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leveling carnage - 21-40.. advice for a new sub

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been leveling my marauder up - running carnage atm. im wondering if i shoudl grab the 5 or 6 from annihilation now... or wait till my 50's...


thinking i could max out carnage earlier... then go to other trees... but the fury andrage gen from other trees looks enticing now..


whats the experts advice here? split tree? or al carnage first... or is a dotsmash hybrid viable early?

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I just leveled rage till late 40's cause pve leveling is just trash packs. And the aoe is nice. But that was for jug and vengance tree is terrible till you get destroyer . Do idk if mauader is better but rage is nice for aoe
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havent tried rage - leveled to 21 with annihilation - which the bleeds are nice for the 3 bosses i had to fight.. but for 95% of the leveling - i needed more dps, more aoe, etc...


switched to carnage - only had a level...


may try rage, wth its free..


anni leveled slow tho

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I actually just finished leveling my Marauder up to 41 now and I did purely Carnage.

It got tough definitely for 30-38ish. I really had to be over-leveled for my planet (all quests green) for me to be able to smoothly run through it (I never use Quinn either). Right now though it has paid off and I'm quickly killing faster and faster with more and more health left after each fight. Levels 39-41 I didn't have to be over-leveled to quickly run through my class quests.


I would say stick it out, it's worth it. ALL Marauders have a depressingly big dip in powers during they're 30s but we really recover brilliantly from it. I really feel like I'm now getting more and more powerful instead of trying to fight a uphill battle.


Good luck to you fellow Carnage bringer! Best build I think I've ever had in a class was Carnage DPS.


Edit: to make you feel any better about it, I really felt like I had trained and become a great warrior leveling pure Carnage. We're unstoppable until 28ish then a long dark uphill battle but once I hit like 38 I was like damn so much power! You'll feel awesome once you accomplish it all trust me!

Edited by Chembox
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I highly recommend leveling as Annihilation or Rage until the mid 40s. Rage management is a pain in Carnage and procs are almost non-existent until you get Massacre. I did my first Mara in Carnage and it was difficult to stay alive at some spots (End of Ch. 2 was a bad time iirc). My Sentinel I leveled in Anni until around 47 then I swapped. It was much easier with the self healing DoTs and rage management. I'm in the process of leveling my third and Rage seems to do pretty well. You're pretty sturdy from the DR buff in Shii-Cho + CoP and the AoE dmg is very nice. As fun as Carnage is (My main spec for everything even though I swap a lot) it has drawbacks in lowbie. Edited by twotilmidnite
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