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New warrior, loving the Marauder


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Hey all, I made a Marauder yesterday after wanting to see the Sith Warrior story, and I had planned ahead to play a Mara since my Jedi is a Guardian. I am amazed at how fun and interesting the gameplay is, definitely more fun, imo, than the Guardian/Jugg.

So far I have been leveling as Annihilation, and using Vette has allowed us to clear through enemies like crazy. Only thing is the downtime between fights to heal, and sometimes against stronger enemies I definitely get the "glass cannon" feeling. I have a couple questions now that I am getting more into the class....


First, what is the ideal leveling spec? I have heard that Annihilation + Quinn heals is a good combo, but do you find another spec/companion to be better? Second, what is a good general rotation that I should be aiming for? I am somewhat overwhelmed with the amount of skills the Marauder has, feels like more than any other class I have played. As such, I have just been using skills as they come off of CDs, and sometimes I experience either lack of rage or lack of skills (all on CD).


I really appreciate the help!

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Ok, so you are a new mara.


Anni plus Quinn is a decent choice. i prefer Anni plus Jaesa, but that's for advanced players who know how to play.


for anni a general rotation is this


Dual Saber Throw (When you are 51 and above) > Force Charge > Overload Saber > Battering Assault > Rupture > Annihilate (when 45 and above) > (if not 45 and above) Vicious Slash > Vicious Slash > (if proc) Rupture (if no proc) Vicious Slash (i think)


That's what i typically do, but i would look into a Guide for Watchman/Anni.


Carnage deals good DPS but sucks in early levels.


Focus is also a decent choice because it can take out small groups of low HP enemies in 2 - 3 GCD's (GCD means Global Cooldown)

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Thanks for the replies. I'm finding that there are a lot more skills than other classes I have played, and as such it was getting slightly difficult to maximize rotation. Its definitely a more "active" class...when I'm on top of my game, I can jump from group to group at almost full health and full rage, when I don't optimize my rotation, I'll be sitting at half health or lower with no rage. Still, its a lot of fun.


What is the best saber form to go with? I am using Juyo right now, but honestly I don't see any difference in performance between Juyo or Shi-Cho. Also, I have heard that Rage is the better all-around spec later in the game due to its AoE. When is a good time to switch to rage?

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juyo is used only in annihilation spec

shi-cho is used only in rage spec


dont spec rage and use juyo, cause u will miss some damage =)

around lvl 45 i think, its a good time to go rage, when u can reach the max ability in the tree (force crush)

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I might be the exception but I was most interested in the Carnage tree and leveled it from 1 and I'm currently 43 now. It seemed like I was punishing myself ~ the 30s but it really paid off (I even checked the forums to see if I should respec but every marauder seems to have leveling problems and end up respecing Carnage for end game anyways).

I know all my cooldowns and out of survival worked out rotations.

I am also a fairly new player but marauder really taught me a lot about the game mechanics. Never bored either when playing, combat is fast. Loved powering up force scream too, with the crits and Carnage tree, it's created a pretty nice nuke most of the time and only costs 2 rage. Never used quinn either. It was all vette until I got the new hottie and by really keeping vette up to date I was able to out dps silvers and golds without dieing.

Leveling is a pain but the experience of seeing myself in heroics and flashpoints really boosted my confidence. Very consistent high damage output. I took pride in knowing I was dominating the pure dps role throughout my whole story.

I can't wait to see how far I can get him although I'm kinda bummed my story is coming to a end.


I'd be so bold to say you are a member of the best dps class in the game and I'm including story. Awesome companions, awesome story, easily the most powerful empire character in terms of character development throughout his class quest.

I think since the "hero of tython" is getting the most canon story attention I think a darkside, sith marauder is the most plausible as his opposite.


Good luck, I'm glad your enjoying it.

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Welcome to the marauder group my friend! Have fun with the PvE and... well try PvP however 7/10 mara's in my guild would NOT advise ever using that class for PvP unless you are severely overgeared.


I levelled from 1-50 in anni spec with Vette by my side 100% of the time, it was pretty challenging but doable, (levelled another with malavai quinn so i had heals and it was really easy with that guy). And used my Jaesa at lvl 50 before expansion and levelled from 50-55 with HK-51 for the heck of it.


Find a playstyle that suits you, and you will have a lot of fun with this class, its great for PvE both solo and in OPS / FP's.

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I might be the exception but I was most interested in the Carnage tree and leveled it from 1 and I'm currently 43 now. It seemed like I was punishing myself ~ the 30s but it really paid off (I even checked the forums to see if I should respec but every marauder seems to have leveling problems and end up respecing Carnage for end game anyways).


Well, my time as new Mar was quite some while ago during 1.5 or so, but I never had any problems levelling in annihilation spec. In fact I found the progression tremendously easy in comparison to my first char as sorcerer and finished my class story at lvl 47 (couldn't win the final fight at 46 due to resists) After having completed all quest lines at orange difficulty during levelling , which would have been impossible for my sorc.


I went with Jaesa for speed and quinn for tough fights, though quinn basically ensures no downtime at all provided he actually heals and won't pepper the enemy with his pea gun instead.

Edited by neijas
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