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do YOU have a bounty on your head?


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I can understand people ran with the nameplate notion this post brought up, but... is the first part of this post serious? "...they nerfed my GS to make sure that I die at least once a match now." "...before I could take out an entire team w/o dying."


Wow. If those aren't joking comments, that says a LOT about Sammy's expectations..


LMAO! I meant it in this way: The developers had to tweak the GS class because they were being outright abused. Before the min charge / energy decreasing / ridiculous (Jeremy Clarkson voice) SPEEEED and mobility issues were addressed, it was super easy to stay alive AND completely violate how the game was intended to be played. Now, I cuss quite vehemently every match that I die in (which now happens A LOT more than it did).


The only thing that sucks is being focused with mostly tier-3 or under gear. You can still put up great numbers in a stock GS (to me it's easier than a stock nova/blackbolt or starguard/rycer), but the ability to survive at the lower levels is so bad that it's really discouraging to fly a "fresh" one unless you have a strong ally with you.


End point - The way I see it, you're not good until the other faction has 40 minute conversations hating on you. That's when you know you're doing something right :p

Edited by SammyGStatus
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Yea I get focused in almost every match. I don't mind unless its multiple elite pilots. Usually it just means that there are more people close by for me to kill. But when its multiple elite pilots, the game can become very frustrating.
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Yea I get focused in almost every match. I don't mind unless its multiple elite pilots. Usually it just means that there are more people close by for me to kill. But when its multiple elite pilots, the game can become very frustrating.


Really? I've flown against you a LOT, solo pugs and grouped, and I don't think I've ever seen anyone specifically declare an intent to focus you. Personally, I have absolutely never done that. If you're near me, or attacking me, yeah, I'll go after you - but I'm not going for you based on name alone.


Note that this is no reflection on your skill level. You're good, I'm not implying otherwise; this is merely a strategic decision on my part. I hunt bombers (like OP), other gunships, and anyone threatening an objective (if domination). I don't care about the nameplates, unless it's someone I know to be particularly dangerous, in which case I'll usually just keep my distance unless and until an appropriate opportunity presents itself.


I suppose maybe there are some pilots that attack based on name recognition, but I guess I'm simply not seeing much of that behavior.

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