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New mara - after some advice


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Hey all, been here since launch and played most classes but now only focus on DPS classes, with that said I thought I would try a mara out and see how it plays, needless to say I love it alot and have had fun playing in PVP and ops with her.


My main issue now is the fact I cant get my DPS above 2.5k on my training dummy, rather than list what i have or dont have here is this: -



A few things, one of my relics is focused retribution and all my mods are deft mods with no expertise, so a few herp derp moments on Mr Robot. What im here for really is as stated above advice on gearing etc where i can improve etc the usual really. Following the mara guide on dulfy and using that rotation for the anni spec. And one final thought I should mention I'm a clicker :rak_03:

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First, you cant play mara as a clicker, second, one of your crystals is Endurace? or was that a derp up?


Mara requires that you are not a clicker, so if you want to play the game easier as a non clicker, i highly reccomend you pick up the Steelseries Merc Stealth keyboard. I could not play this game as a non clicker without it, and it's a big boon for any of the classes, all of your main keys for this game are all condensed down into a really nice and small area, allowing for possibly better APM.

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