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Set Bonuses PVP Operative/Sniper


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Is there any news about whether the PVP setbonuses are going to change anytime soon?

The current ones on sniper and operative are pretty useless, or at least FAR from as useful as many other classes.

I'd like to know this as I have started gearing them and might soon be at the armorpieces.

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On my Concealment Operative (nope, I haven't given up on him just yet), I went with the 2 piece PVP healer set bonus which increases the damage absorbed by shield probe by 10%, providing some help to our awful defenses. It's not great, but there wasn't anything else that I liked better.


I also use the 2 piece PVE set bonus which gives a boost to backstab. I believe it is from the old Campaign mods. The higher ones give a bonus to shiv, I believe. Either one would probably be good. Especially with bolster, so we don't lose too much with just these two pieces being PVE.


Granted, I'm not a theorycrafter, but these are the two bonuses I use and I seem to be doing okay.

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No word that I've seen, conclusive at least. I think in the operative Q&A they admitted that +5 energy "might be under performing" so we'll probably see something new in the next 2 years given BW's record thus far. Followed by an immediate nerf.


So yeah meanwhile you're basically looking at +1s evasion/+10% shield probe if you're set on pvp gear or bolster cheesing to acquire +15% RN or +15% crit on shiv/backstab depending on your spec.

Edited by CaptainApop
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