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New operation/flashpoint idea


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I just watched the "decived" trailer again and an idea for an op/flashpoint came in my mind,lets say it would be like: After hundreds of years from the signing of the treaty of coruscant the peace between the empire and the republic is trembling,both the empire and the republic are assembling task forces of their elite assets that proved not only once that they are worthy of this honor,this beign the assault on the capital cities of the empire and of the republic(Dromund Kaas and Coruscant)

This is based on my theory that the Forged Alliances storylines will end in an attack on the capital cities,and also,pretty much got inspired from the "Decived" trailer

The following is how the operation/flashpoint would be: Players,group up,and enter the instance for this the players must go in the following stages(alone,with a mate, if done as an op) during the operation(during telling how all procedes i will use the case when more players come for the op and is not a flashpoint of 4 players),there would be following missions that must be done by each designated group: one group haves to capture an enemy ship and secure it for transportation of ground troops in the city,second group must lead the infiltration into the city and will provide information about defenses and if they do everything right,part of the defenses can be disarmed,and the third group haves to breach(in a stealthy way)their way to a landing zone,by having to kill the enemies that are guarding it, after each group completes its task begins the fun part ,the Assault,every group meets at the landing zone that was secured by team number 3,along side the ground troops, team number 1 lands at the landing zone and team number 2 can just go to the landing zone by ease as mean while a task force is jumping through hyper space and and engages in the space,but the planetary defenses are concentrated on them and the defenses get lower,on their way to the senate/citadel they will encounter different bosses and droids,if the team number 2 disabled some defenses there would be less turrets on the way,after getting in the senate/citadel,the players must fight a specific boss for each faction,don't ask me who i have no idea:D ,after completing the operation the forces of the empire/republic return glorious home,also as a side note at the 3 phase part there are specific adds and 1 or 2 bosses for each group. Thanks tho whoever readed this,hope you enjoyed it and are up for this kinda of operation/flashpoint.:)

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