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New Alts Suggestion


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I been thinking about running alts but am just too lazy to run Korriban and Tython and Hutta over and over. I think there needs to be a way to possibly skip the tutorial planets. Bare with me, sounds like I am just being lazy and it's true.


Maybe if we have a max level character like say a Level 55 Bounty Hunter. We should be allowed to make ONE, just one, Alt of the same class start at level 10. Of course you don't get the benefits of money, Light/Darkside points and some equips of playing through the tutorial planet. So then I can make my Powertech without the annoyance of that first planet. I don't know why but that first planet always seems be the most annoying mainly because I have played them all so often. Maybe it can be tied into your legacy, must be max level cost 5 million or whatever credits, 1000 cartel coins something along those lines.


This will likely never happen because it skips portions of there story and is essentially a super space bar moment, but I had to get this off my chest and at least suggest it to see what kind of response I get. Hopefully not all negative. I don't like spoon feeding so to speak, and this sounds like it makes the game too easy. But who ever had trouble with the first planet? No one that's who. And if you have a level 55 character already you already know how the first planet goes, let us bypass it with hard earned money. Just my two cents, take it for what it's worth.


Just a guy with a day job who hates grinding out the tutorial planet for whatever reason and needs a crutch to play yadda yadda. Thanks for reading, if you kept reading this far :)

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