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Please make Quest rewards worth the time and effort


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Unfortunately, I am hopeless with using interrupting abilities in time. I am trying, but I keep hitting the button at the wrong time

You could try binding your interrupt action to your mouse "thumb" button. My interrupt "reaction time" went way up after I started doing this. After a while it became second nature.


It's a little silly when I'm on my healer, and I see the party member I'm healing start a cast. My first reaction is to try and interrupt it (good thing it doesn't work on friendlies) :)


Also, Domi, try not to get discouraged by posts like the below. Most decent players would rather give you useful advice than make vague statements saying you don't know how to play.

If, while leveling up, you can't do on-level, non-heroic quests in on-level green gear, that's a L2P issue.
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If, while leveling up, you can't do on-level, non-heroic quests in on-level green gear, that's a L2P issue.




Better gear just makes it somewhat easier is all.


And yet, we have a thread in the forum today complaining that the game is too easy. :rolleyes:


Regarding the topic..... uh... now days, the mission details tell you exactly what the rewards will be (did not have this at launch), so if you don't like a Missions payouts in terms of items, xp, credits, AND it's not a class story Mission... then......... SKIP IT. Nobody is holding a blaster to anyones head forcing them to run any particular mission.

Edited by Andryah
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The reality is that players simply vary. Some are good at MMORPGs, some are bad.

But MMORPG don't have difficulty settings like single player games do so that both can get their fill.


Raid difficulty modes give different rewards, it's not the same. An average player will need gear that drops from a particular instance or raid to clear that very raid, requiring multiple runs to progress deeper into it. A weak player will need gear better than even drops from it, thus making it either impossible or pointless (if he somehow has it).


Or he'll have to be carried, only to be carried again through the next tier of content. This is why MMORPG communities have such low tolerance for skill level below that which the game is balanced around - because the only way it can be compensated for in MMORPG is through increased effort and time from other players with lower returns for them.




On a sidenote, it would actually be interesting to see a MMORPG with multiple difficulty options. Would have to be implemented through separate servers, of course, but you can safely skip non-PvP servers for hard difficulty and PvP servers for easy to reduce population fragmentation.

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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You could try binding your interrupt action to your mouse "thumb" button. My interrupt "reaction time" went way up after I started doing this. After a while it became second nature.


Discouraged, MOI?! NEVER!!! Suckage did not stop me from doing stuff, and certainly won't tear me away from the SWTOR. I am frigging vested into the silly thing.


I do not have a thumb button :) My husband's does, but I couldn't use it when I tried anyway. Once I get a new rig soon!) I will probably get a mouse with buttons as well.

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Not sure what peoples problem is? most class quests give Orange gear... which is never bad. And the ones that give green/blue items I use to equip my companions who need them typically. It saves money as well not having to buy upgrades all the time.
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I think the quest rewards for mission are in line (mostly) for almost all planets. It's Makeb and Oricon where rewards start getting out of wack (just my opinion). Personaly what I cant understand is that on all the original FP's they have very unique weapons and armor for rewards and people liked the unique weapons & armor so much that they would even fight over who deserved the gear (alot of ninja looting happens in thoughs FP's because of it). NOW, all the gear and weapons in the new FP's (Czerka Corporate Lab, Czerka Meltdown, Assault on Tython, Assualt on Korriban, ect) use old weapon and armor models (terrible ones at that, they don't even reskin them for god's sakes). thats what frustrates me.
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