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Separations of Division.


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Hello :)


This will be my first Fanfiction. It will involve my Trooper. This will be done right after Chapter 3. No Makeb, no Oricon etc. Some minor spoilers will be in (companions, and one decision) but I will try and stay away from the major story stuff. Hope you enjoy.



Ord Mantell



"Sir, they are retreating!" came the voice of his XO over the comlink.


"Good work Dorne," replied the red-haired Captain. He let a rare smile escape his lips over the news. "How many are injured?"


"15 non critical injuries Sir," responded Dorne.


"Good to hear XO. We are en route to your position now," he replied. At the moment, he was sitting in an armored transport with a full squad.


"Roger. Dorne out!" The comlink went dead after that.


The transport finally made it to the destination. Captain opened the door, and led his squad to the captured objective, a small secluded village.


"Secure the entrance. I want these building checked for anything we can use. If there are survivors, bring them to the transport. Not sure how long we have before the Seps regroup so make this fast. Move out!" ordered the Captain. He then turned his attention to the scene in front of him. As he briskly walked through the recent battleground, his eyes scanned the buildings around him. He finally found what he was looking for and hastened his steps towards a building.


He entered it and saw Dorne treating the wounded. For a moment, he sat back and watched, letting another rare smile escape. He remembered the first day meeting Dorne. Her accent gave her away as being an Imperial. He found out she was a defector. Command had put her in with his squad. At first, he didn't trust her. He had Jorgan watching her, but mission after mission, operation after operation, Dorne proved herself. He came to not only trust her, but depended on her.


"Sir?" her voice cut through his memories. He silently berated himself for losing focus.


"How are the wounded?" he asked, walking forward.


"They will be alright. They just need a good night's sleep Sir," she answered.


"Welcome to the club," he replied, half joking. He went to the door and motioned 2 guards over. "Private Taylor, Private Jox come in and help these guys out. Get them to the transport."


They both nodded and began helping the men to their feet. Private Taylor led the way while Private Jox brought up the rear. Dorne and The Captain watched them leave. Dorne turned to her CO.


"I would rather call this raid a success Sir," she happily announced. She went and got her gear. Once she was ready to move, she exit the building and made her way towards the transport. The Captain gave the room a once over before he followed.


As he neared the transport, he saw lights coming towards them. Swearing to himself, he sprang into action. He made sure his rifle was loaded, made sure his armor was correctly put on as he ran towards the transport. He began barking orders.


"Dorne, Taylor, Jox, Faitale, and Jalex, go with the injured. Get them to the Fort immediately!" he commanded. He turned towards the 8 remaining troops. "The rest of us will buy them time!"


"But Sir," Dorne tried to protest yet the Captain didn't let her finish.


"Now XO. We can't afford any deaths. Even if they aren't critically injured, they are still hurt. I don't want any of them to bleed out. And I don't want any of these items retaken by the Seps," The Captain responded. "We will meet you back at the Fort shortly."


Dorne nodded and boarded the transport. Shortly later they were moving slowly away. The Captain watched their progress. Soon the transport was out of sight. He turned back towards the remaining troops.


"Bunker down in the village. We hold this position no matter what!"

Edited by Celwinn
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