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The Chat "fix" broke chat


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Ok, I am a player that runs 4 separate custom channels, if that plays any part in the following.


I am only able to swap back to each custom channel once and type in it until i change channels again. Once I change channels to any other channel, I can no longer swap back to the channels I have already typed in. This includes general chat. Also when swapping to type in other channels, the channels I was typing in previously become unviewable. This includes all channels that are associated with numbers, only excluding ops, guild, and party chats.

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Yep, in an ops group at the moment and general chat just keeps going bust. Have to zone or relog to get it back but it conks out again.


The whisper issue I had is fixed but I get logged out of general chat since the patch which supposedly fixed that bug even though I never had that bug before....

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It seems to me that what you are talking about is related to the currently ongoing chat issues.


I am also using a large number of custom chat channels (five currently) but I cannot reproduce the specific bug the OP is reporting where changing the channel will lock you out from it.

I can switch channels just fine and still chat. The issue where you are locked out from chat is related to how many players are currently in the channel and when you joined the channel. It is not related to how often you switch between channels.


Since they are already working on this bug, I am pretty sure that the OP's issue will be resolved when the chat issues are fixed.

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