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Pub side 16man NM group


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Hey guys gagoogin here! i wanted to see if there are people out there that want to form a raid team for 16man NM content, the raid times that i would like to set for is friday and Saturday at 4 server! (is negotiable) this will start when we get 16 members. currently we have 13 open slots! we are looking for 1 tank , 9 dps and 4 healers.

range would be preferred, dont want too many melee.

requirements: only a few things you need. make sure you have mumble. we will be using this for the raids, need to have done HARD MODE, or Nightmare before on TFB or SV.

post a comment of your name, class, spec and how geared you are please.


we are looking for well geared players that know their class.


also another major thing i must add, please do not get offended during the raid if we spot problems within your rotation or gear etc.. we will help fix it and such also we are a very mature( adult content) guild and if anyone has a problem with this should not do this, also do not get offended for jokes in mumble. we love making jokes but they are (can be) very rude so thanks again for reading this, i will gather the information asap! first come first serv. (if you submit after the 16 people have been chosen i will but you as back up, only if you want to be.)

Mail gagoogin for more info



Dps........Chichi, Zelcar,


Edited by Forunter
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