If the mines didn't explode when destroyed, he would have a chance to defend himself; as it is, he has no way to avoid the mine without leaving the point (which is essentially forfeiting the point, and also is difficult to time properly even without allies shooting the mine, either accidentally or out of ignorance).

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