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Speeder Piloting Bug


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I was helping out a friend yesterday (April 10th) on Hoth. I noticed as we were going towards one of his quests that even though I had been on my way there first that he was a large distance ahead of me so I asked him to stop so I could catch up (Also, I was level 44 at the time Sith Jugg) then I asked him to just go in a straight line and we both started forward.


After a few seconds he was ahead of my a lot so after we had finished with that set of quests we went back to the turn-in location and I made a stop by my Class Trainer to see if I had missed purchasing my speeder piloting upgrade but it wasn't there so I didn't pay it any attention for a while.


Then I thought "Oh, well maybe it has something to do with the speeders" I was using the Rendili Protector and he had the Lucky 77 so I switched to the 77 and asked to try that again but with the same result. So today on Voss I noticed (while I was on the Rendili since it was the one on my hot bars) that EVERYONE was going exceedingly faster than I was so I went into my abilities tab and saw I was only rank one piloting then went BACK to my trainer and saw that I couldn't purchase any upgrades (I was 46 by this time) so I opened up my Legacy Tab and decided to buy the unlocks for it believing that (without reading it) it was buying the actual license not just a lower level access and after that I was running 110% speed.


Afterwards, my Brother came home from Work and since he was a long time Sub I questioned him about the issue and he argued with me to the point that it was impossible that it could happen that after the dozens of characters he had leveled and had never encountered it.


After him coming to my desk and showing me that in the Legacy Tab that it was only "Lower Level" acquire I said ok and again I explained to him what happened but he still argued the point that HE never had this issue and that no one else ever had either. We then had the conversation about the mounts we had used and so on so forth.


Yet even it is not a problem for me anymore as (some how) buying it through the legacy fixed it, I still wanted to state this bug.

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