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Imperial Zabrak Skin Color


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Currently, when creating an Imperial (Maul-style) Zabrak in Character Creator or redesigning one at an Appearance Kiosk, characters with six of eight character classes (all but Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor) show 14 slider positions for skin color. There are actually only 7 choices; each option is duplicated.


For Sith Warrior or Sith Inquisitor characters, 8 slider positions for skin color are offered: the seven choices given to other classes (with no duplication) plus another choice at slider position 1 that is exclusive to those classes.


I was led to believe that the Legacy unlock for Zabrak would give access to any skin color for any class. I would like to see the color choice that's currently exclusive to Sith available to all classes, and to see the duplication error present with the other classes resolved.

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Seconding this issue. I can understand Imperial Zabrak skin tones being different from Republic Zabrak ones, and I know that it is common for tattoo patterns to differ based on class. But keeping 1 skin tone unique to only 2/8 classes seems unusual.


There was a similar bug a few months ago where Twi'leks couldn't have the 2 pale Republic skin colors (pale green and pale blue) on Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter, but could on the other 6 classes. This was eventually resolved after bug reports, so I'm hopi

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