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Type 3 Gunship


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Directional is generally superior to quick charge in the opinion of... well, quite a few pilots. Quick Charge has some advantages, but I wouldn't in general say it is better. I would certainly take directional over quick charge on any gunship, and distortion over any of those things on any ship.


I do not consider Directional Shield as dogfighting type, because in dogfights, damage tend to come from literally everywhere... which is not really the situation where this particular component is the most befitting.


It's rather befitting mid/long range fighters who tend to have most of "dangers" either in front (attacking) or in the back (retreat).


Regardless of the Gunship, their long range capacity favors Directional. (If not for the long range, it is good because of the travel time between long range and mid/short range)

So it's normal you find it interesting.


But in the case of the Type 3, if it's indeed a scout wannabe, switching between sniping and dogfighting will mean a lot of distance to cover in the shortest time possible... And that will mean an extensive use of afterburners.

And given the Gunship combination of mediocrity in the cost area, and speed as well, you may consider a way to get a component that will help with Engine efficiency. And that's Quick-charge that will provide this help.

Edited by Altheran
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Not really. The Gunship still trades its long range firepower for reduced speed and maneverability. It's not a whole lot different in principle from the pike.


The best way to kill a Gunship is to get right in their face and blast them. Give them Rocket Pods and they suddenly have no weak zone.

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The best way to kill a Gunship is to get right in their face and blast them. Give them Rocket Pods and they suddenly have no weak zone.


False. That may work sometimes, with well timed crits and a few missed shots because of the ridiculous OP evasion. The best place is actually a sneak attact from behind / below, using LOS to get near. If I see you from 15k out, I'm shooting you. In the event that my railgun misses, I move FAST. Scrab does that strategy of charging, but you better hope that everything goes your way. If TT or CF is down, you probably won't survive. Hence the best strat in this game is "If you get hit, ****"

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I admit to not having given this as much thought as I could, but why? Seems like there are more than enough HLC and BLC users out there to make this not a very good option, never mind trading slug railgun fire at range. And no gunship should be entering minefields unless there's a game-making cap required in domination.


Yes, HLC users would still be a threat. BLC users seem to pick shield-piericing instead of armor piercing most of the time.


But Laser Cannons and Quads would become terrible Gunship killers unless backed up with Rocket Pods. And some ships, like Bloodmarks and Clarions, couldn't threaten a Gunship with Charged Plating at all.


Most importantly, if the T3 Gunship had BLC's and Charged Plating--it would be the only ship with that combo. It would be the ULTIMATE counter to Seismic/Interdiction Minelayers. Use Slug Railgun to pop the turrets from 15k and herd the Minelayer into hiding behind the node. Then boost in, kick off Charged Plating and nuke the Minelayer with BLC's.


It'd be a very specialized role and very vulnerable in the open, but at least it'd have a significant and unique niche.

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